Chapter 830 Will Torment You Slowly...


"It hurts so much, I'm almost suffocating..."

The screams of the three came one after another, Patriarch Dongfang was old, and soon his cheeks turned blue.

Dugu Sheng casually took away the vines wrapped around his body.

Patriarch Dongfang was released and gasped heavily, "What do you guys mean?"

"Torture you." Dugu Sheng played with his fingertips, but his beautiful voice was like a soul-locking song, which made people tremble with fear, "I will be careful not to kill you. Patriarch Dongfang is very angry. It seems that he has It's enough rest."

Move your fingertips.

The vines entangled Patriarch Dongfang again.

When they were about to suffocate, he would let go of the vines again, giving the three of them a chance to breathe.

The four thieves touched their arms with lingering fear. Dugu Sheng was like a devil after the torture they had endured, he just wanted to have fun with himself.

"It's terrible..." The four thieves took a step back in fright.

Zhao Yu and the others changed their faces one after another.

This demon... must not provoke him to be merciless.

"How is it, is your mouth soft now?" She raised her lips, a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Dugu Sheng casually played with her fingertips.

The three of them were so entangled in the vines that they couldn't speak at all.

"Ah..." Dugu Sheng patted the seeds on the head and let go of the vines, "I actually forgot to let go of the vines, no wonder you guys can't tell."

Everyone: "..."

He must have done it on purpose, little devil.

The three of them were released and panted heavily, all the aura on their bodies was wiped away, and the rest were all in a state of embarrassment.

This torture, although bloodless, was even more terrifying.

It will make you on the verge of death, but it will make you grab a life-saving straw in an instant, so repeatedly...

"What are you guys thinking?" Patriarch Dongfang was in a state of confusion, and it took him a while to recover.

Dugu Sheng looked at Baili Qinxue with a smile.

"I want you to take the initiative to offer your family fortune with both hands." Baili Qinxue leaned against the outside of the formation with her chest in her arms.

Patriarch Dongfang suffocated, "Baili Qinxue, do you really want to take all the big family property into your pocket?"

Baili Qinxue looked at Youyou Yuehua, and nodded, "Since the day Baili's house was annexed, I have been thinking about rebuilding Baili's house. As for the threats around me, I will naturally eliminate them one by one."

clean up...

Patriarch Dongfang's eyes turned white, "Even if I offer my family business with both hands, you will kill us?"

"you guess?"

"Baili Qinxue, you slut, you devil..." Murong Qing yelled loudly, his face was haggard and embarrassed, and he had long lost the vigor and vigor of the past.

Baili Qinxue looked at it indifferently, and sneered in her heart.

It's really a turn of events.

"Even if we did, we wouldn't give away our family business." Dongfang Xi insisted.

Baili Qinxue turned her head sideways, and Shui Ling's eyes shone with a strange light, "I won't let you die, we will torture you slowly, the Dongfang family has no leader, and the family business will fall into my hands obediently, if you are here In front of the common people, offer your family property with both hands, I may let you die happily..."

At this moment……

Dugu Sheng's voice came faintly, "If you don't obey, you will be imprisoned by us forever, and you will be tortured every day and night, and this will not kill you, it will only make you feel uncomfortable, and we will prepare you Meals will make you fat and fat, and let you die of old age in torture."

The hoarse voice penetrated the eardrums, making one's hair stand on end.


(End of this chapter)

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