Chapter 831 Do As I Say

The three almost suffocated.

To be tortured slowly until death of old age...

Thinking of the torture just now, the three of them shivered.

"Don't..." Dongfang Xi exclaimed, "I would rather die than be tortured every day."

Murong Qing shrank aside with lingering fear.

Patriarch Dongfang didn't let go, Dugu Sheng moved his fingertips, and the vines grew out again.

The vines wrapped around Patriarch Dongfang's feet mischievously, and then slowly went up.

When it reached his neck, the vine tightened slightly... Patriarch Dongfang's legs trembled in fright, and he hurriedly shouted: "Jiaye, don't you want Jiaye, please stop, stop torturing me .”

It's really interesting that the majestic Patriarch of the East would actually beg for mercy.

Murong Qing couldn't help raising his eyes for a few glances.

"Murong Qing..." Baili Qinxue raised her lips, recalling his thoughts, "You haven't said a word at this moment, do you want to be strong and strong, and don't want to beg for mercy?"

He shook his head abruptly, "No, I'm just terrified, as long as I can die happily, I can do whatever I want."

Murong Qing lowered his eyes, but he had another thought in his heart.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, then withdrew her gaze, "Then you can do as I say tomorrow, if you can't, the vines in the formation still want to play with you."

"And..." Dugu Sheng chuckled, "Don't try to commit suicide, the vines in the formation are alive, they won't let you get what you want, but will play harder with you."

The three trembled.

Others strive to live, but they seek to die happily.

These people are simply devils...

Early the next morning.

The three returned to the house in disgrace.

Baili Qinxue and others followed behind them, and the three of them had been surrendered long ago, so they didn't even think about it.

The people along the way felt the novelty, and they all dropped their work to watch the show.

Patriarch Dongfang bit the bullet and took out the house deed and land deed, handed it to Baili Qinxue, and said, "People, I was so greedy last night that I ran to Baili's house, trying to kill people to seize the house deed and land deed of the two families."

Dongfang Xi and Murong Qing pulled their heads up, lifeless.

The common people point and point.

"I said Dongfang Xi and the others were greedy, and they didn't expect to act so soon."

"Patriarch Dongfang offered his family property with both hands, and it seems that Miss Baili has surrendered."

"Xuanwu City is about to change..."


Baili Qinxue took the things he handed over, and said, "Patriarch Dongfang is really willing to gamble and admit defeat, and he is really honest and trustworthy..."

Willing to bet?

The people were a little puzzled, what happened last night?
Baili Qinxue raised her eyelids, and a cold luster flowed out.

Patriarch Dongfang took a breath, and said bravely: "Last night, I made a big bet with Miss Baili, but I lost the bet, and I lost badly. Therefore, I not only want to hand over the family business, but also use My own blood to pay homage to the dead souls of the Baili family..."

He trembled, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

he doesn't want to die...

"Last night, Patriarch Dongfang led everyone to break in..." Baili Qinxue narrowed his eyes, "If it wasn't for my fate, I'm afraid that this one would be just a cold corpse today, Patriarch Dongfang would be willing to gamble and lose I'm so relieved, and..."

Baili Qinxue raised a hair, with a faint smile, "Patriarch Dongfang also confessed his mistakes in the past yesterday, and he was very annoyed. He is not unwilling to accept this bet."


(End of this chapter)

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