Chapter 882 Damn, visiting son-in-law?
Ding Jingtai nodded, "Indeed, but when I was picking it, I was a little confused and not sure what was in it. Since you are here, please give me a review to see if there is anything in it."

Even Ding Jingtai is suspicious of the stone...

"Okay." Ding Chongyang picked up the stone and looked at it carefully.

Ding Jingtai was about to say something when there was a knock on the door of the wing.

Immediately afterwards, a servant's voice came, "Guard Ding, Erye Liu told you to come over."

Ding Jingtai opened the door, "What is Erye Liu looking for from me?"

The boy shook his head and said, "I don't know what's going on, but it looks like it's in a hurry. I'll know when Guanshi Ding is gone. Mr. Liu and the others are in the next room. I'll take you there."

The boy turned around to lead the way, Ding Jingtai looked at Ding Chongyang, and said: "I have something to go out for a while, you can stay in another room and make trouble, you know?"

Ding Chongyang nodded abruptly.

The boy showed suspicion, where did this little guy come from, Ding Jingtai would not be so close to so-and-so in the past, this little guy seems to be very powerful.

The boy still wanted to find out, but Ding Jingtai narrowed his eyes and closed the door.

"Let's go."

The boy was devastated, so he could only look away angrily.

Ding Chongyang studied the stone materials on the table, waiting for Ding Jingtai to return, but...

The sound insulation effect of the wing room is not good, he can hear what the next door is saying clearly, it seems that there is a quarrel, the sound is quite loud.

Ding Chongyang was puzzled and wanted to cover his ears, but he seemed to have heard something terrible.

He widened his eyes and subconsciously covered his mouth.

Oh my god, Liu Erye wants to recruit Ding Jingtai as his son-in-law, to be Liu Cheng's husband, Liu Cheng's vile girl is always beckoning to Ding Jingtai, if they really get married, he won't be bullied to death ?

Ding Chongyang bit his lip and strongly disagreed with such a marriage.

But he was powerless, and he was so upset that he rubbed his hair in anger.

"Bang bang—"

There was a loud slamming of a door next door, which almost scared him to death.

Immediately after...

"Squeak" sounded.

The door of his wing was pushed open, Ding Chongyang didn't look very happy, it was definitely not Ding Jingtai who opened the door so rudely, it might be people like Liu Cheng.

He turned his head and saw Liu Cheng leaning against the door, his face was full of anger, ferocious and distorted.

Damn, this appearance really looks like a ghost, Ding Chongyang was taken aback, and sat blankly in front of the table, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you here?" Liu Cheng quickly found him, thinking that he was Baili Qinxue's person, her complexion became even worse, "Who let you in, you are just Baili Qinxue's little follower, Also fit into the wing?"

Liu Cheng touched the tea on the table, and his expression became even worse, "There is still someone who prepares tea for you, and really treats you as a distinguished guest, and said, where did the stone materials on the table come from? Did you steal it?" ?”

The stone raw materials are all in the warehouse, and it is impossible to run out for no reason.

Facing Liu Cheng's questioning, Ding Chongyang did not panic.

He rolled his eyes and said: "This tea is not for me to drink. When I entered the wing room, the tea was on the table. Didn't Brother Jingtai greet a local rich man just now? The tea must have been served at that time." What is left, as for the stone materials on the table..."

Ding Chongyang raised his eyebrows, and continued: "They have been placed on the table all the time, maybe the local rich man wants to see the legendary stone raw materials."

What he said was well-founded, Liu Cheng was dubious.


(End of this chapter)

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