Chapter 883 That kid is gone!

"He can talk..." Liu Cheng sneered, "Then you ran to my wing room in Zhenbao Pavilion for no reason, what's the matter?"

"Come and play with Ding Jingtai." Ding Chongyang shrugged, and said casually, "Yesterday I lost without paying attention, and today I want to find Ding Jingtai to re-compete, but I turned around unexpectedly, Ding Jingtai He disappeared, so I slipped into the wing room and waited for him to come back, but it was you, Miss Liu, who were waiting."

Ding Chongyang didn't want to cause trouble for Ding Jingtai, so he said that on purpose.

"Sneaked in?" Liu Cheng looked suspiciously into his eyes, "Could it be that Ding Jingtai didn't bring you in, you have a good relationship with him..."

Hmph, I want to find the fault of Brother Jingtai and fix him up, but there is no way.

Ding Chongyang's expression remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "I just talked to him a few more words, I came here today because I wanted to compete with him, so I sneaked into the wing room, since he is not here, I will leave first .”

He got up and wanted to go out.

At this time, a sharp sword was placed in front of him.

"Oh, Miss Liu, why did you suddenly draw your sword to scare people?" Ding Chongyang patted his chest with lingering fear, but luckily he stopped in time, otherwise his life would be in danger.

Liu Cheng held a sword, her eyes were sharp, and she implied contempt, "My black market Zhenbao Pavilion, I can leave as soon as I say it, and the brat who dares to sneak into the wing room must be prepared to be punished."

She was in a fit of anger right now, and just happened to take it out on him.

"Miss Liu, you are such a beautiful person, how can you bear to be angry with a child?" Ding Chongyang blinked his eyes, and said sweetly, "Miss Liu will not be beautiful if she is so angry."

Liu Cheng's heart trembled, and the anger in her eyes faded a little.

This bastard has a good eye, he even praised her for being beautiful, Liu Cheng was so light and light, the sword in his hand almost fell to the ground, Ding Chongyang squinted his eyes, and ran out of the wing in a hurry.

"This bastard..." It took Liu Cheng a while to react, she opened the door and immediately went out to chase.

Ding Chongyang had already run downstairs, slipping like a loach.

"You people, catch this bastard quickly, he sneaked into the wing, I suspect he stole something." Liu Cheng stood upstairs and roared, and the servants downstairs jumped into action after hearing the words.

The scene was very chaotic for a while, Ding Chongyang was quick-witted, and quickly broke through many obstacles and ran to the door.

Liu Cheng gritted her teeth secretly, and threw the sword in her hand heavily.

"Thump" sound.

With the sword stuck in the gate, Ding Chongyang suddenly stopped. If he was a step late, his head would definitely be chopped off.

"You son of a bitch, I told you to run..." Liu Cheng proudly asked the servant to go up and catch him.

The servants swarmed up, and they were about to catch Ding Chongyang, but at this moment, a figure flashed past...

When everyone came back to their senses, Ding Chongyang had long since disappeared.

"Miss, that kid is gone..." The boys looked at each other, it was really strange how he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Liu Cheng stood upstairs and stomped her feet, "What's missing, it must have been rescued."

But, who could rescue someone in an instant without revealing his true face?
Hearing the noise, Second Master Liu hurriedly pushed the door open, "Xiao Cheng, what are you muttering outside?"

Ding Jingtai followed closely behind, and opened the door of the next room again, his heart trembled.

Liu Cheng turned her head, her face full of anger, "Daddy, the kid who competed with Ding Jingtai yesterday was acting sneaky. When I opened the door and entered the next room, I saw him sitting in it. I asked him what he wanted to do, but he said He sneaked in and wanted to compete with Ding Jingtai."


(End of this chapter)

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