Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 190 The Vengeful Long Xiaomiao

Chapter 190 The Vengeful Long Xiaomiao
"Long Hao, since you are a disciple of the Holy Land of the Taoist sect, how dare you collude with foreign thieves to murder your fellow sect?"

"Rebel, aren't you afraid of the heavenly punishment from the Heavenly Palace?"

The heavenly inspecting palace jointly established by the ten holy places is extremely powerful. It not only eliminates demons and defends the way, but also manages all spirits in the world. It even has the right to interfere in the friction between holy places.

For ordinary people, inspecting the Tiangong is definitely a giant, able to represent the heaven to send down the punishment of heaven, and take life and death.

That's why those disciples of Zixiao Holy Land moved it out, hoping to frighten Long Hao with it.

It's a pity that Long Hao is a person who doesn't follow the rules, and he dislikes other people's threats the most.

"Same door?"

Long Hao smiled coldly.

When Du Tiancheng wanted to suppress him, when Luo Qianjun and Guichen robbed and killed him, when Yi Jianyun planned to trap him and Yan Lin... Did he regard him as a fellow?
At this time, it would be too ridiculous to say that the Holy Land is from the same sect.

What's more, although the Zixiao Holy Land and the Yaoguang Holy Land haven't directly torn their faces, they have already been on fire, and even a holy war broke out a hundred years ago.

Saints have fallen.

At that time, if there were no changes in the abyss demons, the two holy lands would have been fighting each other for a long time.

There is no friendship between them at all, only the countless hatred accumulated from generation to generation.

"Hmph, inspecting the Tiangong is not a panacea..."

Long Hao's eyes suddenly became serious, and the threat of those idiots successfully ignited his anger: "Because, none of you can get out alive!"

The cold murderous aura raged instantly.

"Rebel, today we represent the way of heaven, except you!"

"Let's go together, fight with him!"

The four strong Golden Core Realm experts in Zixiao Holy Land burst into flames in an instant, talking so much nonsense just now, just to delay time and accumulate strength.

From the very beginning, they had no intention of letting Long Hao go.

Long Hao is also well aware of this.

The reason why he gave the other party time to accumulate strength was just because of his self-confidence and playful psychology.

He wanted to use his unmatched strength to completely break the superior mentality of these Zixiao Holy Land powerhouses, rub them against the ground, and brutally kill them.

"Supernatural power——Cold Sun Fire Wheel!"

Long Hao took the lead, and released the strange fire of heaven and earth with both hands at the same time, one cold and one hot, one yin and one yang, and they were blended together with the burning sky good fortune art, forming a fire wheel that crushed everything.

When this small supernatural power was displayed in Long Hao's hands, it exploded with the power of a great supernatural power that would change the world.

The main reason is that Long Hao condensed too many inscription patterns of fire-type supernatural powers, and he also used the Fentian Good Fortune Kungfu to cooperate with him. It is not a great supernatural power, but it is better than a great supernatural power.

Bang bang bang!

The combined attack of the four collapsed directly under the crushing pressure of the Hanyang Fire Wheel.

The berserk heaven and earth strange fire, which originally possessed the power to threaten the strong at the golden core level, is attached to the supernatural power at this moment, and it almost burns everything.

"No, run away!"

"Senior Sister Lin, help..."

Seeing the extremely destructive Hanyang fire wheel rolling over, the mentality of the four strong Jindan realms was completely broken, and they all howled and fled backwards.

While fleeing, they asked Sister Lin for help.

It's a pity that Senior Sister Lin, who just suppressed the space spar with her supernatural power, hasn't had time to be happy yet.

Qin Wuji, who was eager for revenge, rushed forward and fought with him.

Facing Qin Wuji who was also crazy because of hatred, Senior Sister Lin couldn't separate herself even if she wanted to save them.

Because Qin Wuji, a lunatic, came here with all his might.

The four masters of the Golden Core Realm who wanted to escape just turned around, and what was waiting for them was not the savior Senior Sister Lin, but an angry dark golden dragon.

"I don't show off my power, just treat me as Hello Kitty!"

Long Xiaomiao, who was also crying for revenge, teleported behind them after transforming into a dragon.

From the round pupils, a dark golden light shot out, and it had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

A heavy gold brick directly smashed the face of a burly man flat.

Stab it!

The sharp dragon claws pierced through the void, and once again dug out the pale face of a woman.

puff puff!

At the same time, the rainstorm shot out a blood-transforming needle full of hatred.


In an instant, the four strong Jindan realms screamed and flew back backwards.

But what awaited them were four golden light arrows that pierced through everything.


Let go of the bowstring, and the four golden light arrows instantly penetrated the heads of the four people with appalling speed.

The four great Golden Core Realm powerhouses fell at the same time, and there was still a look of unwillingness and fear in their eyes that could not be closed.

In their heyday, the four of them may still have the strength to contend with Long Hao.

It's a pity that the institutions here before, especially the Blood Demon Heart Devouring Formation, were frequently and severely injured, and their combat power dropped sharply. How can they compete with Long Hao, who is like a tyrannosaurus.

"How dare you..."

The fall of the four people made the other Zixiao Holy Land powerhouses feel a sense of sadness.


"The person who killed my Zixiao Holy Land deserves death!"

"Not only you, but you as well as the Holy Land of the Fluctuating Light, will pay the price for this!"

The other eight strong men in Zixiao Holy Land were firmly suppressed by the four six-armed sword puppets. They watched their fellow disciples die tragically, but they could only vent their anger by roaring and threatening.

However, Long Hao has seen this kind of trash whose output depends entirely on roaring, so he doesn't take it seriously at all.


Winking at Long Xiaomiao who had turned into a white cat again, Long Hao rushed to the deepest secret room.

Long Hao didn't have time to deal with those young people for the time being, the most important thing now was to kill that Senior Sister Lin and seize the space spar.

Long Xiaomiao frantically ran to another battlefield, grabbing the rainstorm, aiming at this and that.

Looking at the panic-stricken Zixiao Holy Land powerhouse, he let out bursts of smug laughter.

"At the beginning, it was you who wanted to chop off meow's tail..."

Staring at a man holding a saber, Long Xiaomiao directly inspired Rainstorm Tianluo.

In a fierce battle head-on, it would be difficult for a hidden weapon like Rainstorm to pose a threat to the strong Jindan realm.

But at this moment, the people who were oppressed by the six-armed knife puppet could hardly breathe. Any unexpected attack might be the last straw that broke the camel's back for them.

"Thieving cat, court death!"

dang dang...

The man had just swung his saber and killed the blood-transforming needle, but the six-armed saber puppet's attack also followed, and the sharp blade tore his chest apart.

However, the childish Long Xiaomiao holds a grudge very much, and will not give up until he kills the other party.

Puff puff……

Long Xiaomiao would teleport when he came into the void, and the blood-transforming needles were continuously fired from every corner, making the man hard to guard against, and was seriously injured by the six-armed knife puppet in a short while.

"Damn Thieves, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go..."


Before he finished speaking, the two arms of the six-armed knife puppet burst out with a dazzling cold light, piercing his body completely.

And Long Xiaomiao smiled triumphantly, and began to look for the next target.

"It was you who plucked out a pinch of my cat's hair..."

"And you, kicked meow..."


All of a sudden, the scene was chaotic, and everyone was terrified to see the cat.

(End of this chapter)

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