Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 191 The Crazy Qin Wuji

Chapter 191 The Crazy Qin Wuji
The light of the knife flashed, tearing the air continuously, and bringing up a strong icy wind.

The four six-armed saber puppets are like fans, and their fierce offensive never stops.

Long Xiaomiao was scurrying around, constantly launching sneak attacks with hidden weapons, which suddenly increased the pressure on those strong men in the Zixiao Holy Land.

Their fate is sealed.

The current dying struggle is just a lingering desire to live a little longer.

Of course, they still have only one hope.

"Lin Hailan!"

A violent shout came from the secret room, shaking the air so that it exploded.

"Do you still remember how my sister was tortured and killed by you? Today I will make you suffer a hundred times, a thousand times the pain..."

Qin Wuji roared ferociously, holding a pitch-black saber in his hand, slashing wildly like crazy, without any regard for his body's defense.

This is a style of play named after Life Strike.

"Hmph, the remnant of the Qin family, damn it!"

Lin Hailan gave a coquettish cry, her voice was extremely cold, without a trace of emotion.

Her strength was astonishing, as the sharp sword swung, it tore through the void time and time again, and with a peerless edge, it kept slashing at Qin Wuji's body.

Qin Wuji was sent flying again and again, his mouth and nose were bleeding from the shock, and he dared to rush forward one after another without fear of death.

Lin Hailan not only possesses the profound cultivation of the sixth level of Jindan Realm, but also has extremely powerful combat power.

Her swordsmanship is amazing, sometimes as weird and unpredictable as fine silk rain, and sometimes as unstoppable as a frenzied wave...

As a puppet master, Qin Wuji is weak in cultivation and average in combat power. Without the help of the puppet, he is naturally no match for Lin Hailan.

But the strange thing is that although Qin Wuji was struck by the sharp sword again and again, he didn't even have a trace of skin trauma.

Every time the sword strikes, there is a clanging sound like gold and iron clashing on his body.

"Hmph, no matter how strong the defense is, it's useless."

Lin Hailan didn't panic at all, the majestic mana was released, and there were a lot of magical inscription patterns flashing.

"Supernatural power - Yusi Excalibur!"

In an instant, Lin Hailan's sword turned extremely sharp, and when the sword stabbed out, there were thousands of sword lights like fine silk rain, illusory and hazy.


Surprisingly, this sword actually directly broke Qin Wuji's body defense, and pierced deeply into his chest.

The thousands of rain-like sword glows seem to be invincible like dripping water piercing a stone.

"Cough cough..."

Qin Wuji spurted out a big mouthful of blood immediately, but there was no trace of fear on his face, instead he showed an incomparably crazy smile.

"Supernatural powers - Vigorous Vajra Palm!"

This is a powerful supernatural power that explodes to the extreme and can destroy everything.


Lin Hailan's eyes were fixed. If he received this palm at such a close distance, he would definitely be severely injured.

However, what surprised her was that the sword she had stuck in the opponent's chest seemed to be embedded in the gap of the mountain at this moment, and she couldn't pull it out no matter what.

Looking up, her face that had always been as cold as ice finally trembled.

It was discovered that Qin Wuji at this time had turned into a vajra giant about Zhang Xu tall out of thin air, with a left hand that was poured with divine gold and firmly grasped her sword.

In the raised right hand, extremely terrifying mana fluctuations gathered, releasing a powerful force that suppressed everything.

"This lunatic turned himself into a puppet..."

"Could it be that he has obtained the complete Puppet Heavenly Art?"

Lin Hailan was finally moved, and her eyes that were shining brightly were both shocked and hot.

The puppet Heavenly Art of the Qin clan has always been the Immortal Heavenly Art that they Zixiao Holy Land and the Lin clan have coveted for a long time.

For this reason, they knew very well that they united together and wiped out the entire Qin clan, but in the end they only got a part of the puppet Heavenly Art.

Among them, the main record is the special method of refining oneself into a puppet.

However, because it is not perfect, it has been unable to play a real role.

Now, the complete puppet heavenly skill is right in front of her eyes, if she can bring it back, it must be a miraculous skill.

It will definitely make her rise to the sky in one step and become a high-ranking true disciple.

At the same time, the King Kong giant uttered a roar that shook the world, and a King Kong palm print that contained infinite power directly pushed over: "Die to me!"


Lin Hailan snorted coldly, gave up the sword directly, let go and retreated.

At the same time, she quickly formed a seal and mobilized her majestic mana: "Supernatural power—frozen for three thousand miles!"

The cold wind howled over, freezing the air at once, and the huge secret room was soon covered with solid ice, and even the cold air gradually spread out, turning the entire cave into an ice cave.

bang bang bang...

The vajra palm print, whose speed dropped sharply, dissipated suddenly after shattering the thick ice wall in front of him.

At the same time, when Lin Hailan raised her jade hand, the surrounding solid ice instantly rose up and turned into countless sharp ice cones, shooting towards Qin Wuji violently.

Each of the ice cones is like a thunderbolt, possessing the power to kill a strong person in the Golden Core Realm.

Even with the indestructible physical defense of Giant King Kong, it is absolutely unable to resist the almost endless attacks of ice cones.

Lin Hailan on the side even made plans to suppress Qin Wuji at any time.

"Hmph, stop me!"

Qin Wuji, who re-transformed into a human form, had a thought, and a burst of spiritual light lit up in the storage spirit ring, and a miniature palace filled with sunlight floated down, swelled against the wind, and grew bigger and bigger.

The palace fell down like a divine mountain, blocking all the countless ice cones that came from the blast.

"What?" Lin Hailan's pupils shrank, and she didn't understand why. Suddenly, her heart felt hairy, and she felt a deadly threat inexplicably.

"Supernatural power - Ancestral Dragon Piercing Sky Arrow!"


The divine arrow filled with red real fire shot over, melting the ice where it passed, and the fiery waves of fire made people's scalp numb.

Long Hao, who had rushed over, saw the right moment, and simultaneously activated the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art and the Fentian Good Fortune Art, and shot an arrow that would kill him.

"Oh it's you!"

Lin Hailan's reaction was extremely quick.

As soon as the words came out, a great supernatural power was displayed at the same time-frozen for three thousand miles, and the cold air almost froze the space.

The divine arrow filled with burning sky flames quickly exhausted its power and exploded out of thin air.


Long Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he just grasped the timing just right, if it were an ordinary strong man in the Golden Core realm, he would definitely be able to kill with one blow.

It's a pity that Lin Hailan's methods are more tyrannical than he imagined.

"Brother Long, this slut killed my six-year-old sister and many members of the clan. He has a mortal hatred against me. He also hopes that Brother Long will show his noble hand and let me kill her with my own hands!"

Qin Wuji's voice came from that palace.

But when Long Hao and Lin Hailan turned their eyes, they were both dumbfounded.

I saw that the palace moved quickly, like a rotating Rubik's cube, and soon turned into a more powerful steel giant, appearing in front of their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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