Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 239 Re-chapter Dayan Kingdom

Chapter 239 Returning to the Great Yan Country (Fifth Change)
With this statue standing here, there is almost no one in the entire Great Yan Kingdom who does not know Long Hao.

Although it feels a bit exaggerated.

But the depiction of the statue is incomparably miraculous, full of a domineering arrogance of seeking the Tao and ascending to the sky, which is still very cool.

Shaking his head, Long Hao didn't say much, and went straight to the palace under the awe-inspiring eyes of countless people.

Earth-shattering changes have taken place in the entire Great Yan Kingdom, but only the royal palace remains unchanged.

Since Yanque ascended the throne, there hasn't even been a new palace.

Just before walking to the palace, the majestic gate of the palace opened rumblingly.

Numerous court servants and guards lined up neatly on both sides, lined the road to welcome, with flags fluttering, with a grand momentum, as if they were welcoming the new king.

As a lone ranger, Long Hao was naturally not used to such a grand scene, but Long Xiaomiao was quite excited, and kept waving her little paws arrogantly at the crowd on both sides.

In front of the main hall, a young girl with a delicate face, wearing a moon-white robe with dragon patterns and a jade crown on her head, was watching Long Hao.

In those bright eyes, there was less tenderness and more domineering.

Her whole body exudes the precious light of colored glaze, and the surge of magic power is like a cloud of steaming clouds, reflecting her like an immortal in the sky, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

It was the Flame Queen——the Flame Sparrow!

"It has already broken through the supernatural power realm."

Long Hao saw it in his eyes, and at the same time felt a trace of majestic and majestic emperor's aura in that wispy mana: "I don't know what kind of skills he cultivated, but this talent is really rare."

At only 17 years old, he derived mana and mastered supernatural powers.

This kind of talent is rare even among the top ten holy places.

"Brother Long..."

Seeing Long Hao walking up to the hall, Yan Que's eyes flickered slightly, and the circles of his eyes were a little red.

Immediately, she waved her hand, and the waiters and guards around all retreated obediently.

At this time, Yanque took off the Pingtian jade crown, looked at Long Hao's eyes trembling, and a layer of water mist appeared unexpectedly.

"Brother Long, it's really you... that's great, I knew you wouldn't fall so easily..."

The moment Yanque took off the Pingtian Yuguan, Yanque was no longer the king of a country, and seemed to have become that cute and stubborn little princess again.

"My life is at stake, how can I die so easily." With a faint smile, Long Hao said again: "Besides, didn't I send a message to Senior Brother Yan Lin to report his safety?"

Yanque nodded. She was just agitated just now, so it was inevitable that she lost her composure.


In the main hall, the two sat opposite each other, telling each other about their experiences over the past year, like old friends they haven't seen for many years.

And Huanli sat aside with Long Xiaomiao, sweeping the table of delicious food.

"Joining the Holy Land of Waving Light with your aptitude, you can definitely skyrocket. It is not impossible to become a saint in the future. Are you really not considering it?"

In just one year, Long Hao found that the once lively little princess had become stable and mature, her complexion was a bit haggard, and there was even something more in those big bright eyes.

Controlling a country is complicated and not so easy.

In Long Hao's view, there is no one who seeks the Tao and ascends to the immortal, who is comfortable and unrestrained in the world.

The disciples of the ten great holy places, in the eyes of the world, are indeed like gods and gods, ignoring the world of the world, unrestrained and unrestrained, who would not envy them.

However, Yanque's ambition is stronger than that of Jinjian, and she also has her own grand ideals.

"All the people in the world, there are still many people living in dire straits. I once determined to clarify the world and change this chaotic world..."

Saving the common people in the world and establishing a unified and stable country is the ideal of Yanque.

Like an ancient emperor, fearless!
But this is a very difficult road.

In the mundane world, there are hundreds of sects, thousands of sects, and ten thousand kingdoms. Various forces are intricate, and there are even major holy places and even demon sects involved.

Wanting to rule the world and clarify the universe is not that simple.

Otherwise, the Xuanhuang Great World would not have been in chaos for such a long time since the unification of the Xuanhuang Emperors.

By doing this, Yanque is simply making an enemy of the entire Xuanhuang Great World.

Crazy and shocking!

"Isn't there still Brother Long?"

Yan Que's eyes were firm and he said: "Que'er believes that in times of crisis, Brother Long will definitely be able to help Que'er turn the tide."

Long Hao was speechless, he was only a supernatural power, how could he possibly compete with the whole world.

But in the end he still nodded with a smile: "It seems that I, the national teacher, cannot be blamed."

At this time, he looked at Huanli who was playing with Long Xiaomiao again, and sighed softly: "Actually, I came here this time to ask Her Majesty the Queen..."

Huanli, who was wanted all over the world by patrolling Tiangong, couldn't go back to the Holy Land of Shaking Light with him, that would be a self-inflicted trap.

However, after getting along for such a long time, he couldn't bear to abandon her outside.

It would be a good choice to settle in Dayan Country.

Anyway, it's not far from Yaoguang Holy Land, even if something unexpected happens, Long Hao can arrive in time.

"Brother Long's business is Que'er's business."

Yanque agreed immediately, and said solemnly: "Brother Long, don't worry, as long as Que'er is around, no one can hurt her!"

Long Hao knew Yanque's character, so he was relieved to give her Huanli.

"Brother Long, what is your ideal?"

Faced with this clichéd and eternal question, Long Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly.

After coming to the Xuanhuang Great World, he has been busy with cultivation and becoming stronger, but he never seems to have seriously thought about this issue.

At this moment, Yanque suddenly brought it up, which made Long Hao slightly shocked.

"Seek the Tao, ascend to immortality, live forever..."

"Go to the end of the avenue and see the vastness of the universe..."

"Crossing the heavens, overwhelming the world!"

Long Hao suddenly smiled, and said to himself in his heart: "This ideal is not bad, and this life is not in vain!"

"Then let's fight for our respective ideals together!" Yanque picked up the wine glass, touched Long Hao, and drank it down.

At the same time, an extremely powerful mana wave suddenly swept over outside the temple, at an extremely fast speed.


Before anyone arrived, hearty laughter came first.

"Junior Brother Long, you can be counted back, but let me wait for you."

A tall and strong figure suddenly appeared outside the hall, took a step forward, and came to the front, with a rush of pride.

"Come, come... let's get drunk today!"

Yan Lin sat down casually, took out a jar of fine wine from the storage bag, and piled it up against a wall.

"Brother Yanlin?"

Seeing the person coming, Long Hao was surprised to find that every move of the other person seemed to resonate with the world, it seemed ordinary, but mysterious.

This is the unique aura of the powerful in the Faxiang Realm, and the mana reflects the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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