Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 240 The Palace of Law Enforcement Welcomes You

Chapter 240 Welcome to the Law Enforcement Hall (first update)
Early the next morning, the golden morning glow fell, covering everything with a layer of brilliance.


A stepper made of bronze soared into the air. Although it was only about ten feet wide, it stood horizontally in the void, like a huge mountain, shaking the void even a little.

Above the bronze steps, the precious light circulates, like real fire dissipating, reflecting in the golden glow, shining brightly.

It was actually a high-level magic weapon.

"Let's go, Junior Brother Long." Yan Lin said with a smile.

"Brother Yanlin, won't you stay longer?" Long Hao asked slightly surprised.

This is his hometown after all.

Yan Lin shook his head: "At first, I was worried that Que'er would stay here alone, and I happened to use the ancestral land to practice for a while, but now she has taken control of the overall situation, and there is no change in the Tianlei Sect. Brother Long go back together."

"The ancestral land? It should be the Yan Zu forbidden land, no wonder it can break through the Faxiang Realm so quickly."

Long Hao understood it in his heart, then nodded and said goodbye to everyone.

Huanli followed Yanque, watching Long Hao climb the bronze step, her big eyes were full of reluctance, after getting along for this period of time, Long Hao was like her own brother in her heart, and Long Xiaomiao ...

Looking at the two people below with sour expressions, Long Hao sighed, and finally left with Yan Lin without saying anything.

The speed of the bronze step was extremely fast, and it flew like a blue luan divine bird across the sky, disappearing from sight in a blink of an eye.

"Sister Xiaoli, don't be sad, Brother Long will come back to see us." Yanque held the little girl in his arms, stroking her head to comfort her.

As if comforting himself.

Instead, the sourness in her eyes was hidden and replaced by firmness and majesty.

In an instant, the precious light flowed and the mana rose, and she became the king of the party again!

Sky Meteor, Shake Light Holy Land!

It is different from the mixed dragons and snakes in the secular world, with three religions and nine streams.

The Tianyuxing where the Yaoguang Holy Land is located is, after all, an extremely blessed place for immortals, escaping from the world, elegant and elegant.

Even if I take a breath, I feel clear and moist, as if it can purify the mind.

"I'm back again." Long Xiaomiao stood on the canopy of the bronze steps, with her front paws hugging her chest, her tail was wagging, her little face was full of complacency.

The reason why I am so excited is mainly because I miss the deliciousness of the Spirit Food Hall, the panacea of ​​the Pill Hall, and the Tianquan of the Xianxia Hall...

These are completely unexperienced in the secular world.

There was also a hint of a smile on Long Hao's face, but the smile was full of playfulness.

He really wanted to see what kind of interesting expressions Gou Shengjun and that bitch Li Xueru would show when he saw himself standing in front of them alive again.

"I don't know what brother Yanlin's plans are going to be next?"

"Hey..." Yan Lin said with a hearty smile: "This time I have gained a lot in the clan, and I should continue to practice in the town of Demon City, and strive to break through Nirvana as soon as possible and become a true disciple!"

At the end, Yan Lin added with a teasing smile: "Otherwise, he might be overtaken by Junior Brother Long at some point."

"Senior brother Yanlin was joking, I'm only at the level of supernatural powers." Shaking his head and laughing, Long Hao continued: "After breaking through the realm of magic phase, senior brother Yanlin should be promoted to Jinjia Town Demon Guard, right?"

"Not bad." A hint of arrogance also flashed in Yan Lin's eyes.

"However, Junior Brother Long, don't underestimate yourself. Senior Brother Yang has long predicted that your future achievements will never be inferior to his, and you may even surpass him!"

"Senior Brother Yang Jun?" Long Hao never expected that Yang Jun, a dignified true disciple, who is known as one of the three swordsmen of Yaoguang, would value him so much.

"Speaking of which, it's time for Senior Brother Yang Jun to come back."

"Of course, Senior Brother Yang's temperament can't stay in the Demon Town. As soon as the news of the Fentian Demon Emperor's fall spread, he rushed back immediately after finishing the business at hand, saying that he wanted to have a drink with you." , It's a pity that you had already gone out to practice at that time..."

When talking about the Burning Demon Emperor, Yan Lin still couldn't recognize him and sighed.

Who would have thought that the Fentian Demon Emperor, who had the pinnacle of integrity and oppressed the world, would fall as soon as he said he would fall.

Long Hao's eyes were strange, but he didn't show it. He just smiled and said, "Isn't this back? I just thought of the mountain cave opened by Senior Brother Yang Jun. It opened my eyes."

"Ha ha……"

Yan Lin laughed heartily, then patted Long Hao on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, let's go, Brother Yang must be happy to know you're back."

The two stepped down and rushed straight to the mountain gate.

"Junior Brother Long stay!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in front of the mountain gate, he was stopped by two Jindan disciples with deep aura and stern eyes.

Long Hao and Yan Lin turned their heads to look, both a little surprised.

"The Hall of Law Enforcement welcomes you!" one of the Golden Core disciples said in a solemn tone.

"The Palace of Law Enforcement?" Long Hao frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

The Hall of Law Enforcement in Yaoguang Holy Land is in charge of the criminal law, and has the right to review and punish the elders and disciples.

Especially the Dark Thunder Prison in the Hall of Law Enforcement, which is famous in the Xuanhuang Great World, and it is unknown how many vicious and vicious people are imprisoned in it.

"what happened?"

Long Hao was quite surprised, whether it was Long Xiaomiao who stole the treasures from the Pill Palace, or he beheaded Gou Shengtian... these are all extremely secretive matters.

Long Hao has always been meticulous in his work, and will never leave any evidence or handles for others.

However, the Palace of Law Enforcement has always been upright and will only follow the law, and will never come to the door for no reason.

Moreover, seeing that they have been waiting in front of the mountain gate, they may be in trouble.

"What happened?"

Yan Lin's eyes also turned cold, staring at the two law enforcement disciples and questioning.

"Sorry, it has nothing to do with Senior Brother Yan Lin at this time."

The two Gold Core disciples saluted first, but their tone and attitude were extremely tough.

"Hmph, don't make it clear, none of you can touch Junior Brother Long."

Yan Lin immediately became angry, snorted coldly, and released a strong coercion of the Faxiang Realm from his body, making the two disciples of the Golden Core Realm feel like they were under a heavy burden.

The majestic coercion, like a big sun and sky fire, is extremely violent.

When Yan Lin was still in the Golden Core Realm, he had the strength to kill the strong in the Faxiang Realm. Now that his cultivation base has improved greatly, he can immobilize the two Golden Core Realm disciples just by coercion.

"Brother Yan Lin wants to violently resist the law?"

Although the two Law Enforcement Hall disciples were trembling all over, their attitudes were still tough.

The Hall of Law Enforcement is in charge of the criminal law, and is directly under the jurisdiction of Lord Yaoguang, with great power and strong background, so he naturally has no scruples in doing things.

"Senior Brother Yan Lin..." Long Hao wanted to dissuade him.

He doesn't want to involve others in his own affairs.

However, he was interrupted by Yan Lin waving his hand before he could speak: "Don't scare me with these big hats, we Zhenwu Palace have never been afraid of these..."

"And let me tell you, Junior Brother Long is under the protection of Senior Brother Yangjun!"

(End of this chapter)

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