Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 29 You are surrounded

Chapter 29 You are surrounded
In an instant, hundreds of phantoms emerged in the mountain gate, each one full of evil spirits.

Seeing the human youth outside the mountain gate and the broken limbs and arms scattered on the ground, the expressions of those demons suddenly changed, and then they burst out with fierce demonic power, apparently furious with thunder.

"Who dares to break into my Flame Demon Territory!"

There was a burst of shouting, and then a tall phantom came out from the billowing mists. It had fiery red scales, and even its face and hands were dark red. A blazing heat wave emerged from its robust body. , as if poured from magma.

This phantom has an incomparably rich aura, far surpassing that of other demons. Wearing a dark red cloak, he has a majestic and domineering aura all over his body.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a large number of demons behind him moved into action, carrying a banner, holding a knife and fork, and marched out in a uniform order, like two demon dragons, and soon surrounded Long Hao.

One by one waving banners, beating drums and shouting, the momentum is shocking.

Don't think it's only human demons that move, but the weakest ones are high-level human demons, among which there are also a large number of super human demons, totaling no less than three hundred.

This kind of formation, even the super-mortal realm powerhouses will be scared out of their wits when they see it.

What's more, there are more than a dozen powerful earth demons with strong aura standing in front of them, especially the fiery red earth demon in the middle who is wearing a cloak. Burn the spiritual consciousness of man.

"You are the Balrog Lord?"

Long Hao maintained the posture of holding the sword without moving, staring at the fiery red demon, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Huh? Human beings in the physical state..."

That fiery red Old Demon was the Lord of the Flame Demon, an Earth Demon at the elementary peak, comparable to a human being at the triple peak of the Transcendent Realm.

With just one glance, he could tell that Long Hao's cultivation was still at the tenth level of physical body.

But almost within a few breaths, a patrol team under him was slaughtered, including one of the elementary earth demons.

"This seat is the Lord of the Fire Demon, who are you?"

The Balrog Lord's gaze was like a torch, and he felt that there seemed to be a terrifying dragon hidden in the human boy's body, so he didn't dare to be careless.

"Ah That's good."

He nodded his head talking to himself, then Long Hao changed the subject, glanced at the surrounding demons and said solemnly, "Listen, you are already surrounded by me, now immediately put down your weapons and donate the magic beads, otherwise you will only There is a dead end!"

"Meow, meow!" Long Xiaomiao howled twice with excitement on his face, as if to say: "There is Ben Meow!"

"Am I right?"

In an instant, a large number of demons surrounding it were petrified.

The cold wind blew, and the situation fell into embarrassment for a while.

Immediately, bursts of laughter spread throughout the entire Iron Demon Mountain. The laughter was filled with contempt and disdain, as if hearing the funniest joke in the world.

"What did he say? Surround"

"Only him? Oh, and a cat, haha..."

"Aren't we surrounding him now?"

"Where did it come from, it's too bad, I'm laughing to death."

In an instant, the formation of the demons became chaotic. Many demons lay on the ground laughing, beating the ground non-stop, and some even cried out of laughter.

At this moment, even those fierce old demons laughed unknowingly.

Only the Balrog Lord, his eyelids twitched wildly, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Little ones, don't kill him, I want to hang him on a pillar, roast him, and eat him with a knife at the same time!"

After speaking, the Balrog Lord turned around and was about to go back to the cave.

He originally thought that there was a powerful character coming, but he didn't expect it to be a half-foolish bum, his patience was exhausted immediately, he had no interest in taking action with such a small character himself.


When the Balrog Lord gave an order, a large number of humans and demons immediately took action.

They also wanted to see if the human youth in front of them, with three heads and six arms, dared to speak so brazenly.

"Lie down for me!"

The one who charged first was a super human demon, holding a big machete, and slashed directly at Long Hao's thigh with a sharp and domineering light.

At the same time, other human monsters also rushed forward, waving knives, forks, swords and halberds to greet them, and they all avoided the vital points.

Even so, in the face of attacks from all directions, it is difficult for ordinary superhumans to parry well.

But Long Hao just sneered, showing no fear.


With a shout, Long Hao pulled out the spiritual weapon great sword, mobilized the surging power in his body, and swept across directly.

The power of the forty flood dragons exploded with all their strength, and the terrifying power generated was poured into the spirit weapon sword, forming a huge sword energy around it in an instant.

Puff puff……

Under the sweeping sword energy, a large number of demons, including the banner soldiers in their hands, were all shattered.

With just one sword strike, more than a dozen human demons rushing up from around were all cut in half.

The thick blood of the devil, swayed out, colorful, turning the surrounding world into a big dyeing vat.

At the same time, Long Xiaomiao also jumped into the group of demons, stretched out her sharp claws, and slashed lightly. At the same time as the air exploded, the necks of all the demons were broken.

The little guy moved nimbly and was extremely fast. He shuttled back and forth among the monsters like a ghost, but every time he jumped up and fell, one of the monsters would die.

"My lord, look quickly."

Immediately, all the old demons present were shocked, and quickly stopped the Balrog Lord who was about to return to the cave.

The Balrog Lord turned around suspiciously, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Among the black demon crowd, a humanoid tyrannosaurus-like figure rushed back and forth, holding a wide spiritual sword, opening and closing it, slashing wantonly.

Every time the sword fell, it was accompanied by a large number of stumped limbs and broken arms soaring into the sky.

That little cat was even more amazing, roaring freely and horizontally among the monsters, and the monsters didn't even see their shadows clearly, causing a lot of deaths and injuries.

Just turning around like this, nearly a hundred human demons have been slaughtered mercilessly.

The huge square has completely turned into a purgatory.

The rest of the demons, the sneer on their faces has long since disappeared, replaced by deep fear, looking at the corpses all over the ground, they no longer dare to go forward, and retreat one after another.

Although the wisdom of human demons is not high, they will not die for no reason.

At this time, Long Hao was like a god of death harvesting life, completely breaking their courage.

"Damn human, I want to kill you!"


The irritable flame demon lord was furious, mobilized majestic devil energy, and came towards Long Hao to kill him with a punch.

The terrifying fist strength formed a purgatory fire dragon, and the burning air exploded, and the devil's blood spilled on it was instantly evaporated.

(End of this chapter)

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