Chapter 30
Originally, the Balrog Lord was not interested in doing it himself, but he didn't expect that the human boy was actually a master pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, which made him miss it.

If he was one step slower, maybe his subordinates would have been slaughtered.

As soon as the elementary peak Old Demon made a move, it caused a huge shock. The berserk Purgatory Fire Dragon seemed to fill up the entire mountain depression.

Those people and demons were so frightened that they retreated crazily, for fear of being burned to ashes.

Seeing this, Long Hao took a step across and swung his sword to kill him.

However, a petite figure took the first step, jumped into the air, then opened its mouth and sucked it violently, forming a dark golden devouring vortex in an instant.


The purgatory fire dragon roared towards it, but when it faced the devouring vortex, it seemed as if it had encountered a nemesis. The violent power disappeared without a trace, and it was absorbed into it all at once.


Swallowing the huge purgatory fire dragon in one gulp, Long Xiaomiao fell to the ground and burped, even the breath he exhaled turned into flames.


For a moment, all the demons were petrified on the spot, and all of them opened their mouths in surprise.

"That cat actually swallowed the fire dragon formed by the lord's purgatory energy?"

"That cat must be a monster, and its bloodline is extremely strong, and it possesses terrifying innate supernatural powers!"

Even those Old Demons were shocked.

Just now they personally sensed how terrifying that dark golden devouring vortex is. It devours the sky and the earth, devours everything, and can even absorb souls, which is comparable to supernatural powers.

Even Long Hao was stunned, he didn't expect the little guy's strength to be so terrifying, he could even devour other people's attacks, it was simply unimaginable.


"Damn, damn!"

The Balrog lord didn't expect that he would be deflated as soon as he made a move, which made him lose face and was so angry that he flew into a rage.

In a blink of an eye, he began to circulate even more majestic devilish energy, trying to regain his position.

Unexpectedly, before he could make a move, Long Xiaomiao made a move first.

With a whoosh, Long Xiaomiao jumped up again, opened her small mouth and spit out a huge fire dragon, which was exactly the same as the purgatory fire dragon that was swallowed just now, and more powerful, as if it had come to life.

The huge purgatory fire dragon rushed towards it with its fangs and claws, and the steaming flames covered a large area where the Balrog Lord was, almost turning the entire mountain gate into a sea of ​​flames.


The Balrog lord was taken aback, a surge of anger surged up but he almost choked himself to death.

"Quick, let's do it together!"

At this time, the Old Demons standing beside couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately mobilized their majestic demonic energy to strike out.

More than a dozen powerful earth demons shot at the same time, and the billowing demon energy collided with the terrifying purgatory fire dragon like a torrent, and it was only then that it was offset.

"Haha, little meow, well done!" Long Hao laughed loudly, and then turned into an arrow that left the string and rushed over. As the saying goes, take advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Meow..." Long Xiaomiao responded excitedly, but Ren'er's face was full of flattering smiles.


The Balrog Lord roared, looking extremely manic.

He was almost killed by his own attack, completely embarrassing him.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to be ashamed anymore, because while the old demons were resisting the purgatory fire dragon, a humanoid tyrannosaur had already rushed towards him, and the great sword glowing with spiritual light directly split the strong demonic energy.

The icy luster on the blade caused a chill to rise from the back of the Balrog Lord.

"court death!"

Seeing Long Hao rushing towards him single-handedly, fiery demonic flames rose all over his body, and with a wave of his magic claws, dozens of thick fire snakes split out and strangled towards Long Hao.

"Hmph, good time."

Long Hao was not afraid at all, holding the spirit weapon great sword in both hands and slashing wildly, cutting out more than ten tyrannical sword qi in an instant.

The sword energy contained incomparable tyrannical force, roaring towards it, it cut off dozens of fire snakes in unison.

At the same time, Long Hao kept walking, put the spirit weapon greatsword on his back again, and threw his fist at the Flame Demon Lord.

The spiritual weapon sword is too sharp, it can easily break through the body defense of the old demon.

Long Hao didn't want to kill the Lord of the Flame Demon directly by mistake, so who else would he ask for directions?

Even though he didn't rely on the power of the spiritual weapon, Long Hao's punch still penetrated Changhong, which was extremely terrifying.

In a blink of an eye, the fist came close.

The Balrog lord could no longer use long-distance attacks, so he could only fight the opponent in close quarters.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, dare to fight me in close quarters!" The Lord of Fire Demon sneered.

The physical body of the demons is inherently strong, and he is still an elementary peak earth demon, with just one punch and one palm, he can trigger the terrifying power of demon energy.

A human being who dares to fight hand-to-hand with the demons can only use his own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths.

It's all courting death!
"You get a punch from me too!" The Balrog lord yelled, and then swung his huge fist and smashed at him.

On top of the crimson fist, raging flames were burning, and the scorching air was bursting with explosions.

If it was really hit, it would be burned to ashes immediately due to the fragile constitution of the physical body.

However, he still underestimated Long Hao.

Although Long Hao couldn't let his true energy out, his strength was extremely strong. The forceful fist caused violent fluctuations in the air, like the sun startling the sky, and instantly dispersed the magic flame on the fist of the Balrog Lord.

The two fists collided with each other, but there was a loud noise like a drum.

Immediately, the sneer on the Balrog Lord's face froze immediately, because he felt a majestic force passing over like a giant dragon.


The next moment, there was a crisp sound of bone cracking on his arm.


The excruciating pain made the Balrog Lord only have time to let out a howling like a pig, before his body flew out and smashed several stone pillars one after another.

There is no doubt that Long Hao's strength is still higher than that of the Balrog Lord.

When the Balrog lord got up from the ground, he was still howling with his arms folded, and flame-like blood flowed from all over his body, looking extremely embarrassed.

"how is this possible?"

"This human kid, unexpectedly..."

The old demons not far away were shocked.

In any case, it was unexpected that the moment they joined forces to resist the purgatory dragon, that human boy actually severely injured their lord.

"What are you still doing?"

"Give it to me, kill him to death!"

The Balrog Lord, who was startled and angry, roared as if he had gone crazy at this moment, like an evil ghost.

Although there were only two or three short moves, he was already frightened by Long Hao's beating, and his courage was shattered.

"Come together and kill them!"

Those old demons didn't dare to disobey the command of the Balrog Lord, and they all unleashed their fierce magic power, and besieged Long Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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