Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 31 Massacre

Chapter 31 Massacre
Not only those old demons, but even those human demons who had already been frightened out of their courage, were frightened by the power of the Balrog Lord at this moment, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush forward to die.

More than 200 human demons rushed over under the leadership of more than a dozen earth demons. The dense scene brought a strong psychological oppression.

"Xiao Miao, you go and deal with those demons."

"Remember, their magic beads are all your snacks. In the future, whether they are delicious or spicy, or drink the northwest wind, it depends on your ability."

As soon as Long Xiaomiao heard about eating, Long Xiaomiao's eyes immediately changed, emitting a faint green light: "Meow, meow..."

After howling twice, Long Xiaomiao turned around and stared at the crowd of monsters, as if to say, "Don't run away, don't run away from my snacks..."

In an instant, Long Xiaomiao entered the attacking state of rampage, with a terrifying dragon's power rising from his body, and every jump was like a giant dragon rushing towards him.

The mighty dragon power is full of terrifying magic power. For the abyssal demons, it has the oppression from the blood and soul.

All of a sudden, those humans and demons all became trembling, their bodies tensed up, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

The humans and demons looked timid, but Long Xiaomiao, who was like a wolf and a tiger, would not show mercy.

The petite body turned into an afterimage, quickly slashed across, the extremely sharp claws glowed with a dark golden light, and one after another was hit, and they died tragically on the spot.

Moreover, the speed of the little guy is extremely fast. If you look at it from a distance, you will find that the black monsters are like being cut straw, falling down in pieces.

If things go on like this, let alone rushing up to besiege Long Hao, if he fails to get close to Long Hao, he will be slaughtered by Long Xiaomiao.

Watching a large number of companions die tragically, the thick blood of demons merged into a river.

The last line of defense in the hearts of the terrified humans and demons completely collapsed, and they dared not go forward any more. They let out terrified howls and scattered like birds and beasts.

At this time, no matter how cruel the Balrog Lord is, he can't command them anymore.

They wanted to escape, but Long Xiaomiao refused.

Adhering to the principle that no snack is missing, Long Xiaomiao started a pleasant journey of collecting snacks.

"That damned cat!"

The group of earth demons were horrified to see that the large group of human demons were defeated by a cat, and they were instantly annoyed.

Among them were a few powerful Old Demons who immediately wanted to rush over and suppress Long Xiaomiao, otherwise the Balrog Territory would have no men to use in the future.

"Hey, your opponent is me."

Now that the division of labor has been clearly defined, Long Hao must of course implement it, and will never let even one Old Demon deal with Long Xiaomiao.

Otherwise, how can I mess around in front of that cat in the future.

"court death!"

"Then I'll kill you first!"

The old demons didn't expect that, surrounded by so many powerful beings, Long Hao would dare to be so arrogant and attack and kill him immediately.

"Splitting Void Demon Claw!"

"Shocking magic seal!"

"Weak water flows sideways!"


Almost at the same time, the old demons made their moves together, and each of them displayed the magic skills they had practiced for many years, or blasted out fist marks, or breathed out magic flames, or released corrosive poison...

Under the siege of more than a dozen old demons with all their strength, the huge offensive merged into a colorful torrent, which shocked people's hearts and souls.

"Good come!"

With a loud shout, Long Hao directly pulled out the spiritual weapon great sword, the forty dragon veins in his body beeped together, and the sword energy slashed out angrily, like a raging tide.

Boom boom boom...

The two torrents collided together, triggering a violent explosion, covering the huge square, and the bodies of many demons were smashed to pieces by the shock wave.

However, soon, in the chaotic smoke, there was a sharp sword light shining, like the sun startling the sky.

An Old Demon couldn't dodge in time, and was split in half immediately.

"It's actually blocked?"

"What kind of freak is that kid? I couldn't kill him with a combined attack!"

The old demons were startled and angry, and they all roared angrily.

One must know that even the Lord of Fire Demons could not fight against them when more than a dozen powerful Earth Demons joined hands. However, Long Hao not only blocked their attack, but even beheaded an Earth Demon with his backhand.

But soon, all the anger in their hearts turned into fear.

Because if Long Hao doesn't make a move, it will be like a thunderous attack, like a violent storm, and it will never stop until they are completely killed.


A crisp sound suddenly sounded, and the Earth Demon Yushi and Long Hao chopped with a magic knife.

However, following the old demons, they heard a shrill howl, and a terrifying force erupted, as if a giant dragon had awakened on Long Hao's body.

That old demon was sent flying by a sword, the overbearing force scattered the demonic energy in his body, and his body was torn apart while it was still in mid-air.

"This this this..."

In an instant, two Old Demons died tragically before their eyes, and the remaining Old Demons were stunned.

They are the earth-level demons who dominate one side, but under the hands of the human youth, they seem to be as fragile as watermelons, one sword at a time.

"Get together quickly, don't be hit by him one by one..." an old demon shouted sharply, but before he finished speaking, the voice stopped abruptly.

Immediately there were piercing screams and the muffled sound of swords entering the body.


This time, the Old Demons no longer had the prestige they had before, and their ferocious faces became extremely pale. They quickly gathered and formed a circle back to back, ready to defend to the death.

"Hmph, the mantis is like a cart."

"Break it for me!"

Long Hao, covered in blood, appeared in front of the old demons like a ghost, and he slashed at him with the great sword, a spiritual weapon with a gloomy luster, like a dragon wagging its tail.

Immediately, the two Old Demons in front of them were chopped into two pieces, and the other Old Demons were also scattered by the tyrannical sword energy.

"Run away..."

This time, the remaining Old Demons were frightened, unable to muster up the courage to resist anymore, they screamed and fled in all directions.

"how come?"

Seeing this scene, the Balrog Lord who was hiding in the distance was suddenly startled and ran towards the cave with trembling hands and feet.

Chiyan Cave is his lair, and there is a powerful formation in it, which is his last resort.

The Balrog Lord's strength was not very good, but his escape speed was still very fast. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a flash of fire, rushed into the cave, and closed the mountain gate at the same time.

With a buzzing sound, a layer of red light curtain appeared, blocking the mountain gate like a sea of ​​flames.

After doing all this, the violently trembling heart of the Balrog Lord calmed down a little.

But immediately after, screams came one after another from outside.

"My lord, quickly open the mountain gate..."


At the same time, an old demon also wanted to run back to the cave to escape, but when it touched the flame light curtain, its body burst into flames.

He screamed and wanted to struggle, but it was of no avail, and he was burned to charcoal within a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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