Chapter 32

The Balrog Lord leaned back on the mountain gate, listening to the screams coming from outside, his expression was extremely flustered, and he lost his usual air and majesty at all.

But not long after, there was no movement outside, only the cold wind howling.

However, just when the Balrog Lord was feeling uneasy, there were suddenly clear footsteps outside.

The footsteps were not rushed, but every step fell, like a mountain suppressing the heart of the Balrog Lord, even across the mountain gate, he could feel the strong evil spirit approaching.

Since Long Hao approached Chiyan Cave unhurriedly, it meant that the dozen or so Old Demons outside had all been beheaded to death.

So far, in the entire Balrog Territory, only the Balrog Lord is left as a bare-handed commander, and he is also in dire straits.

It took more than ten years of painstaking effort for the Lord of the Balrog to establish the Lord of the Balrog. Unexpectedly, it was really wiped out by a human teenager and a cat overnight.

"Hmph, as long as I am alive, I can rely on the accumulated wealth to gather a large number of subordinates to rebuild the Flame Demon Territory again!"

The Balrog Lord comforted him in this way, he believed that the human beings in the physical state would never be able to break through the formations he had carefully arranged over the years.

As long as the evil star is gone, he can make a comeback.

At this time, the footsteps finally stopped, and there was silence outside.

Long Hao stood in front of the mountain gate, looking at the flame-like light curtain, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Boring formation."

"The second-level magic circle also wants to stop me?"

The corner of Long Hao's mouth rose, and he couldn't help but sneer.

When he went to steal the Dragon Transformation Pill, Senior Sister Lu Yao's residence was equipped with a third-level formation, so he could sneak in silently.

In the Xuanhuang Great World, magic circles can be roughly divided into nine levels according to their power and purpose.

The magic array used by the abyssal demons is similar.

Of course, above the ninth level, there are more advanced holy formations and emperor formations. Magic formations of that level have the power to destroy the world at every turn, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary powerhouses.

And the second-level magic flame formation in front of Long Hao's eyes is far inferior to the third-level square fire spirit formation set up by Senior Sister Lu Yao, both in terms of power and mystery.

The Flame Demon Lord was full of confidence. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't break through the second-level magic flame array he had set up. Ordinary elementary earth demons would die if they touched it.

A physical body, no matter how powerful it is, can't break through without the support of true energy.

However, after hearing Long Hao's sneer, the Balrog Lord's heart suddenly hung up.

But after waiting for a long time, I didn't see any movement outside, so I couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Soon, he felt a mysterious force intruding into the magic circle, and felt that the power of the magic circle was being crazily destroyed.

That mysterious force was like a poison, and it spread quickly.

"Blood energy as a guide, against the chaotic fire method!"

At the same time, Long Hao shouted loudly, and used the backfire art of the Burning Demon Emperor.

After streams of pure blood flowed into the magic circle, the large area of ​​magic flames suddenly showed signs of fading, and the crimson light curtain also became dim.

"Hmph, break it for me!"

Seeing this, the mighty power in Long Hao's body mobilized, turning his fist into a flammable comet, and then bombarded heavily on the light curtain of the magic circle.

clap la la...

The powerful punch was like a giant dragon crashing, smashing the second-level magic flame array, including the thick mountain gate, to pieces.


The Balrog lord hiding behind the door couldn't dodge in time, and was also affected by the punch, and fell to the ground coughing up blood.

At the same time, bright light shone in from the outside and wrapped around Long Hao's body, reflecting him like a fairy.

"You, you actually broke my magic flame array?"

The Balrog lord was terrified to the extreme, but now his last support was ruthlessly broken, and he had nowhere to escape.

"Answer my question, or...die!"

Long Hao looked down at the Lord of the Balrog, his voice was as cold as hell death, without any emotion.

The trembling Balrog Lord was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and a trace of longing was ignited in his despairing heart.

Immediately, he asked in disbelief: "Can you really spare this... spare my life?"

"Of course, I can also kill you right now." Pretending to be a sinister look, Long Hao immediately raised his hand as a gesture to kill him.

At this moment, the Balrog Lord who had just ignited his vitality was frightened, his psychological defense collapsed instantly, he repeatedly begged for mercy, and pleaded: "I can say anything, as long as you can spare my life."

"Hey, that's right." A smile appeared on the corner of Long Hao's mouth, but it looked a little weird and wretched.

If the poor Balrog lord knew what happened to that subordinate in the mine, he would definitely not believe Long Hao's nonsense.

Unfortunately, he didn't know, and he had no choice.

"Where is Falling Demon Ridge?"

"Falling Demon Ridge?" The Fire Demon Lord frowned suspiciously, then suddenly widened his eyes, showing a look of extreme fear.

It is said that a long time ago, a powerful demon king fell there, hence the name Falling Demon Ridge.

Originally, many powerful demons and human beings flocked here, hoping to obtain the inheritance and treasures of the demon king.

Among them are some powerful heavenly demons from the third level of demon-suppressing abyss, and even some human practitioners in the supernatural power realm.

However, almost all the demons and humans who entered it were wiped out. Even a few escaped by chance became crazy and stupid, and died of insanity soon after.

So far, Falling Demon Ridge has become the second-level death-forbidden area of ​​the Demon Suppressing Abyss, and no one dares to set foot there again.

Long Hao understood all of these in the memory of Demon Emperor Fentian.

Therefore, looking at the terrified look of the Balrog Lord, he was immediately overjoyed, knowing that the Balrog Lord must have heard of Falling Demon Ridge, so he couldn't help asking: "If you don't want to die, tell me quickly."

The sound of stopping drinking woke up the Lord of the Flame Demon immediately, and after he glanced at Long Hao in fear, he said tremblingly: "Chuimo Ridge is within the Dragon Demon's territory five thousand miles north of this place."

"Dragon demon collar five thousand miles away?" Long Hao nodded secretly.

He knew that the Balrog Lord would not dare to lie to him, because all the powerful Old Demons had heard of the news about Falling Demon Ridge, so there was no need to lie.

"How many earth demons are there in the dragon demon territory, and what is the strength of the lord?"

Hearing this, the Lord of the Flame Demon was startled, secretly thinking that the evil star in front of him would not want to trouble the Dragon Demon Lord.

However, he really hoped so.

Because he heard that the dragon demon lord is a powerful sky demon, and his body is a three-headed demon dragon with extremely tyrannical blood.

Not to mention a person in the physical state, even a powerhouse in the Transcendent Realm who has completed the ten major stages is still an ant in front of the dragon demon lord, who can be killed with a single slap.

(End of this chapter)

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