Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 404 Water Spirit Treasure Body

Chapter 404 Water Spirit Treasure Body
Seeing that Zong Xiu was pushed back again, everyone was shocked.

This time it was a head-on confrontation between the two, a competition of real strength, but Zong Xiu still fell into a disadvantage, which made the others feel a lot of pressure all of a sudden.

But since he has already made a move, there is no room for taking it back.

At the same time, the attack from Sikong Sheng and others came in an instant.

"Supernatural power—Wan Lei's sky-cutting finger!"

Sikong Sheng's attack was the fiercest and swiftest. He displayed his supernatural powers, and on his finger bones that were condensed like suet jade, the inscriptions were densely covered with traces of divine power, which was extremely terrifying.

However, Long Hao didn't talk nonsense, and slapped him with a backhand.

The force of the finger exploded, causing the world in a radius of tens of miles to tremble.

"Die!" Simultaneously, Ximen Lie shouted.

The supernatural power he used could also stir up a strong storm, but compared with Long Hao's fist strength, it was nothing.

It was also a punch, but like an eagle hitting the sky, the strength of the punch exploded, and the storm swept across the world. Ximen Lie opened his mouth and spit out a big pool of blood, and flew out backwards.


Dozens of top experts shot one after another, but their fate was the same, and they were all blown away in an instant.

What supreme supernatural powers, what high-level magic weapons...

From the beginning to the end, Long Hao just punched and punched, all of them were blown up directly.

Seeing dozens of top experts being sent flying like balls, everyone present couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

At this time, Zong Xiu's eyes became even more gloomy. In just a few days, Long Hao's strength had obviously increased by a large amount. Such an improvement speed was really terrifying.

"We must not let him continue to live." Bai Yutang also felt ruthless in his heart.

If it continues like this, after a while, even he might not be able to restrain Long Hao anymore.

Of course, this is just his wishful thinking, as if he can restrain Long Hao now.

"Zizi, Hugh is going crazy!"

Bai Yutang suddenly let out a loud shout, and the purple gold pagoda he was dragging in his hand was as dazzling as the sun, reflecting him like a fairy in the sky, overlooking the world.

"Today, I will kill you in front of those trash fellows of yours, and let everyone know the fate of angering our Zixiao Holy Land!"

Before he finished speaking, the inscription pattern between Bai Yutang's palms and fingers flashed, and a huge black hole evolved, and it headed towards Long Hao to suppress it.

Supernatural powers - the star-eating palm of the universe!

The black hole-like power of the palm condensed into a terrifying devouring vortex, distorting a large area of ​​void in an instant, as if the end of the world was coming, making people terrified all day long.

"Stop pretending, Dad will beat him hard!" Seeing Bai Yutang's condescending attitude of controlling everything, Long Xiaomiao became angry and cursed angrily.

Long Hao's character is that once he made a move, he never beeped.

Immediately, he soared into the sky, like a giant dragon soaring to the ninth heaven, bursts of violent thunder force radiated out, condensing into a huge ancient thunder dragon.

Long Wei is majestic, wrapping around Long Hao's side, as if merging with him.

"Supernatural power - Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!"

A thunderbolt from the blue sky came like a catastrophe.

More than a hundred thunder dragon claws bombarded over, and each dragon claw contained a domineering and boundless power, which could kill everything.

bang bang bang...

In just a moment, the black hole-like palm collapsed under the bombardment of a large number of dragon claws, and the remaining dragon claws continued to bombard Bai Yutang.

"What?" Bai Yutang's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect his attack to be easily shattered by Long Hao.

However, the Thunder Dragon Claw was so fast and fierce that he didn't even have time to use his defensive supernatural powers, so he hastily used the Zijin Pagoda to block it.

Intense roaring sounds sounded one after another.

Although the Purple Gold Pagoda was indestructible, the Thunder Dragon Claws' power was violent, constantly triggering big explosions, knocking Bai Yutang back again and again, and the power of thunder densely filled the void, making his hair loose and his robe burst.

"Haha, I'm telling you to act aggressively, pretending to be struck by lightning, meow!" Long Xiaomiao danced excitedly. If the battlefield situation was not too chaotic, it would definitely rush forward and beat the dog in the water.

And hearing Long Xiaomiao's clamor, the noses of Zi Xiao and the disciples of Sixiang Holy Land were all crooked.

But what shocked them even more was that Long Hao's strength was so tyrannical that even Bai Yutang was repelled.

"Is he really only at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm?"

Everyone is a little unbelievable.

They saw it very clearly just now, every punch and palm of Long Hao looked ordinary, but it could trigger a strange force to bless, even the power of Zhou Tian was boiling.

"It's like a strong man in the Faxiang Realm!"


Suddenly, a roar shook the void.

Bai Yutang, whose hair was disheveled, finally went mad and activated the power of the Zijin Pagoda.


The Zijin Pagoda swelled against the wind, and soon turned into a purple-gold mountain, while Bai Yutang raised his hand and threw the mountain, suppressing everything, which can be described as boundless power.

However, Long Hao didn't dodge or dodge, soared into the air, and slapped him directly with his palm.

Long Hao's palms were extremely crystal clear, and when he slapped forward, the inscription patterns lit up like water, and his breath was terrifying like a vast ocean.

The palm of the hand fell and slapped on the Zijin Pagoda. Immeasurable light suddenly burst out, and azure blue divine light emerged like a surging tide, raging and completely annihilating the surrounding void.

"He even used his fleshy palm to fight against the magic weapon, is he crazy?"

The crowd exclaimed.

Even the fierce Lei Yin was wearing Tiangang Thunder Armor to resist just now, but at this moment Long Hao greeted him with his palm.

But immediately after, there was a loud bang like a loud bell, which made people even more shocked.

The purple gold pagoda flew out, smashing the sky in an instant, causing a terrible destructive force, but it caused Bai Yutang to cough up blood, and was almost wiped out by the azure blue light.

"Oh my God……"

People opened their mouths wide in surprise, and turned their gazes to Long Hao.

They found that the Long Hao at this moment was completely different from before, with azure blue light flowing around his body, every strand wrapped around his body like a shrinking Milky Way, and there was also a simple and vast mysterious atmosphere.

At this moment, Long Hao seemed to be transformed into a water god, and the vast oceans and seas were floating under his feet, and his movements seemed to reflect the law of water.

It's the means of a saint!

"Shui Ling Treasure Body!" Xiao Liu widened his eyes and exclaimed subconsciously.

"Really, Long Hao also has a special physique?" Fang Tianhua was stunned for a moment.

Ling Shu was also very surprised, she had a close relationship with Long Hao, so it was very clear that Long Hao had absolutely no special physique before, and was just an ordinary practitioner.

But Xiao Liu's swearing appearance made everyone baffled.

Lu Qianyuan and Ling Shu, who were wandering on the edge of the battlefield, couldn't help but look at each other when they saw this scene, their eyes were full of surprise.

"It's those Cangming Xuan Lingshui! This breath can never be wrong."

"Could it be that the mysterious strong man actually used Cangming Xuanling Water to wash the essence and marrow of Long Hao, and condensed out a treasure body?"

(End of this chapter)

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