Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 405 Outbreak

Chapter 405 Outbreak
When the Cangming Xuanling Water was first discovered, the three of them worked together to collect it, and each of them got a lot, which also angered a magic commander, so they clearly remembered it.

But the mysterious strong man who pretended to be Fengyang, his own strength was earth-shattering, at least he was in the Saint Realm.

The conspiracy has been planned for so long, not only did it not hurt Long Hao's life, but he even spared no effort to help Long Hao condense his treasured body.

All kinds of weird behaviors make people feel unbelievable.

"Could it be that some old antique has taken a fancy to Long Hao's aptitude, or has some relationship with him, and came here to give Long Hao a great opportunity?" Lu Qianyuan muttered to himself, but then shook his head.

He didn't even believe such nonsense.

"But no matter what, it's a good thing that Long Hao's strength has greatly increased after he cultivated the water spirit treasure body." Yun Rong was quite optimistic.

Lu Qianyuan nodded. He thought that the battle would be more dangerous than good, but after Long Hao awakened, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike disciple Yaoguang who was beaming with joy, the faces of Bai Yutang and the others were extremely ugly.

"I didn't expect you to have a special physique, and you've hidden it deep enough." Bai Yutang stabilized his figure, looked Long Hao up and down with cold eyes, and his killing intent became even stronger.

The previous Long Hao, just relying on the powerful skills he cultivated and many supernatural powers, was already defying the sky.

Now he has revealed a special physique, this kind of talent can be called a peerless arrogance.

If he is allowed to grow up, he will surely rise in the future and become an earth-shattering powerhouse.

This kind of enemy must be eradicated as soon as possible.

"Father, that grandson is dying, beat him to death." At the same time, Long Xiaomiao shouted even more excitedly.

A cold light flashed in Bai Yutang's eyes, and when Long Hao was dealt with, he would definitely tear that damned bitch into pieces.

Zong Xiu, Sikong Sheng and the others were also very angry. If it wasn't for this cheap cat and Lei Yin getting in the way just now, they would have easily dealt with Long Hao long ago.

Seeing the cold light in everyone's eyes, Long Xiaomiao was not afraid at all. Instead, she turned her back and grinned, patted her buttocks, showing a provocative expression.

"Let's attack together, suppress and kill Long Hao!" Bai Yutang sternly said, while striking out the purple gold pagoda, and at the same time displaying the unique technique of Baji Tiangong, a two-pronged approach.

Others also shot out one after another, attacking from all sides, and cooperated to launch waves of uninterrupted tyrannical attacks.

Supernatural powers—Wan Lei cuts off the sky finger!

Supernatural powers—Heavenly Knife Cleaving the Sky!

Sikong Sheng, Ximen Lie and others launched the first wave of offensive.

But Zong Xiu led the others, gathered strength, and watched Long Hao's movements closely, trying to find a flaw and launch a second wave of fierce attack.

One palm blocked the suppression of the Zijin Pagoda, and then another punch broke through the void, causing the power of the black hole to swallow the power of Wan Lei's Sky-cutting Finger.


Long Hao didn't talk nonsense, he threw out his fists and palms, and under the blessing of a large number of inscriptions, the rising mana turned into giant dragons and hit the heavens.

More than ten attacks from all directions were defeated in an instant, but he was unscathed.

"My God, is it really just the Golden Core Realm?"

"The shots are decisive, the movements are quick, and there is no useless operation. In terms of rich combat experience, it is comparable to those elders who have practiced for tens of hundreds of years."

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

At this moment, Zong Xiu and the others took advantage of the situation to launch a second wave of attacks on Long Hao, while Bai Yutang, Sikong Sheng and the others were each accumulating strength and preparing for the third wave of attacks...

Just like this, you come and go, waves of mighty attacks against Long Hao in the center, seemingly endless.

If this continues, even an iron man will be consumed to death.

"Despicable, dozens of people fight one, and even use the wheel of attrition."

"Yah, you're really shameless."

Fang Tianhua and the others showed disdain.

Even those ordinary Zixiao and Sixiang Holy Land disciples felt a little embarrassed at the moment.

As the elite disciples of a holy land, they are all talented and outstanding, each of them is so arrogant that they don't bother with such trivial tactics from the bottom of their hearts.

But there is no way.

By this time, Bai Yutang and the others no longer cared about the dogmas of bullying the few with the more and winning without force. They all worked together, murderous, with only one goal, to get rid of Long Hao!

However, half a day passed, and Bai Yutang and others launched wave after wave of violent attacks, all of them were tired and out of breath, and their mana was consumed so much that they could barely hold on.

On the other hand, Long Hao was still as stable as Mount Tai, between his fists and palms, every blow was full of tyrannical power, not only did he not show the slightest tiredness on his face, but he was full of energy and fighting spirit.

People were very surprised, they fought back and forth, but Long Hao's breath was still flowing and his mana was powerful.

Instead, it was Bai Yutang and the others who were consumed.

Seeing this, Xiao Liu couldn't help but sneered: " dare to fight a war of attrition with the Shui Ling Bao Body, don't you know that the power of the Shui Ling Bao Body is like a vast ocean, endless, are you all idiots?"

Hearing Xiao Liu's sneer, Bai Yutang and others instantly became angry from embarrassment.

"Why are you still standing still, kill all the Yaoguang disciples." Ximen roared fiercely.

Originally, they wanted to suppress and kill Long Hao forcefully in front of Yaoguang's disciples, to completely break their illusions, and to use their prestige to frighten the world.

As a result, they became the stepping stones instead, and contributed to Long Hao's supreme reputation.

"Go to hell!"

"If you dare to make trouble with our Zixiao Holy Land, no one will end well!"

The disciples of Zixiao and Sixiang Holy Land all raised their butcher knives and aimed at the Yaoguang disciples who had been suppressed and lost their combat power.

Their eyes are fierce and their killing intent is strong.

"Extraordinary, I will fight with you."

"Come on, if you kill Lao Tzu, you won't be able to live. Brother Long will kill all of you, and you will never be reborn forever!"

Many Yaoguang disciples were greatly encouraged, and they were no longer afraid of death.

But since Long Hao woke up, he naturally wouldn't just watch them being killed.

"court death!"

There was a violent shout, like a real dragon roaring to the heavens.

A strong evil spirit swept across the sky like a tsunami, and Long Hao instantly turned into a berserk ancient beast.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and subconsciously froze in place for a moment.

But Long Hao wouldn't be in a daze, he took a step forward, turned into a wandering dragon, and broke through the encirclement in an instant.


Seeing the aggressive Long Hao coming straight towards him, Ximen Lie and the two people around him were startled.

However, before they could react, Long Hao's domineering and boundless palm prints had already landed.

Bang bang bang!
The body protection treasures and magical powers of the three of them collapsed at the same time.

The ordinary palm, under Long Hao's anger, erupted with astonishing power, like a five-fingered mountain, and immediately suppressed the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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