Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 430 Surrounded

Chapter 430 Surrounded
The shrill screams came in bursts, taking people's hearts and souls.

People were horrified to see that on those people's bodies, there was a strange pink magic pattern emerging, which was constantly absorbing the power of the human body and becoming stronger.

"It's the spirit witch and demon general, this is her natal supernatural power - the witch demon soul-eating curse!"

This magical power directly targets the soul. Once it is contaminated with pink mist, even if there is only a trace, the soul will be severely injured, and it is difficult for ordinary magic circles to resist.

The pink mist will continue to absorb the power of the soul, condense the pink magic pattern, and finally completely devour the soul, turning the victim into a walking corpse, which is extremely vicious.

Many people participated in the battle against Cangxin Island, and they have deep memories of the unique magical powers of the spirit witch and general.

In that battle back then, there were many strong men who, after being tricked, turned into walking dead puppets, wantonly killing their own kind.

"Quick, use the soul defense supernatural power."

However, soul defense supernatural powers are rare and extremely difficult to cultivate. Even among these elite disciples of the Holy Land, only a very small number of them have mastered one or two.

The pink mist continued to spread, and it would soon turn this place into a demon realm.


At a critical moment, a majestic figure soared into the sky, mysterious inscription patterns lit up on his hands, and when he turned on his chest, a surge of mana flowed away, turning into a huge Taiji diagram.


With a sharp shout, it is as if the words can't be followed.

The Tai Chi diagram rumbled and turned, as if it had reversed the yin and yang, and it actually emptied all the energy between the heaven and the earth, and the pink mist immediately dissipated.

"Li Yuandao!"

In the devil cloud, there was a majestic devil sound, like the wailing of a ghost, which made people dizzy.

"Hmph." Standing high in the sky, Li Yuandao was full of magic power, and his mysterious Dao pattern added to his body reflected him like a fairy god.

"I will never let you escape this time!"

Compared with the last time he attacked Cangxin Island, Li Yuandao's strength has increased a lot after winning a large number of demon sparrow head feathers to realize the Tao, and there is a world-shaking power between his fingers.

He slapped his palm forward, and the yin and yang were distorted immediately, and the world was in chaos.

The demon cloud exploded in an instant, and hundreds of demon generals were blasted to death, and a coquettish red-clothed female demon in the lead also rose into the air, with venomous eyes bursting out of her winking eyes, and attacked and killed Li Yuandao.


The overlords of the islands and the leaders of the major holy places quickly rushed to the sky, fighting fiercely together.

And below, a large number of demon generals also began to form a battle formation, rushing towards them.


At this time, the disciples of the Holy Land also woke up from the shock, knowing that this was a life-and-death battle, and charged head-on with their blood-red eyes.

For a time, the war broke out in an all-round way.

The ground outside the magic city was beaten down in an instant.

Blood and bones kept falling from the void, turning this place into an abyss of purgatory, full of blood and rain, and the sound of killing everywhere.

The Yaoguang disciples who were hiding in the distance were all dumbfounded.

They have never experienced such a large-scale battle. Hearing about it and actually seeing it are completely different senses.

Although they have all experienced blood and fire, seeing such a tragic scene, their stomachs still couldn't help but churn.

"Why didn't Long Hao give the order? My halberd is already hungry and thirsty!" Only Fang Tianhua, a combat madman, not only didn't feel the slightest discomfort, but his eyes were red and he was eager to try.

But Long Hao never intended to give an order.

It's not that he wants to be lazy and play tricks, but he knows very well that although the demon army in front of him is large in number, the elite disciples of the major holy places are stronger.

It is impossible to wipe out the six holy places with these large armies.

Therefore, there must be more terrifying enemies hidden in the dark.

After all, that mysterious and powerful purple-clothed woman hasn't shown up yet.

The time for the decisive battle has not yet arrived.


Below, a six-armed Shura charged forward. He was so powerful that he actually tore apart a basalt formation that was best at defense.

"Haha, who dares to fight with me!"

Demon General Shura laughed wildly, each of the six arms grabbed a magic sword, and strangled to death dozens of Sixiang disciples in the battle formation.


Xiang Kuanglong was furious, and vented all the anger suppressed in his heart on Demon General Shura.

"Human beings in the realm of law."

The Asura Demon General was startled, but soon laughed teasingly: "Unfortunately, he will die soon!"

"It's just you?" Xiang Kuanglong was furious, he punched him, and suddenly the majestic power of heaven and earth gathered and turned into a divine seal that suppressed all things, wanting to smash the Shura Demon General into powder with one punch.

However, Demon General Shura stepped back unhurriedly.

Just when Xiang Kuanglong was in doubt, a thick black lightning suddenly fell from the sky, smashing the fist mark he made directly.

"Magic handsome!"

Xiang Kuanglong was startled, his pupils shrank.

At the same time, shocking fluctuations of magic power came from the due east direction, and the murderous aura surged into the sky, as if a terrible monster was born, the unrivaled magic power swept all directions, and the sky trembled violently.

The leading tall specter, bathed in the violent thunder, was filled with a demonic power that oppressed the world.

As soon as he appeared, the power of heaven and earth around him became heavy, and he was definitely a magic commander-level powerhouse.

"There is still a strong demon in ambush..."

"How is it possible, haven't all the demon generals on the archipelago been dispatched?"

Many people's faces were pale, and even the powerhouses of the Demon Commander level were dispatched, and they also led a large number of demon troops to flank them, and the situation suddenly became critical.

"You are the Overlord of Cangjiao Island, the Black Horn Demon Commander?" Xiang Kuanglong's expression became serious, he stared at the other party and said sharply.

However, the tall phantom bathed in the violent thunder just smiled contemptuously and didn't mean to answer at all.


The void trembled, and a demonic cloud rushed towards the south, mighty and mighty, stretching for dozens of miles, falling towards the demonic city, the terrifying aura made one's hair stand on end.

The leader is also a coercive magic general, and he leads tens of thousands of magic generals.

huh huh...

From the west of the magic city, there were bursts of magic sounds, but the murderous aura boiled in the softness.

Above the clouds in the west, there is a bloody demon cloud floating, and a delicate woman in blood can be vaguely seen sitting on the Nine Heavens, playing the piano with both hands.

The sound of the piano is like a knife like a sword, hitting people's soul directly.

The sound of the piano is like a stormy sea, overwhelming the sky and covering the sky, with the potential to destroy everything.

This is a terrifying sound of killing, like the roar of a heavenly demon, like a galloping horse, endless murderous aura swept down, the battle formations were torn apart, countless strong men were pierced through their bodies, and died tragically on the spot.

It turned out to be another devil handsome!
"Princess Qi, the three major demon commanders have already dispatched, and those humans cannot escape." Baiyan female demon said respectfully.

The woman in purple who was half lying on the jade couch lifted her body slightly, with a smug smile on her face, everything was under her control.

"Very good, drive them into the magic city."

(End of this chapter)

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