Chapter 431 One Hundred Thousand Demon Generals
Pieces of thick magic clouds rose up, crushing the void.

In all directions of the demon city, a large number of demon powerhouses appeared, led by three demon commanders, showing an unrivaled trend, constantly impacting people's hearts.

The disciples of the Holy Land, who were caught in the fierce battle, had already fallen into a tight siege without knowing it.

The vicious power of the three magic commanders is extremely strong, and their combat power is even more terrifying.

Every move and style is blessed by the power of heaven and earth, and it can blow up the combined attack formation formed by dozens of disciples of the Holy Land.

The demon commander bathed in thunder was the most berserk. After knocking Xiang Kuanglong away with a punch, he grabbed a green dragon formation with his hand.

"how come……"

The Sixiang disciples in the battle formation were all hairy, as if they were facing a devil.

"Jie jie jie...die!"

Amidst a grim grin, endless thunder burst out, directly blasting the Qinglong battle formation, and dozens of Sixiang disciples among them all died tragically.

Such terrible things are happening all around the magic city.

In addition to the three major demon commanders sweeping the world, tens of thousands of demon armies also surrounded them, their momentum was huge, and they kept making strange screams, which made people feel terrified.

"Three Great Demon Commanders, One Hundred Thousand Demon Generals..."

Seeing the demon army all over the sky, many disciples of the Holy Land were ashamed.

With their strength, it is already the limit to deal with the [-] to [-] magic generals on the six islands.

Now facing five or six times the demon army, under the leadership of the three major demon commanders, they pushed forward mightily, making many people tremble and lose their fighting spirit.

"How did this happen, where are there so many demon generals on the Canglong Islands?"

At this moment, even Xiang Kuanglong, a strong man in the Faxiang Realm, felt his scalp tingling when he saw the demon army all over the sky.

"Didn't it mean that there are only [-] to [-] magic generals and one magic commander in the archipelago? Where did they come from?"

The disciples of the Four Elephants Holy Land had done their homework before coming, and they were familiar with everything on the Canglong Islands.

However, the current situation is completely beyond their imagination.

What Long Hao was worried about finally happened.

However, it was slightly different from what he had expected. He originally had a purple-clothed woman who would sweep the world by herself, but he never expected that so many demon armies would appear out of thin air.

"Meow, they are different." Long Xiaomiao jumped back grabbing a fresh magic bead, and exclaimed in surprise.

Long Hao took a look at the magic bead, and found that the magic power in it was extremely pure, and it also contained a trace of mysterious power that could erode people's souls, far more pure than the ones he refined before.

"You mean they are different from the natives of the archipelago. Did they come from outside?"

Long Xiaomiao nodded resolutely, a trace of worry flashed in her big eyes, as if she was afraid of something.

Long Hao looked at the bloody battlefield around him, and couldn't help but take a deep breath: "The Abyss of Suppressing Demons?"

"No, these demons are stronger than those in the abyss. They are physically strong and have exquisite supernatural powers. Could it be that they came from the other end of the space-time channel?"

Legend has it that the other end of the space-time channel is the big world where the abyssal demons live, which is even more powerful than the Xuanhuang big world.

"If that's the case, it's going to be troublesome."

The fact that so many demon armies can invade in means that the seal of the space-time channel has been severely damaged.

Moreover, the demon clan's careful plan and ruthless attack this time must not only be aimed at retaliating against the elite disciples of the six holy places, there must be a bigger plot.

At this time, he suddenly found that Long Xiaomiao was shrinking on his shoulder, looking worriedly at the chaotic sky in the south.

There, there was a concentration of domineering forces of the four phenomena, like a huge vortex, blocking the surging demonic energy.

"Do they want to break the seal?"

The power of the Four Elephant Demon Sealing Formation is so powerful that even a saint cannot forcibly break through it from the outside, but it is hard to say from the inside.

But no matter what, relying on the strength of the magic general and the commander, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

At this moment, bursts of violent roar interrupted Long Hao's thoughts.

In a blink of an eye, the battle formations collapsed, and countless disciples of the Holy Land died tragically.

Under the terrifying attack of the three great magic commanders, the disciples of the Holy Land could no longer hold on and were about to collapse.

"Quick, return to the magic city."

"Rewind, rewind..."

Facing five or six times as many enemies, it would be difficult for the disciples of the Holy Land to fight in the wild. For now, the only way to do it is to retreat to the magic city and use the defensive formation there to fight.

Although everyone knows that even a large formation protecting the city cannot last long under the attack of [-] demon generals, there is no other way right now.


Streams of light pierced through the void, rushing towards the magic city with jaw-dropping speed.

Although everyone's morale was low, they were very decisive and fast when they ran for their lives.

Naturally, the demon army would not let everyone go, and they also dispatched together, coming from all directions, and began to chase and intercept them. It seemed that they were sure to annihilate everyone outside the city.

Puff puff……

The blood-clothed woman in the Nine Heavens plucked the strings of the zither, and the sound of thousands of swords resounding suddenly came out, and the fierce energy came down, piercing through countless disciples of the Holy Land.

The other two demon masters also struck fiercely and quickly, killing many people.

It seems that it is not so easy to rush into the city.

In front of them are the three demon commanders who are terrifying to kill the world, and behind them is an army of tens of thousands of demons.

Just when everyone was in despair, a figure in white rose into the sky.

His whole body was glowing, like a nine-turned golden body, his divine light was blazing, and every inch of flesh and blood contained destructive power.

That's the revival of the divine pattern of power, like a manifestation of the Dao.

I saw him punching the sky, and the sky suddenly collapsed, turning into a terrible black hole, smashing all the weird sounds of the piano, even the woman in blood groaned, holding the piano and retreating.

"Long Hao, it's Long Hao!"

"It's a terrifying punch, as if it wants to break the sky."

At the same time, Long Hao's figure instantly tore through the void, driving a huge punch, like a giant dragon roaring to the sky, and blasted at the magic commander who was bathed in thunder.


Humans in the Golden Core Realm dared to provoke him, which made the Moshuai furious.

He flipped his hands to condense a huge black thunderball, as vast as the sun, and the destructive aura in it made people feel horrified.

However, Long Hao's punch was unstoppable, like a frightened bird, it pierced through the black thunder ball in an instant.

Boom boom boom...

All this was too sudden, a large area of ​​the world was destroyed, and there was an aura of opening up the world.

"Impossible, ahem..."

The demon commander roared, and his body flew upside down. The thunder on his body was completely shattered, and it seemed that even his chest collapsed.

After defeating the opponent, Long Hao didn't stop, and rushed to the north in an instant, arousing the power of heaven's punishment, and repelled the last demon commander.

One person swept the three magic commanders.

Long Hao's invincible power shocked everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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