Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 436 Dragon Ball Birth

Chapter 436 Dragon Ball Birth
The sky and the earth roared, and the giant wheel crushed everything like a millstone of life and death, shaking the magic city.

During this period, countless human beings roared, and the screams were endless, shaking all the clouds in the sky away.

Disciple Yaoguang saw it, his soul trembled, and he couldn't imagine what a tragic scene it was in the magic city.

"These demons are really vicious, and they want to sacrifice our lives."

Xiao Liu sat down on the ground, his face was a little pale.

"Fortunately, Long Hao has the foresight, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!" Even Fang Tianhua swallowed at this moment, feeling a little panic in his heart.

There were screams from all directions in the magic city, full of panic, and even the terrifying aura could be sensed from a long distance away.The void continued to shatter, and the roulette in the sky turned, like a blood-colored storm, mighty and mighty, penetrating the heavens and the earth, engulfing the entire magic city in it, and the terrifying aura made one's hair stand on end.

As for the others, they all froze in place, staring at the magic city that had been reduced to purgatory, unable to breathe.

There are only chaotic and violent heartbeats all around, one after another.

Ling Shu clenched his sleeves, biting his lips so hard that they burst, bleeding profusely, his eyes kept searching for Long Hao's figure, full of worry.

"It's over, it's over, it was originally a demon hunting assessment, but it turned out to be dumplings made by the demons. If this news gets out, we will be reduced to a laughing stock if we break ground on the Six Great Holy Lands." Lu Qianyuan sat on the ground and sighed.

"It would be great if Senior Sister Mu was here." Yun Rong's small face also drooped.

In the dull atmosphere, Ling Shu suddenly let out a cry of surprise: "Look, isn't that the woman who calls herself Mu Tianyan?"

Hearing this, Lu Qianyuan and Yun Rong were the first to look over, raising their eyesight to the limit, they were stunned.

In the center of the magic city, a huge monster suddenly lifted into the sky, its whole body was pitch black, like a black cloud.

On top of the huge monster stood two graceful figures.

One of them, dressed in purple, floated up slowly, filled with smog, raised his jade hand upwards, and immediately the entire magic city began to vibrate violently.

Just like a major earthquake, soon these Yaoguang disciples also felt the violent shock.

"She's not Senior Sister Mu!" Yun Rong shouted with great certainty after only one glance.

Hearing this, Xiao Liuteng stood up suddenly, and shouted angrily: "I knew that this scheming bitch approached us on purpose, and she must have malicious intentions. She is indeed a devil."

Seeing this, everyone was a little dazed, they all rolled their eyes at Xiao Liu, secretly cursing in their hearts, they don't know who was the one who acted like a little milk dog when they first saw the woman in purple.

"Look, what is that?"

Another exclamation came, tensing people's nerves again and again.

Then, people were shocked to see that a dark green sun slowly rose into the sky, like amber, blooming with strange brilliance.

"Could it be that the demons have been planning for so long, even activating the blood sacrifice array, just for this thing?"

"That false mask, Tianyan, is indeed the initiator of all this."

"I don't know if Long Hao and the others can resist it."


The magic city is already in ruins.

The rising of the dark green sun had already put everyone in a state of confusion.

Unlike the Yaoguang disciples outside the city, they can deeply feel that a majestic holy power sweeping across the nine heavens and ten places is recovering.

The surrounding void was frequently crushed and exploded, and the magic city was completely destroyed.

Just the escaping breath of holy power has the potential to crush everything, as if a saint has descended.

"what is that?"

"How could there be such a thing in the demon city? Could it be that there is a demon saint hidden in it?"

There are still many days before everyone takes down the magic city.

But whether it was the altars around the city, or the dark green sun deep in the ground, they didn't notice it at all.

click, click...

As waves of majestic blood soul power continuously poured into the dark green sun, countless cracks appeared on the petrified skin, and they split open at an extremely fast speed.

A series of deep blue brilliance bloomed from every corner of the sun, and a huge coercion swept the world.

"Dragon, dragon, it's Long Wei!"

"What a powerful Longwei, could it be that a real dragon was bred in it?"

Many people's first impression was that it was a huge dragon egg.

"That is--"

Long Hao and Long Xiaomiao looked at each other, their eyeballs were round, and they exclaimed almost simultaneously: "Dragon Ball!"

Especially Long Xiaomiao, who almost jumped up excitedly, screaming loudly.

The two of them have searched for a long time, and almost searched the entire Cangfang Island.

But no one thought that the legendary dragon ball of Canglong was actually buried in the ground under the magic city.

No wonder the abyssal demons built a city here.

It's no wonder that the demon army will appear here and trap them in the city.


Everything has come to light.

Long Hao looked away and turned to the purple-clothed woman standing in the void, and suddenly a cold light flashed.

All of this was clearly planned by the woman in purple.

The disciples who attempted blood sacrifices to the six holy places came to revive the petrified dragon balls, and with the help of the majestic holy power within, they broke the seal of the passage of time and space.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying power is contained in the dragon ball of a real dragon.

If they really succeeded, then the Xuanhuang Great World would be devastated again.

After Li Yuandao learned the truth of the matter, he was also shocked and speechless.

"What a sophisticated plan."

"But who is this woman? Hundreds of thousands of demon generals, even the commander-in-chief are obedient to her!"

Long Hao had long seen the extraordinaryness of the woman in purple, but after seeing her true face, he was still a little shocked.

"The legend is true."

"The Canglong Islands are actually the corpse of a real dragon."

"It's a pity that this real dragon fell too long ago. Even the dragon ball was petrified, and its power was completely sealed. Otherwise, we strongmen in the Four Elephant Holy Land would have discovered it long ago."

Xiang Kuanglong and many other disciples of the Four Elephant Holy Land were particularly shocked at this moment.

Especially Xiang Kuanglong, his eyes fixed on the dragon ball in the air, his eyes were full of greed and fiery.

"Xiang Kuanglong, what are you still doing, send a message!"

Li Yuandao shouted sharply.

The current situation has far exceeded their expectations.

Even the dragon balls of the real dragon were born, and even the abyssal demons had to rely on this to break the seal of the space-time passage... All this is beyond their control, and they can only ask the saint to intervene.

Xiang Kuanglong reacted from the fiery emotions and understood the current situation. He hurriedly searched for the storage bag, but soon he froze there again.

The sky was chopped off, and time and space were forbidden.

This space has been cut off from the world by the formation, and he can't send messages at all.

But at this moment, with the infusion of the majestic blood soul power and the majestic holy power sweeping across the world, Dragon Ball is about to fully recover.

(End of this chapter)

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