Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 437 tragic

Chapter 437 tragic
The dark green sun in the sky became more and more dazzling, and almost all the petrified skin on the outside fell off, and terrible holy power raged out, sweeping the world.

At this time, the heaven and earth roulette finally stopped spinning, and the rumbling sound dissipated, replaced by a deathly silence.

In a short period of time, the magic city has been reduced to ruins, not even a complete building remains.

"This... all of a sudden..."

A disciple of the Holy Land stood up and looked around in a daze. He was horrified to find that there were huge pits everywhere, as well as broken clothes and white bones. The breath swept through everyone's heart.

Here, it seems to have turned into a place of death.

"We have more than [-] people in the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao, and there are only so few left?"

At this moment, there are less than 2000 extreme disciples gathered under the Taiji Diagram. This is because Li Yuandao's reaction is fast enough, and the power of the magic weapon he has mastered can be strong.

Otherwise, the loss will only be more severe.

As for the other four holy places, it was even more miserable, but there were more than a thousand people left.

After a great battle, more than two-thirds of the Holy Land disciples died.

Of course, if the corpses of thousands of strong demons had not been filled in, I am afraid that these people would not escape bad luck now.

"The blood sacrifice is complete?"

"Dragon Ball has fully recovered, what are they going to do?"

Many people fell to the ground, and their pale faces could hardly conceal the panic in their hearts.

However, after a brief calm.

The Earth Sha demon generals made another effort, and the formation once again began to change strangely.

The rolling magic power turned into waves of blood and soon formed a vast ocean above the ruins.

The heaven and earth roulette turned again, and countless mysterious magic patterns lit up on the underground altar, spreading out like spider webs.

Soon, the sea of ​​blood flowed across and turned into a huge vortex, covering the side of Dragon Ball.

"That's... Earth Fiend Rising to the Sky!"

Long Hao took a deep breath, his mind was shaken.

Anyone who has some knowledge of the formation can see that at this time the altar is the base, like a huge fort, absorbing the majestic holy power in the dragon ball, and it is about to be launched.

And the locked target is the chaotic time and space in the south direction.

There, is the seal of the space-time channel.

Once it suffers a huge impact from Dragon Ball, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The destructive power produced by a complete real dragon ball after it explodes is absolutely destructive, and it may even blow up the entire Four Elephant Demon Sealing Formation to pieces.

The entire Canglong Islands may be directly wiped from the world.

"No, these demons are going to break the seal."

Li Yuandao got up suddenly, his eyes were extremely serious.

"It's over, it's over..."

"Once the seal is broken and the demon army descends, not only us, but the entire eastern land will..."

"I didn't expect these demons to be so cunning and treacherous. I wish I could exterminate them sooner!"

At this time, no matter how stupid a person is, he understands the plan of the demons.

They can even imagine that at the other end of the space-time channel, there are countless powerful demons and even demon saints gathering.

As long as the seal is broken, they will rush in immediately.

And regardless of whether the strong men of the Eastern Earth can resist it, they will be torn into pieces in the first place anyway, and become the blood of the demons.

However, the terrifying coercion of Dragon Ball is like a mountain of thousands of gods suppressing on top of their heads, making them lose even the courage to stop it.

The White Swallow Demon, standing on top of the magic whale, glanced at the surrounding disciples of the Holy Land who were spread like mud on the ground, with a smug smile in her eyes.

"As long as the seal is broken, our army will be able to resist immediately, completely conquer this world, and rule the world!"

"It's coming, it's coming!"


The power of the big formation has almost been accumulated, and the huge dragon ball has been sucked in, and it is about to sink into the huge bloody vortex.

People looked at this scene in despair and closed their eyes.

However, at this moment, a fiery wave of fire swept across the world, melting the frozen void.

Hearing the violent roar, people suddenly looked up and saw an extremely shocking scene.

I saw an orange fire lotus suddenly lifted into the sky, rose in the wind, and became as huge as that dragon ball in an instant, just like a big orange sun.

"who is it?"

The people's eyes widened in shock, and suddenly they saw a tall and straight figure in white, soaring into the sky, pushing a huge orange fire lotus straight into the sky.

"Long Hao!"

Everyone recognized it at once, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"That is the supreme supernatural power he has mastered. It is said that it is condensed by using many heaven and earth strange fires. It can burn the sky and refine the earth, and refine everything. It is really terrifying!"

"Look, even the sky has been burned down, and the sea of ​​blood is being refined!"

"But, with his own strength, can he contend against the terrifying holy power in Dragon Ball?"

Everyone frowned tightly, staring at the sky, motionless.

"Huh? He really couldn't help but shoot."

At this time, the woman in purple who was preparing to mobilize the formation also spotted Long Hao's figure, but she didn't panic at all.

"Humble ants, dare to block my clan's plan?"

Suddenly, there was a light Zha, which exploded between heaven and earth like thunder.

Immediately, people saw that the huge whale monster suddenly opened its bloody mouth, like a crack in space, and spewed out a storm of pitch-black water and swept towards it.

The black water contained magical power, as well as the power of the mysterious water of heaven and earth. It was extremely heavy, and every drop was like a mountain.

Coupled with the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, it seems that a vast ocean has emerged out of thin air.

The water storm swept in and collided with the orange fire lotus.

Water and fire are incompatible, and the two extreme forces collided together, like two planets exploding, the terrifying destructive power turned the universe upside down, reversed the yin and yang.

"The mantis arm is the car!"

At this time, the light crackling sound sounded again.

Immediately, a shocking sword light passed by, tearing apart the power of water and fire, turning into clouds of smoke and collapsing.

"Two Demon Commanders!"

"So strong, stronger than the three demon masters outside!"

"It really doesn't work, Long Hao's strength alone can't stop them at all."

Xiang Kuanglong, Bai Yutang and the others even sneered: "Hmph, a guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, just thinks he is invincible in the world?"

"I think he is courting death."

But suddenly, there was another violent roar in the sky.

A figure like a swimming dragon flitted across the sky, and the golden fist was filled with mysterious divine patterns, like an indestructible divine seal, shattering the chaotic storm and piercing through the sky.

"I don't know the so-called human kid, this will kill you!"

The Baiyan female demon swung her sword again, and the majestic power of heaven and earth attached to the sword energy, unexpectedly bursting out a trace of power to open the sky, which was unparalleled.


However, when the golden fist smashed angrily, the sword light collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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