Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 444 Reverse Ge 1 Strike

Chapter 444

Huge fluctuations of magic power swept across the sky, bursting out with overwhelming power.

Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun let out a muffled sound at the same time, and flew out backwards, retreating several miles away, before dispelling Ling's terrifying power.

"These damn humans are really difficult."


The three magic commanders were extremely aggrieved.

Their strength is obviously so strong, but the two humans in front of them seem to be invincible Xiaoqiang.

Every time he was repelled by heavy injuries, he still rushed over regardless, and his fighting spirit soared, like a wounded beast, his momentum became stronger.

The situation with Baiyan female demon was similar, she was dragged by Li Yuandao desperately.

However, Long Hao and the purple-clothed woman in the sky were still attacking each other, and the battle became more and more intense.

A big battle has evolved into a tower defense game.

Before, the Demon Race had to guard the formation.

Now that the formation is broken, the two sides switch sides, and Long Hao has to protect the orb of the Dao.

After all, a real dragon's dragon ball has too much energy, and it is not so easy to absorb and refine it.

People watched intently, and the situation reached a stalemate.

But no one noticed that when the fierce battle was in full swing, there were pairs of eyes full of hatred, greed, resentment... staring at Long Hao in the dark.

chi chi chi...

The sword energy was like a rainbow, stirring the nine heavens, as if it wanted to break through the divine lines and cut off Long Hao's body.

The woman in purple burst out with all her strength, showing unprecedented strength.

The sword light exploded, space cracks raged, and terrifying destructive power swept across the sky.

Long Hao was repelled, and there was a severe pain in his chest. There was a thick and long bloody gash, and the bone was deep.

Sure enough, even the water spirit treasure body couldn't resist the domineering power of space.

However, the purple-clothed woman was also affected by Long Hao's punch, her body flew upside down, and blood oozes from the corner of her mouth.

"Right now, let's go!"

However, at this moment, a sudden murderous intent enveloped Long Hao.

"Supernatural power—Wan Lei's sky-cutting finger!"

"Supernatural power - Hunyuan Sword World!"

"Supernatural powers - Universe Star Devouring Palm!"


The finger strength is vast and sharp, the sword world is mighty, and the palm strength shatters the sky and the earth... A series of terrifying attacks, turned into a series of falling comets, suddenly erupted behind Long Hao.

The most frightening thing is that mighty air dragon, the whole body is covered with dense inscription patterns, and the purple light suddenly appears, as if it has come to life, it is about to break through the sky.

"Supernatural power - real dragon flying fire cover!"

boom boom boom...

Long Hao's body was flying backwards, and he had nowhere to dodge, and was instantly submerged in waves of destructive air currents.


"How could this be?"

The people were startled, seeing that the situation was about to reverse, with the efforts of Long Hao and others, they felt a glimmer of hope to survive.

However, no one expected that at this critical moment, someone would strike back.

"Bai Yutang, Xiao Yuan, Sikong Sheng... and Xiang Kuanglong and Beitang Mo..."

"What are they doing? Killing Long Hao, everyone will die. What good will it do them?"

People were shocked.

"Zixiao Holy Land and Sixiang Holy Land, it's them again!"

"These scum, it's okay to stand aside and do nothing, but they even attack their comrades and help the evildoers. It's really hateful!"

"This is their tradition. In the great war thousands of years ago, weren't they treated like turtles?"

The eyes of many disciples of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao were even more angry.


"I only hate my lack of strength, otherwise I will kill them a hundred times!"

Not to mention the disciples of the Holy Land present for this astonishing change.

Even the woman in purple, including all the powerful demons, was equally astonished.

"These human beings only know how to fight among themselves, they are indeed humble, and they are only worthy of being slaves of our clan."

To tell the truth, even the three major magic commanders cast aside the deeds of Xiang Kuanglong and others.

But the Baiyan female demon became ecstatic.

"Long Hao? Hmph, you desperately tried to protect humans, but ended up dying at the hands of humans. What a great irony!"

However, Xiang Kuanglong and the others turned a deaf ear to the scolding around them, staring at Long Hao who was submerged in the destructive storm, their eyes burst out with surprise.

"Dead, he is absolutely dead!"

"This scorpion must have been smashed to pieces, body and spirit have been destroyed, and even reincarnation is impossible."

Bai Yutang, Sikong Sheng and others all let out a breath of malice, their expressions were ferocious, and they kept laughing wildly from their mouths.

As for Xiang Kuanglong, he turned his attention to the Dao Orb, which was very close at hand. His greed and excitement made his blood boil.

"Get it, I will become a peerless powerhouse, and I can also wipe out demons..."

"It turns out that I am the savior, hahaha...!"

Xiang Kuanglong raised his head to the sky and let out a long cry, suddenly soared into the sky, stretched out a powerful hand, and grabbed the Dao Orb.

"Is he really dead?"

The woman in purple stared blankly at the chaotic storm of destruction, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Although she and Long Hao were enemies, for some reason, she couldn't bear the other party's downfall.

And she couldn't believe that the man who could fight her strong without losing the wind would die in the hands of these little bastards.

But soon, her mind calmed down, and her serious eyes fixed on Xiang Kuanglong who was laughing wildly.

"Thank you for killing Long Hao, but since he is dead, you should all go to hell."

Most of the energy of the dragon ball has been swallowed up, but that orb is miraculous, and if it is captured, it may also be able to break the seal.

Therefore, the woman in purple made a decisive move, condensing a series of spatial swords, and wanted to strangle Xiang Kuanglong on the spot.

However, there was a terrifying wave of power that recovered first and enveloped the heavens all at once.


Immediately, a golden fist slammed down on Xiang Kuanglong's head, and the divine pattern appeared as if blessed with the power of the Great Dao, which came from the Nine Heavens God Realm, with an unrivaled momentum.


The smile on Xiang Kuanglong's face froze for an instant, and he only had time to let out an exclamation, and then his golden fist smashed his bombardment, blasting his whole body into the ground.

Blood sprayed out, staining the ground red.

After this blow, Xiang Kuanglong was severely injured, lying on the ground like a dog, unable to get up.

"Humble clown, you are still far behind!"

The resonant voice resounded through the heaven and earth, like the ethereal voice of the sky, full of strong arrogance and contempt overlooking everything.

"Impossible, you..." Xiang Kuanglong looked up at the sky, his pupils were full of fear.

"It's Long Hao, my god, he's not dead yet!"

"If you don't die like this, is he watered by the gods?"

Bai Yutang and the others froze in place, their hands and feet were cold, and their souls were trembling.

At this time, Long Hao's messy white robe was covered with scarlet blood, his hair was flying, and his eyes were shining brightly like the sun and the moon.

That image is like a god of killing, descending from hell to the world!

(End of this chapter)

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