Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 445 Golden Elixir Great Consummation

Chapter 445

At this time, the orb of the Great Dao was on Long Hao's head, and endless chaotic light bathed his whole body, making him look extremely stalwart and tall, like an immortal god and demon.

His thick black hair was scattered behind his back, and his eyes were like lightning, exuding a domineering and domineering spirit.

"Shui Lingbao body, coupled with the double defense of the real dragon flying fire cover, is so amazing!"

Seeing this, Li Yuandao and others were both surprised and awed.

If it were them, they would have been severely injured by the woman in purple and then attacked by Xiang Kuanglong and others, they would definitely not be able to bear it.

On the other side, Xiang Kuanglong and the others were remorseful, and the tall and straight figure not far away, like a fascinated figure overlooking the world, made him shudder.

If he had known this earlier, he would never have shot.

Fortunately, not only failed to get rid of Long Hao and seized the Dragon Ball, but also became the public enemy of all the holy places.

At this moment, the power of the dragon ball has been completely devoured, and even the orb that was as bright as the scorching sun disappeared without a trace, and the sky became gray again.

However, the huge coercion in everyone's hearts did not dissipate, but became more and more terrifying.

A surging breath revived from Long Hao's body.

Like a potential dragon ascending the abyss, it surged violently, and soon shook the void, and even the power of the surrounding heaven and earth boiled with it.

"So that's the case, and it will feed back."

After the Dao Orb returned, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Long Hao's mouth.

Although the power of the dragon ball was absorbed by the orb, on the Dao Orb, hundreds of power lines were revived at once, enough for him to comprehend for a long time in the future.

Moreover, the power of feeding back melted into his body, awakening all the remaining more than 3 dragon veins.

The 12 dragon veins emitted divine brilliance at the same time, reflecting his body crystal clear and sacred, and a sense of perfection made his soul almost sublimated.


Powerful power fluctuations emanated, causing violent shocks in the world.

One after another chaotic divine radiance emanated from his body, and in the vast void, a huge phantom of the ancestor dragon was faintly outlined.

Roaring to the heavens, oppressing the world!
"What's going on, can't he break through the Faxiang Realm?"

He noticed that the power of heaven and earth around him was surging like a tide, causing people to lose even the ability to control the sky.

"What was that just now?"

"Has the dragon appeared?"

In particular, the ghostly shadow of the ancestral dragon with a glimpse of it has a powerful avenue that suppresses everything, making all living beings feel the fear of facing a god.

"Not good, actually broke through!"

The purple-clothed woman's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly retreated.

Suddenly, Long Hao opened his eyes, flashing a divine light piercing through the universe.

Powerful power fluctuations raged like a sea tide, instantly overturning Bai Yutang and others not far away.

"Golden Elixir Ten Great Consummation, the Power of a Flying Dragon!"

Clenching his fists, Long Hao felt the surging power in his body, as if he couldn't control it and wanted to vent it out.

"Ha ha……"

He smiled lightly, turned his gaze suddenly, and fixed on Bai Yutang, Xiang Kuanglong and the others.

At that moment, the bodies of Bai Yutang and Xiang Kuanglong froze suddenly, and there was a horror of their souls being sucked away by the god of death.

However, even more terrifying is yet to come.

Without saying a word, Long Hao stretched his hands forward, and the two powerful hands instantly condensed, covering them like an all-encompassing sky net.

"no no……"

Bai Yutang roared like crazy, wanting to run away.

However, that ordinary hand with great magic power seemed to hold the space, and the surrounding air currents squeezed in frantically, making him fall into the sea like a mud cow.

In the end, he could not escape the fate of being caught.

Xiang Kuanglong, who was severely injured just now, was even more miserable. Before he could get up, he was directly grabbed by the powerful hand.

"Long Hao, what are you doing?"

"Let us go quickly, or the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light won't be able to keep you!"

Xiang Kuanglong questioned angrily, but in fact his heart was extremely terrified.

"Yes, if you dare to kill us, it's equivalent to going to war with our two holy places, and you will surely perish!" Bai Yutang also threatened sharply.

"Two idiots." Seeing this scene, Tang Linfeng and Jian Lingyun shook their heads contemptuously.

Becoming someone else's chopping board fish, and daring to make threats with nonsense, is either stupid or stupid.

What's more, the outstanding people present here are all young and vigorous, and threats will only have the opposite effect.

There was a muffled sound, like the sound of a balloon popping, followed by blood splashing.

Immediately, people were horrified to see that Bai Yutang, the leader of the contemporary disciples of a holy place, the supreme powerhouse of the Half-Step Physique Realm, was caught and killed.

His body was smashed to pieces, and his body and spirit were all destroyed.

Long Hao used his actions to fully demonstrate his arrogance and fearlessness.

"My god, with a light grip, Bai Yutang was caught and exploded. How did Long Hao become so powerful!"

People's eyes widened in surprise.

Although Long Hao was also very strong just now, he was not so strong that he could easily obliterate a half-step practitioner. This scene was really shocking.

"Mad, you lunatic!"

Seeing Bai Yutang's tragic death before his eyes, Xiang Kuanglong finally panicked. He opened his mouth and spewed out a drop of blood, which turned into mysterious inscription patterns covering his body like scales.

In an instant, he turned into a black dragon and struggled violently.

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, everything is futile.

Another muffled sound.

Xiang Kuanglong is completely destroyed!
When the blood rain dissipated and people stared at the two shining golden pills promoted in the void and the storage bag, they felt even more creepy.

It is especially terrifying to have such a powerful force, yet be able to control it in such a fine detail.

A white shadow passed by, picked up two golden pills and a storage bag and slipped back.

Long Xiaomiao hugged Xiang Kuanglong's golden pill, with an excited smile on her little face.

Although the real dragon's dragon ball was not obtained, this golden elixir also contained a drop of the essence of the blue dragon's blood essence, which was of great benefit to it.

It didn't even think about it, it just swallowed it in one gulp, and then lay on Long Hao's shoulder with peace of mind, and began to refine it.

The little guy was obviously afraid that Long Hao would rob him.

But Long Hao didn't pay attention to it at all.

After the energy of the Dragon Ball was fed back, his body was saturated and perfect, and he really didn't like Xiang Kuanglong's golden core.

But Jin Dan can ignore it, but people still have to be killed.

The next moment, he turned his attention to the panicked Sikong Sheng and the others.

"It's over!"

A huge dragon claw pressed down from the sky, with an incomparable momentum, instantly enveloped Sikong Sheng and the others.

"It's over!"

Even Bai Yutang and Xiang Kuanglong were caught and killed, how could they resist.

But the sky was chopped off, and the bronze token was completely useless, which made them despair.

(End of this chapter)

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