Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 460 Domineering Juggernaut

Chapter 460 Domineering Juggernaut

The sky was shattered, and the terrible destructive aura raged, as if the doomsday disaster was coming.

"This is the battle of the saints!"

All this was horrifying, and the people who witnessed this scene were all stunned, feeling the ghosts of the dead, and their whole bodies were drenched in cold sweat.

The sudden outbreak of jihad made everyone present realize what is truly powerful.

As soon as the sage makes a move, he can destroy the world with a flip of his hands.

They control the laws and arouse the power of the sky, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"All saints are ants."

"This saying that has been passed down through the ages is indeed true."

People are all sighing, the elite disciples of the major holy places all have amazing fighting spirit in their eyes, and their lives seem to be guided.

High in the sky, the robes fluttered, and the long silver-white hair fluttered. The Heavenly Jue Sword Master swiped horizontally with his sword, arousing the supernatural power of exterminating the world.

The sword energy is mighty for thousands of miles, extremely pale and extremely violent, like a strong tornado, filled with the power to destroy everything, rolling towards the sky.

A loud noise came out, centering on the two of them, the space distorted, the void collapsed heavily, and the terrifying sword energy pierced through the sky in the distance.


Immediately afterwards, a shrill scream came from the chaotic storm of sword energy, which was extremely ear-piercing.

"It's the voice of the Great Sage Howling Heaven."

"No way, could it be that the Great Sage Xiaotian was seriously injured?"

People's gazes were fixed on the sky, and the next moment they saw a figure in distress rushing out of the shattered storm, it was the Great Sage Xiaotian.

At this time, the Great Sage Xiaotian, with loose hair and weak holy power, has long since lost his previous air, giving people the feeling of being weak and weak as if his body has been hollowed out.

Although the appearance was unscathed, people could sense that the Great Sage Xiaotian must have suffered heavy injuries.

Even the eyes that looked at the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven became full of fear.

"How is this possible? The Great Sage Xiaotian is not an ordinary saint. He became a saint 500 years ago. He has cultivated for more than 1000 years and has already made great achievements. However, the Sword Saint Tianjue has only practiced for 200 years!"

"As soon as he became a saint a hundred years ago, he even killed the six saints of the Zixiao Holy Land. His current strength is so terrifying."

The mighty Great Sage Xiaotian was severely wounded by a sword, and people felt it was inconceivable.

After all, the Four Elephants Holy Land is the host of this core disciple assessment, and the saints sent are naturally extremely strong.

The Great Sage Xiaotian, it can be said that he has stood at the pinnacle of the holy way, but he is still not the enemy of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven.

However, the most nervous person at this time is the Great Sage Nine Heavens.

Seeing the great sage Xiaotian was severely injured, the strong murderous aura turned around in an instant, descending on him like a hundred thousand mountains.

"Damn it, the Great Sage Xiaotian has practiced for more than a thousand years, but he can't even block a single move."

The Great Sage Nine Heavens cursed secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he immediately controlled the Thunder Nine Heavens to come down, intending to kill Long Hao before the Sword Master Tianjue could react.

It's a pity that people underestimate the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven.

The Tianjue Sword Master ignored the seriously injured Great Sage Xiaotian, and suddenly turned his sharp eyes, and at the same time, the Tianjue Sword in his hand burst out with a world-shattering sharpness again.

chi chi chi...

A terrifying sword energy lit up the sky again, and it went up against the sky like the sun frightened. Wherever it went, the void was torn apart by the domineering force, and the white sword marks split the sky and the earth, which looked shocking.

It was obviously an unremarkable sword without any moves, but the destructive power it erupted was unparalleled.

The sword energy flew towards the sky in an instant, and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder that had just burst out was instantly shattered. Together with the thunder cloud condensed with the majestic holy power above, it was also as fragile as paper, and was cut by a sword.

The sky was divided into two, and a huge divine power raged.

Before the Great Sage Nine Heavens had time to react, he was sent flying by the mighty sword energy, and the holy blood spilled into the sky.

"It's so powerful!"

Even the saints present all changed their colors, and the souls of the existence under the saints were trembling, as if they were facing the heavens, their awe-inspiring pupils continued to dilate, full of inconceivable expressions.

In an instant, the two great saints were severely injured.

What even a saint thought was impossible, was solved so lightly under the hands of the Sword Master Tianjue.

The terrible coercion of the holy way collapsed, and Long Hao and others below finally regained their mobility.

But Ling Shu's body was riddled with holes, and he fell down suddenly. Long Hao stepped forward to help him up, feeling the faint breath of life from the other party, his eyes turned blood red all of a sudden.

"Come here."

The Master of Zhenwu Palace stepped forward immediately, and the protector Long Hao and others retreated to the side.

"Trash, you can't even kill an ant in the Golden Core Realm." The Great Sage Xiaotian took a breath, seeing Long Hao retreating safely, he was furious in his heart.

The Great Sage Nine Heavens also complained endlessly, the strength of the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven was completely beyond his imagination.

"Xiaotian, Jiuxiao, stop it."

"From my point of view, this matter should be checked after investigation."

The Great Sage Xuanqing and the other two saints naturally could not allow the jihad to continue, so they immediately stepped forward to dissuade them.

In just a split second, the formations around the islands and reefs almost completely collapsed.

Terrible holy power is continuously vented, like a destructive frenzy.

If it wasn't for Xuanqing Dasheng and others to take action, I am afraid that within thousands of miles around the island and reef, it will be turned into a place of death.

Seeing other saints stepping in, Great Sage Xiaotian and Great Sage Nine Heavens looked at each other, both filled with unwillingness, but unfortunately they were not strong enough, so they had no choice but to suppress the anger in their hearts.

However, they wanted to give up, but the Sword Master Tianjue refused.

Feeling the sword force of the Heavenly Jue Sword Saint, it was still rising sharply, heading straight for Xiaohan, which made the scalps of all the saints present feel numb.

"Heavenly Jue, you are all of the same way. If you have something to discuss, it's better to sit down and discuss it, so as not to make jokes for the juniors." The saint of Happy Holy Land said with a peacemaker smile on his lips.

It's a pity that they only remember that the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven is the leading saint of the Shaking Light Holy Land, but they ignore his shocking and mysterious name, which has spread far and wide - White-haired Sword Demon!
"Is it possible to kill my disciple Yaoguang with just a few words?"

The aura of the Sword Master Tianjue became extremely cold, and his voice was filled with infinite hostility.

"Tianjue, what else do you want?" The Great Sage Xiaotian was still very unconvinced.

He has practiced for more than a thousand years, and he has already stood at the top of the holy way, but today he was defeated by a rising star with a sword, which is already a great shame to him.

Seeing the aggressive Tianjue Sword Master made him even more ashamed and angry.

"Hmph, for the sake of fellow comrades, I won't cut you off today, but cut off your arm as a punishment!"

As soon as the words fell, the strong murderous aura revived again, which was much more terrifying than before.

The Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, wielding his sword across the sky, is like the God of Killing from the Nine Nether Hells, no one can stop his sharpness!
(End of this chapter)

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