Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 461 The Great Emperor Arrives

Chapter 461 The Great Emperor Arrives
There was an irresistible mysterious force in the understated words, which made the two great sages, Xiaotian and Jiuxiao, feel as if they were being bitten by lightning.

The Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven, who came with a sword, was like a god overlooking the heaven and earth, with an incomparably terrifying oppressive force on his body, which even a saint could hardly bear.

It is a kind of strong self-confidence and invincible belief.

I am invincible, and the way of the sword is the only one!
This terrible belief has already surpassed the level of a saint.

Suddenly, the sword intent soared into the sky, and the endless will was full of ruthlessness, cruelty and the general trend of extinction!

At this moment, everyone couldn't help trembling. This was the coercion from the soul, which made people subconsciously want to kneel and bow their heads.

"This is the essence of kendo, pure and extreme!"

Many Tianjian disciples exclaimed, all showing shock, everyone's heart was trembling, and they wanted to worship, but they couldn't help it, as if they were facing a god.


Kendo is holy!

Represents a kind of extreme of kendo.


A strong kendo will revived, sweeping the sky like a surging tide.

At this time, the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven is like the peerless sword fairy Linchen above the nine heavens. When the sword intent surged, there was a tendency to split the sky and the earth, suppressing everyone.

That is the strong will of the sword master, it has the mystery of surpassing the world, and it contains the ultimate killing power that transcends the world, even if it is only far away, it will be chopped into pieces.

"It's so overbearing that even the other saints were shocked!"

"Jugmaster, this is the Juggernaut of our Shaking Light Holy Land!"

"That's how it should be, let the world know that our Shaking Light Holy Land is definitely not to be bullied!"

Countless Yaoguang disciples are all excited at this moment, looking up at the supreme demeanor of the Juggernaut, they all feel honored!

Just now Xiaotian and the Great Sage Nine Heavens wanted to kill Long Hao indiscriminately, which made all the Yaoguang disciples furious. Now that the Sword Master has appeared out of nowhere and suppressed everything, it can be said to be very satisfying.

"Heavenly Absolute Sword Saint?"

Long Hao, who was treating Lingshu's injuries, suddenly raised his head, and an astonishing light burst out from his long and narrow eyes.

"Invincible, proud of all heroes, and be the only one!"

"This is the real powerhouse!"

A strong belief emerged in Long Hao's heart.

This kind of belief will always inspire him to bravely climb the peak and rush to the top of the road!
clang clang...

Thousands of swords resounded between heaven and earth.

Everyone was horrified to find that, attracted by the strong sword intent, the sword in their hands couldn't help but want to soar into the sky, thousands of sword qi gathered around the sword master of Tianjue, traced back to the source, and used it for him.

The next moment, the sword master looked down at the heavens like an immortal king, and suddenly swung his sword forward.

Only the Sword Master Tianjue is so powerful, he takes the initiative to attack, crosses the heavens, keeps approaching, and annihilates everything with his peerless sharpness.

Boom boom boom...

The space shock turned into a storm, and the divine thunder surged like a catastrophe.

The Great Sage Xiaotian roared sharply, danced in black, and shot the silver-white sky knife to tear the space, facing the shocking blow of the peerless sword fairy. At the same time, the holy clothes on his body flashed with light and completely burned.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the power of mysterious laws manifested, sweeping across the sky like chains formed by inscriptions on the Great Dao.

However, the sword light is unstoppable, it can obliterate all dharmas in the world, cleanse the avenue, cut down the sky, possessing supreme divine power!
chi chi chi...

The sword light stirred the Nine Heavens, and in an instant, it killed the joint blow of the two great sages with a force of destruction.

"Impossible!" The Great Sage Xiaotian shouted in horror.

"..." The Great Sage Nine Heavens had already lost his soul, standing in the void, unable to speak a word.

The threat of death, surging like a tide, is about to engulf them all.

"Heavenly Absolute—Sword Master!"

"The strength is so terrifying, and the cultivation base of swordsmanship has already made good fortune!"

Even the three saints who were watching the battle felt their scalps tingling, and there was a fear of suffering an indiscriminate disaster.

At this time, they finally understood that the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven has the power to instantly kill the Great Saint.

Such combat power has already surpassed the level of a saint, and reached the peak that even a saint can't match.

After not making a move for a long time, people have already forgotten how terrifying the Sword Master of Heaven is.

However, today's battle, in the name of the white-haired sword demon, awakened the entire Xuanhuang world!
Xiaotian and Great Sage Nine Heavens looked insanely mad, they were already ashamed in public, if they had another arm cut off, they would be completely reduced to the laughing stock of the Xuanhuang Realm, and they would no longer have to go out to mess around.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard they struggled, it was useless.

Because at this moment, their fate is completely in the hands of the Juggernaut, life and death are at stake.


The Great Sage Xiaotian let out a hysterical roar, and fell to the sky on his back. He couldn't believe it all. His expression was distorted, and he couldn't accept the result.

The purple gold tower in the hands of the Great Sage of Nine Heavens fell down, his body was completely cracked, stained red with blood, his face was full of disbelief, and he shouted in panic, "Heavenly, you will die!"

"Could it be... are you really going to kill the saint today?"

Everyone's eyes widened, looking up at the sky, their hearts vibrated violently like a tsunami.


Suddenly, a sigh came from outside the sky.

Clear and light, but in the chaotic world, spread into the depths of everyone's soul.

It was as if the gods above the nine heavens sighed.

In an instant, everyone froze there as if struck by lightning.

The peerless murderous intentions that filled the sky were scattered, and the world with a radius of thousands of miles almost collapsed.

The seed of that sigh contained an extremely terrifying mysterious power, which seemed to be able to reopen the world and make all living beings die.

The next moment, dazzling four-color divine lights flew from outside the sky, and the huge world was completely reflected in brilliant colors.

Followed by it, there is also a mighty Tianwei, which is suppressed from far to near, like a hundred thousand gods.

This terrifying celestial power was different from the ferocious killing intent of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven. It carried an extremely terrifying coercion. In an instant, all the creatures present knelt down on the ground.

He is dressed in a mysterious Taoist robe, surrounded by divine light, and has long hair flying.

Although his figure was bathed in four-color divine light and he couldn't see his face clearly, his whole body exuded an extremely domineering aura, giving people a strong oppression.

Even the Great Sage Xuanqing and others bowed their proud bodies, their heads seemed to be pressing down on the Nine Heavens, their necks were stiff, and they could not raise their heads.

The four-color divine light on that person spread out, instantly flattening the shattered sky, illuminating the world, like the first ray of light at the beginning of the creation of the world, and there is endless and terrifying power in the sacred harmony.

The celestial sword's edge was shattered in an instant, and the Sword Master Tianjue let out a muffled snort, and flew thousands of miles away.

"The glory of the emperor!"

"The emperor is the legendary supreme emperor!"

Under God's majesty, the world stood still, but people couldn't help but roar in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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