Chapter 462

The divine light shines high in the sky, the auspicious clouds cover the sky, and even the power of the surrounding heaven and earth is extremely active, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

The figure in the auspicious clouds descended from the sky, as if it was one hundred and eight thousand feet tall, standing on the sky.

"See the Great!"

Everyone, including the saints, bowed reverently.

The Supreme Emperor represents the pinnacle of humanity, masters the laws, can stand shoulder to shoulder with heaven, and is the most powerful existence in this world.

They surpassed the ordinary, surpassed the sages, and were even called half-immortals!
All spirits respect, and the world respects together.

"Unexpectedly, I actually saw the Great Emperor!"

"Such legendary characters were only seen in portraits and sculptures before."

In the pupils of many disciples, fanaticism emerged, and their expressions were filled with excitement.

Although there are supreme emperors in all the holy places to suppress luck, the emperor's dragon can't see the end. It is not easy for even a saint to meet the emperor, let alone these disciples.


Auspiciousness comes, and the sky is full of clouds.

Between the heaven and the earth, hundreds of millions of auspicious brilliance emerge, and each brilliance has the supreme power to open up the world, just like the evolution of the heaven.

"Is this the power of Godlessness? Even the laws of heaven and earth have become active." The master of Zhenwu Hall's eyes lit up, his body was full of precious light, as if he had realized something.

The supreme emperor, respected by the world, suppresses everything.

There are mysterious changes in the way of heaven between every gesture.

Ordinary people will be baptized and sublimated even if they just take a look at it from a distance.

"Is this the emperor?"

Long Hao suddenly raised his head, looked at the majestic figure in the sky, his pupils burst into a strong light.

Although he has received the inheritance of the Burning Devil Emperor and has an unimaginable understanding of the Great Emperor, but this is the first time he has really faced the Great Emperor.

The domineering imperial prestige emanating from the invisible seems to be able to sweep the nine heavens and ten earths, and everything in the world becomes as small as dust.

It is simply the incarnation of the world, the manifestation of the way of heaven, possessing the strongest power in the world.

This strong shock made Long Hao's heart beat violently.

Supreme Emperor, who can be the enemy?
"God, you, pass!"

The sound of the rumbling god sounded, as if it came from the mouth of the fairy king in the heaven, ethereal and domineering, full of irresistible mighty power.

"No, Emperor Hongyuan is going to attack the Sword Master!" The master of Zhenwu Hall suddenly woke up, his expression extremely nervous.


This word is like a mountain of ten thousand jun, suppressing in everyone's heart, the sky is instantly shattered, containing endless murderous intentions, crushing the sword master Chaotianjue.

The supreme emperor, the law follows what he says.

The endless four-color divine light, surging and surging, can cleanse the heavens and all realms, sweeping the nine heavens and ten earths.

clang clang...

The Tianjue Sword erupted with intense holy light, and there were endless divine patterns wrapped around the sword, as if it had attracted the most mysterious and terrifying power in the world.

"My God! The Sword Master..."

"In the face of Wushenwei, the sword master dared to use his sword!"

People are all shocked. Throughout the ages, there have been some peerless arrogances who were able to defy the sky and defeat saints when they were kings, but there has never been a saint who defied the sky and challenged the emperor!
"That's the Great Emperor, can the Juggernaut be able to contend?"

Many Yaoguang disciples are worried.

Especially the master of Zhenwu Hall and those accompanying elders, their spirits became tense.

The Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven, at the age of less than [-] years, overwhelmed all the heroes and reached the peak of the holy way. He is the person who has the most hope of becoming emperor in the thousand years of the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

If it is cut off in this battle, or if it suffers irreversible trauma, it will undoubtedly be a doomsday blow to the entire Shacklight Holy Land.

However, how can this war be controlled by them, the ants under the holy way?

The only thing they can do is pray, praying that the Juggernaut can turn evil into good luck.


Facing the overwhelming pressure, the handsome face of the Sword Master Tianjue distorted, and let out a long and earth-shattering howl.

Immediately afterwards, the power of the sword on his body soared, like a divine sword born, shining to the heavens.

Even in the face of the legendary Supreme Emperor, the Juggernaut still holds his head high and his chest out, displaying a strong will.

The white sword light flashed, then disappeared.

But the world suddenly became extremely dim. At this moment, even the world stopped.

I don't know how long it has passed, for a moment, or for eternity.

clack clack...

The sky suddenly split open, and the four-color divine light that swept across everything suddenly spread out, and was wiped out by the extremely powerful sword light. Even Wushenwei was shaken, causing the world to collapse.

Seeing the continuously collapsing sky, the endless power of destroying the world descended from the sky, bringing great panic to people.

A wave of terrifying storms kept sweeping down. Once it came, it would definitely be a devastating blow, and it would destroy all the sea areas with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

"What kind of power is this...?"

Countless people swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and their hearts were filled with shock. Is this still human power?
No one can describe the shocking power of that sword.

The sword light is mighty in the nine heavens, like the first ray of light before the opening of the world, the sword body is crystal clear, the light beam is extremely bright, shocking people's hearts, and the sword energy spreads like the sea, shaking the heavens.


A cold snort, like a god showing his might.

In the next moment, a vast array of four-color divine lights shot over, crushing the heaven-destroying storm and flattening the sky in an instant.

The emperor represents the way of heaven, and the power of heaven is infinite.

But what shocked people even more was not Emperor Hongyuan, but the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven.

In a trance, they suddenly came to their senses, and finally realized that the shocking sword just now blocked the blow of the Great Emperor.

"Is he really just a saint?"

People looked at the Heavenly Absolute Sword Master in the distance with fiery eyes, and their pupils were full of shock and inconceivable expressions.

With the power of a saint, it is rare in ancient times to counter the Great Emperor!
"It is rumored that because of practicing a heaven-defying technique, the Sword Master Zhongtianjue became obsessed with madness, and his hair turned white overnight. He was revered as a white-haired sword demon. What kind of terrifying technique is it that can make him compete against the emperor!"

Jian Lingyun's awe-inspiring gaze was full of longing.

"The sword just now was the legendary Taixuan Sword Qi!" The Rising Sun Sword King, the king of swordsmanship, was also shocked.

"Who is respected in the way of the sword, the White Head Taixuan Sutra!"

Long Hao meditated in his heart and took a deep breath.

This is Demon Emperor Fentian's evaluation of Sword Saint Tianjue, because Sword Saint Tianjue practiced the White Head Taixuan Sutra.

As we all know, the number one swordsmanship in Xuanhuang Great World is the Wuji swordsmanship of Heavenly Sword Holy Land.

However, the strongest Fentian Devil Emperor for thousands of years called the Sword Master Tianjue the supreme swordsman, which shows how shocking his strength is.

"Especially the sword just now, the world is still, time flies, no one can sense it..."

"It should be the unique skill of the Juggernaut, the moment of eternity!"

The White Head Taixuan Sutra is just a secret book of swordsmanship that contains the way of time, so it makes the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven grow old overnight, because it is at the cost of sacrificing his lifespan.

(End of this chapter)

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