Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 463 5 Points

Chapter 463 500 Points

The strong wind howled, the light of the gods shone across the world, and the terrifying aura of murder froze the world.

There was a deadly silence between the heaven and the earth, and everyone was shocked by the shocking blow just now.

After a long time, when the terrifying power of Godlessness swept across the world again, people suddenly woke up.

"The Great..."

The Great Sage Xuanqing suddenly jumped up into the sky, and bowed respectfully to the majestic figure in the sky: "Please be merciful..."

A strong divine light spread out, shielding the conversation between the two.

But in the end, the terrifying power of Godlessness subsided, and Xiangyun bloomed with brilliance again.

"Heavenly, let's do it for ourselves!"

The majestic figure in the sky, after leaving a meaningful sentence, turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

From the beginning to the end, people also failed to see the honor of the emperor.

No one knew what the Great Sage Xuanqing said, but the Great Emperor Hongyuan left directly, as if he was afraid of something.

Long Hao let out a long breath.

He knew that it was definitely not the Great Sage Xuanqing that could make a supreme emperor fearful, but the strongest holy land in the Eastern Land behind the Great Sage Xuanqing—the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao!
Otherwise, Emperor Hongyuan would never let it go.

Judging from the performance just now, Emperor Hongyuan was really angry. Even if he didn't kill the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, he might take a strong shot to injure him severely, completely killing this threat in its infancy.

The astonishing potential of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven made even the emperor feel a strong threat.

At the same time, everyone who was present breathed a sigh of relief.

The holy power and godless power that erupted just now were too terrifying. Even under the protection of the saint, they still found it difficult to breathe, and even their hearts were going to be paralyzed.


With a flash of sword light, the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven came down, his sword-sharp eyes still filled with extremely strong hostility, and he was not at all intimidated by the threat of Emperor Hongyuan.

After all, it is an existence that has fought several tricks with Emperor Fentian, fearless, and with aspirations, unrivaled!

Without such a strong Dao heart, it would be impossible for the Sword Master of Heaven to have such shocking achievements in just 200 years.

"Sword Master..." The Master of Zhenwu Palace and others immediately stepped forward, their eyes full of worry.

But the Juggernaut waved his hand to signal them to rest assured.

At this time, the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven seemed to be fine, except that his face turned pale again.

But Long Hao knew very well that the sword just now was at the cost of consuming a huge amount of life, this is the root of life, and it cannot be reversed.

But even so, one should be thankful, otherwise, other saints would have been directly suppressed by Emperor Hongyuan long ago.

But this great kindness was still engraved in Long Hao's heart, and at the same time, his boundless anger and fighting spirit also ignited him.

All of today's events can be said to have started because of him.

Jihad broke out, and even the emperor himself took action.

If there is no Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, I am afraid he would have died countless times.

"Power, power!"

Long Hao has never been so thirsty for power like now.

Originally, he always had the mentality of going his own way, and he just came here to experience the customs of a different world and dream of being a strong man.

But after going through so much, he really saw the reality clearly. In this world where the jungle preys on the weak, being weak is the original sin, and only strength is eternal!


After all, the six holy lands of the Eastern Earth are united in the same breath, and now they have to deal with the threat of the abyssal demons, and they have not yet reached the point of tearing their skins apart.

So, a big battle is coming to an end.

But everyone knows that the rift in the heart cannot be easily eliminated.

When the savings reach a certain level, only a small spark is needed to trigger a devastating explosion.

Of course, it is too early to say this now.

Until now, the faces of Xiaotian and the Great Sage of Nine Heavens are still ashen, sweeping across the bodies of Long Hao and Tianjue Sword Saint from time to time, full of resentment and murderous intent.

However, they tried back and forth on the edge of life and death, and finally they dared not provoke the peerless sword master, the peerless evil star.

"Okay everyone, I have found out the matter. Long Hao, the disciple of Yaoguang, is not a spy of the demon clan, but he has done great merit to my Xuanhuang Realm..." The voice of the great sage Xuanqing came, and everyone's thoughts were quickly pulled away. return.

At the same time, Li Yuandao also stood up, and after saluting the saints and kings present, he said loudly, neither humble nor overbearing: "Junior Brother Long Hao, with his own strength, he swept away the group of demons and broke the plan of the abyssal demons to break the seal and invade the Xuanhuang Realm. Everyone has seen this with their own eyes, there is no doubt..."

As he said that, he also glanced at Tang Linfeng, Jian Lingyun and the others.

Although Tang Linfeng, Jian Lingyun and the others didn't have a good impression of Long Hao, they all knew that it was indeed Long Hao's credit for being able to come back alive.

Even if they didn't want to defend Long Hao at this moment, they all nodded.


"On the contrary, Bai Yutang, Xiang Kuanglong and others, facing the pressure of the demon army, did not take any action to resist. They even attacked Long Hao for their own selfish desires, and attacked Long Hao who was fighting against the strong demons. He deserved to die."

There are also many people with decent personalities like Li Yuandao who stood up to support Long Hao.

Moreover, the place of assessment is where the six holy lands compete with each other, and there are no rules at all. If the strength is not enough, death is what it deserves.

After all, Long Hao did nothing wrong.

Facing everyone's words, Xiaotian and Jiuxiao Dasheng's faces were as gloomy as water, and Zixiao and the people of Sixiang Holy Land were also ashamed and angry, but they couldn't attack.

He could only suppress his anger in his heart, and put all the shame of today on Long Hao's head.

Especially Huang Xuanming and Sikong Sheng were severely reprimanded by their elders, and it seemed that punishment was indispensable.

In order to hide their incompetence, they could only choose to pour all the dirty water on Long Hao.

But never expected that the saint was furious and the emperor appeared, but they failed to get rid of Long Hao.

Resentment and anger erode their souls, and the flames of revenge are burning.

For this, Long Hao had already expected that in the future when he practiced in the Eastern Land, he would definitely be targeted and besieged countless times, but he was not afraid.

The brilliance of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven shone on him, making his fearless heart grow rapidly.

"This matter ends here, and there is no need to mention it in the future. Now that the demons have changed, and everyone is a Taoist, we should unite and speak out."

After the Great Sage Xuanqing smoothed things over, he retreated to the sky.


Right in front of the square, there was a buzzing sound, and a huge light wall suddenly rose into the sky, bursting into dazzling brilliance.

It records the demon hunting points obtained by all the Holy Land disciples who participated in the assessment.

"My God, the number one player has 500 million points."

"Who is it, Mu Tianyan?"

Many people who quit halfway cheered up and looked over in shock.

"No, it's Long Hao. He beheaded five powerful demon commanders, and hundreds of super demon generals."

(End of this chapter)

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