Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 472 Xuanhuang 4 Sword Master

Chapter 472 Xuanhuang Four Swordsmen

There are sharp and sharp sword energy everywhere in the sky, reflected under the holy light, like solid fairy swords, each of which is puffing out the sword light, soaring to the sky, and instantly turning into a terrifying sea of ​​swords, stretching as far as the eye can see , The murderous intent shocked the world.

Before the person arrives, the sword energy arrives first.

The breath is not visible, but the murderous aura is all over the sky!
He is obviously a person, but invisibly arouses all kinds of brilliance, which has the potential to overwhelm the world.

This is the most holy way of swordsmanship, all qi is self-generated!

"Unexpectedly, the Sword Master of Beiming will also show up, this is your good fortune!" Rising Sun Sword King said excitedly to Jian Lingyun and others.

As soon as the Sword Master of Beiming appeared, he immediately became the protagonist of the world, and his eyes fell on him like fiery rainbow lights.

The saints who were present earlier also changed their eyes, subconsciously showing awe of him.

"The legendary Sword Master of the Northern Underworld, a powerful existence that crushes the Northern Underworld with one sword!"

All the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land showed unprecedented fanaticism and admiration at this moment. This legendary figure of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land is the idol of all of them.

"I must become the disciple of the Juggernaut!" Jian Lingyun clenched his fists tightly, his eyes bursting with astonishing light.

Standing in the crowd, Long Hao looked up at the Beiming Sword Master high in the sky, and couldn't help but smacked his lips: "It's so murderous!"

Even though they are far away, people can still feel the cold murderous aura, as if freezing the world, constantly invading their bodies and even their souls, making people shudder.

"How many creatures do you have to kill to accumulate such a terrifying murderous aura?"

Looking at the figure of the Beiming Sword Master, people seemed to see a killing god, and the endless murderous aura evolved into pictures of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, which were reflected in people's hearts.

"He once entered the Northern Netherworld by himself, beheaded eighteen saints, and slaughtered countless creatures... These years he has been fighting outside the realm, and the killings he committed are absolutely unimaginable..."

"It's not an exaggeration to call it a killing god!"

Even Demon Emperor Fentian had a very high opinion of Sword Saint Beiming, Long Hao knew this very well.

"He's been staring at the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven from the very beginning, is there something wrong with it?" Ling Shu took a deep breath and asked.

High above the sky, the Beiming Sword Master dressed in black, with his narrow and sharp eyes constantly bursting out with a cold aura, staring at the world with contempt.

In his eyes, everything in the world ceased to exist, and there was only one person—the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven!
"It's not a festival, it's a sympathy, and it's the best opponent!" Long Hao sighed.

"I'll go, one person slaughters one world?"

"So ruthless! Aren't you afraid of being entangled in karma? The emperor wouldn't dare to do this, would he?"

Xiao Liu and Fang Tianhua, the two fearless masters, after hearing the deeds of the Beiming Sword Master, also gasped and felt chills down their backs.

Seeking Taoism and becoming immortal is the ultimate goal of every practitioner.

If there are too many murders, the karma will increase, and the coming catastrophe will be terrifying.

Therefore, even the supreme emperor who dominates one side will not kill easily.

"What kind of existence is a sword master? From a certain point of view, they are more powerful than the emperor!" Mu Tianyan said in a rare way, and a trace of gallantry flashed in her stunning beautiful eyes.

"Worse than the Great Emperor?" The people around looked at him in disbelief.

"Sword Saint, as the most holy person in the way of swordsmanship, is extremely difficult to achieve. It can even be said to be more difficult than breaking through the Great Emperor. Throughout the ages, the world's sword cultivators are like the princes who cross the river, but there are batches of Great Emperors, but the Sword Saint They are extremely rare, and each of them is a legend that moves the world."

"As far as the present age is concerned, there are only four Juggernauts!"

Although Li Yuandao is not a sword cultivator, he still has a lot of understanding of the world's major events.

"Only four..."

People all smacked their lips, this number is indeed beyond people's imagination.

"The Blood Demon Sword Master of the Extreme North, the Qinglian Sword Master of the Western Regions, and the Northern Dark Sword Master and Tianjue Sword Master of our Eastern Land, and they are called the Xuanhuang Four Sword Masters!"

In contemporary times, there are more than ten supreme emperors that people can know, but the number of sword masters is really too small.

"In fact, it's not only that. Throughout the ages, anyone who can become a Sword Saint is an outstanding person against the sky. As long as he does not die, he will almost certainly become a Great Emperor. Once he breaks through the Great Emperor, he must be the top Emperor in the world."

"It can be said bluntly that the one who can become the most holy sword will become an emperor, but the one who can become an emperor may not be able to become the most holy sword!"

Jian Lingyun's summary is simple and clear, which shows that his talent and accomplishments in the way of swordsmanship are extremely rare.

Long Hao turned his head to look at the tall and straight figure of Sword Master Tianjue, even though he had just collided with the Supreme Emperor, he was still calm and imposing.

He suddenly understood that the reason why Emperor Hongyuan didn't kill him was not only because of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao, but also because of his fear of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven.

Emperor Hongyuan didn't have enough confidence to kill or abolish the Sword Master Tianjue, and once the Sword Saint Tianjue became emperor in the future, he would definitely be the top emperor in the world.

What's more, the Sword Master Tianjue's style of vengeance is well known in the world.

Long Hao believed that the Sword Master Tianjue knew this too, so even in the face of the Great Emperor, he was still fearless!

This is the confidence of the strong. To reach this level, where is the world so big, who dares to stop it?

"With such terrifying murderous aura, the Beiming Sword Master won't become the next Seven Kill Sword Emperor?"

The terrifying legend of the Seven Killing Sword Emperor has been circulating in the Xuanhuang Great World and cannot be subdued for a long time.

At the beginning, the sixteen great emperors fought with him for a month, and two great emperors fell before the Seven Killing Sword Emperor was killed. That was an unprecedented catastrophe.

And everyone knows that the Seven Killing Sword Emperor was also a sword master before he became emperor, so he had such terrifying combat power.

But right now, the fierce Beiming Sword Master does look somewhat similar to the Seven Killing Sword Emperor.

"No." Rising Sun Sword King said decisively.

"Although the Juggernaut also practices the way of killing, he only kills the enemy and never slaughters the innocent. The Northern Underworld was also suppressed by the Xuanhuang Realm because it betrayed me. The name of the Juggernaut came from this."

Regarding this, Tang Linfeng also smiled: "Besides, the evil skill of the Seven Killing Sword Sutra has long been lost, and it is very difficult for someone to create such a heaven-defying skill."

"Lost?" Long Hao's heart skipped a beat.

Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, there was a turbulence in his heart: "I'm afraid it may not be."

Long Hao doesn't know if the Seven Kills Sword Sutra is really lost, but the fragmented Seven Kills Sword Formation he got is genuine, which is not a good omen.

If the Seven Killing Sword Sutra reappears in the world in the future, there is no guarantee that it will cause another catastrophe.

But worrying about it is pointless.

A strong body is the right way, if he becomes a great emperor, even if the Seven Killing Sword Emperor is resurrected, he will not be afraid!
(End of this chapter)

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