Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 473 A Showdown About Fate

Chapter 473 A Showdown About Fate

Except for the saints from Zixiao and the Four Elephants Holy Land, many saints from the other four holy lands have come.

However, none of the disciples from Zixiao and Sixiang could advance to the knockout round. Naturally, the saints would not come back and let the saints from other holy places laugh at them.

Half a day later, King Huang Ji announced the start of the knockout round.

When everyone began to draw lots, Long Hao noticed that Mu Tianyan and Li Yuandao had the largest number of extreme disciples, four to fifty, nearly half of them.

"As expected of the number one holy place in the East!"

Even though the number of people who passed the examination was less than that of Yaoguang Holy Land, the high-end combat power among the disciples of Ji Dao Holy Land is still the highest among all Holy Lands.

Second only to them is the Heavenly Sword Holy Land, with more than 20 people advancing to the knockout round.

The strength of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land has always been very strong, second only to the Ultimate Dao Holy Land, and the sword cultivators they have cultivated are extremely powerful.

If it wasn't for Long Hao's anomaly that disrupted the core disciple assessment, there would probably be more disciples in the Heavenly Sword Holy Land.

There are more than ten people in Xiaoyao Holy Land and Yaoguang Holy Land each.

The main reason is that Yaoguang's disciples have insufficient background, and it is difficult to make up for it in a short time.

However, this time in the Liumai Martial Arts Competition, more than a dozen people from Yaoguang Holy Land can advance to the knockout round, which is far more than in previous years.

Not to mention, only three people from Yaoguang Holy Land advanced to the knockout round in the last Liumai Martial Arts Competition, and even talented disciples like Yan Lin failed to advance.

Otherwise, with Yan Lin's talent, he wouldn't still be a core disciple until now.

Unless he can achieve some great achievements in the future, or break through the king realm within a hundred years, Yan Lin will have no chance of being promoted to a true disciple.

In the knockout round, all the heroes compete for hegemony, and all the remaining ones are the pride of heaven, with great magical powers and many means.

They stood together, forming a powerful trend, bringing great pressure to people.

Looking at the tense Xiao Liu, Fang Tianhua and others beside him, Long Hao said to them with a smile: "Relax, you are also strong in the Faxiang Realm, and you can serve as low-level elders in the Holy Land. Afraid of such a situation?"

Xiao Liu rubbed his hands, took a deep breath and said, "This is a matter of fate, the saints are watching from the sky."

"Look at how promising you are. A sage hasn't become a celestial being, isn't he still a human being? Look at Senior Sister Lei Yin, she's much more relaxed than you." Long Hao pouted at Lei Yin who was beside him.

A few of them turned their heads to look, and were shocked to find that when the battle was imminent, Lei Yin was still playing with the cat with the magic beads as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't care about the upcoming battle of fate at all.

Fang Tianhua also rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "It doesn't hurt my back to stand and talk, and if I have the strength of a big sister, I won't be nervous."


"In the first match, Ye Lingfeng, the Holy Land of Heavenly Sword, will face Jiang Chen, the Holy Land of Extreme Dao!"

Huang Jiwang's melodious voice spread, and the next moment, two young men with strong aura and high fighting spirit jumped onto the battlefield.

After they saluted each other, the mana fluctuations surging on their bodies were released immediately, like a raging tide.

"It's started, it's started."

People's attention was immediately concentrated, and they looked at the battlefield intently.

The rule of the knockout round is to play against each other in pairs, and the winner will advance to the next stage.

If you want to stand out in front of the saint, you have to show enough talent and strength, and once you are defeated, you will have no chance to show it again.

Therefore, as soon as the two came up, they all burst out with the strongest fighting spirit, and various powerful methods emerged one after another.

Ye Lingfeng's talent is extraordinary, his swordsmanship is like the wind, and he is extremely fierce. Looking at his age, he is only in his early twenties, and he has already attained the ten major perfections of Jindan, and he is considered extremely young among disciples of the same realm.

As for his opponent, Jiang Chen, who is nearly thirty years old, has a profound background and rich combat experience.

The two men had the same level of cultivation, and they played drums equally in the fight at first, but gradually Jiang Chen found Ye Lingfeng's weakness and put him at a disadvantage.

"Supernatural power - Tai Chi cracks the earth seal!"

Two domineering vigor suddenly erupted, triggering a force that distorted everything.

After all, Ye Lingfeng was still too young, he was good at attacking with swordsmanship, and he was blindly attacking, Jiang Chen caught the opening and was defeated with one blow.

The power of Fayin exploded, shattered the sword light, knocked Ye Lingfeng down into the void, and shook the ground until it cracked open.

Long Hao's eyes brightened slightly: "Tsk tsk, it is indeed the true biography of Taoism. Although the Tianqi Sect's Xuantian Cracking Earth Seal and the Extreme Dao Holy Land's Taiji Cracking Earth Seal have the same origin, their power is not a little bit worse."

He could clearly feel that the Taiji Cracking Ground Seal that Jiang Chen displayed was even more powerful than the power displayed by the apocalyptic patriarchal clan master.

"In the second match, Lu Qing, the Holy Land of Freedom, will face Li Yunzhou, the Holy Land of Extreme Dao."


"The third scene, the Holy Land of the Ultimate Path..."


Those who can advance to the knockout round are the geniuses among the geniuses, the strongest among the strong.

Except for some duels of equal strength and life-and-death duels, most of the duels proceeded very quickly, and some of them ended the battle within three or two moves.

After all, they are all strong men in the Dzogchen Realm of Jindan Realm and even the Realm of Faxiang Realm. The speed of their moves and the fierceness of their attacks are completely unmatched by ordinary people.

"No. 13 match, Lu Xiu, Holy Land of Heavenly Sword, against Qin Jian, Holy Land of Shaking Light!"

Xiao Liu rubbed his hands, seeming to be more excited than Qin Jian: "Oh? Finally it's our Yaoguang disciple's turn to play."

"Junior brother Qin, listen to brother, don't be cowardly, just go up and do it." Fang Tianhua patted Qin Jian's shoulder and said earnestly.

Qin Jian took a deep breath, then nodded and appeared on the stage.

"Although Lu Xiu didn't break through the realm of the law, he is still very strong. He can be ranked in the top ten among the disciples of Tianjian. I don't know if Junior Brother Qin can beat him." Ling Shu said with some concern.

"Junior Brother Qin has only practiced for a short time, so Lu Xiu, like Jiang Chen, is a veteran disciple."

"Junior Brother Qin, we must win, and give us a good start to Yaoguang Holy Land!"

Amidst the cheers of the people, the battle began.

The duel between the two sword cultivators started with the tip of the needle against the wheat awn, and it was an indistinguishable fight.

The sharp sword light continued to tear through the sky, and the explosive sound of vigor spread one after another, echoing between the heaven and the earth.

"Hmph, in the competition of swordsmanship, we Heavenly Sword Holy Land, who hasn't lost yet?"

"Senior Brother Lu, teach him to be a man!"

As the battle became more intense, many disciples from the Heavenly Sword Holy Land also began to cheer for Lu Xiu.

The slobbering between the disciples off the stage seemed to be more intense than those on the stage.

clang clang...

Suddenly, a series of strong sword chants sounded, and the sharp sword light penetrated the sky and the earth, smashing Lu Xiu's body-protecting sword gang.

"Fuck, top-grade sword!"

Seeing Lu Xiu's instant defeat, many disciples of the Heavenly Sword Holy Land were taken aback.

"That's not Zongxiu's..." Jian Lingyun recognized the high-grade sword, and stared at Long Hao with warm and angry eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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