Chapter 480
The void roared, like a stormy sea rolled up in the vast ocean, and the entire surrounding area of ​​the battlefield received a huge impact, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

At the same time, everyone present was shocked. From afar, Chixia soared into the sky.

An unimaginable coercion enveloped the world in an instant, and the souls of many practitioners trembled, as if they were facing a god, full of instinctive awe.

"This is the extreme power of Jiyang Tianfu?"

Everyone was stunned, tongue-tied, unable to utter a word at all, and the pupils of many senior figures also trembled.

In the ever-expanding extremely sunny sky furnace, powerful flames began to spew out, as if a divine bird was born from the fire and soared between the nine heavens and the ten earths.

The sky was covered in an instant, as if scorched, showing darkness.

"It's Jiyang Tianhuo, the legendary Tianpin Qihuo!" Someone recognized it, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"I didn't expect Tang Linfeng to have such a method." Long Hao's eyes lit up, full of fiery color.

If this was in the Canglong Islands, he couldn't help but want to snatch it.

chi chi chi...

The extreme sun sky fire kept gushing out, emitting a red glow that permeated the nine heavens and ten earths. The terrifying high temperature distorted the light curtain formed by the large formation, as if it was about to melt.

"You can't even resist the large formation!" The people around looked terrified, subconsciously retreating again and again.

That terrifying extremely yang sky fire is extremely domineering, if it falls on a person, it may be wiped out in a flash.

"It is said that the Sun God Furnace can refine the heavens and burn all worlds... This extremely sun furnace really has a trace of the divine power of the Sun God Furnace!" Long Hao sighed. Feeling about to be burnt.

"Don't panic, with the presence of a saint, the formation will definitely not break."

At this moment, a strange holy light suddenly descended from the sky, like the divine brilliance that opened the sky, falling down and stabilizing the formation.

At the same time, it seemed as if rain had fallen from the sky and the earth, and the dry and hot breath disappeared instantly.

"Which saint made the move, what a good way."

People just breathed a sigh of relief, but once again they were stunned by the loud noise.

Looking up, the dark clouds in the sky have covered everything, as thick as the ocean.

The flames evaporated the air, causing a sudden change in the air flow in the sky, causing heavy rain to pour down, and at the same time triggered thunder.

The void trembled, the sky was pierced by violent lightning, and a vast coercion surged, as if it wanted to crush this world and reopen chaos.

"This is the aura of supreme power!"

At this moment, everyone felt as if they were being bitten by lightning, and a wave of terrifying coercion hit their souls directly, making them die.

"That Lei Yin is really powerful, and he still has his hole cards in the battle." Some disciples of the Happy Holy Land were furious.

"However, this is too exaggerated. Is it so terrible that a strong person in the Faxiang Realm displays supreme supernatural powers?"

It's not that everyone has seen the power of supreme supernatural powers.

But this kind of terrifying power is really too terrifying.

If there were no saints who strengthened the power of the formation, I am afraid that once the violent thunder pours out, it will turn thousands of miles around and turn it into a place of death.

"Supernatural powers - Thunder Prison!"

At this moment, Lei Yin also fought to the point of madness. Regardless of his own huge consumption, he forcibly attracted a greater force of heaven and earth, and Tian Lei became more and more violent.

clack clack...

The violent thunder fell one after another, as if the real catastrophe had come, the whole earth trembled, everything on the battlefield collapsed completely, turned into powder by the thunder and lightning, and became a barren land.

Immediately afterwards, people were horrified to see that the thunderbolts fell, not only did not dissipate, but were extremely solid, like the pillars of the sky, arranged in a strict and regular manner, forming a huge thunder prison in an instant .

The entire battlefield is shrouded in it.

There are mysterious inscription patterns flashing on each thunder pillar, constantly stimulating dense thunder, as if to completely refine the entire battlefield.


In the distance, Sikong Sheng and others were sweating profusely on their foreheads.

"Unexpectedly, in just ten days, she has become more than ten times stronger!"

When they followed Bai Yutang to attack the Yaoguang Holy Land, they had tasted this trick, and they were almost tortured to death in the Thunder Prison, and they still have lingering fears.

But looking at it again today, I feel even more frightened.

Even if a strong person in the Faxiang Realm falls into it, he probably won't survive for a quarter of an hour.

Jiyang Tianfurnace was continuously struck by lightning, and it was already riddled with holes.

"Senior Brother Tang..."

"Brother Feng!"

Many Xiaoyao disciples shouted in horror, and Liu Yunyan's charming face also turned white all of a sudden.


Tang Linfeng suddenly yelled, opened his mouth and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, which landed on the extremely sunny furnace.

In an instant, the extreme sun furnace was shining brightly, and the whole body was full of radiance, as if poured with divine gold, and it was completely revived.

A three-legged divine bird soared into the sky, and the sound of its singing shook the nine heavens, resounding through the sky.

In an instant, the two extremely strong and violent forces collided hundreds of times, and the infinite destructive force poured out to the extreme, shaking the ground and shaking the earth, and all spirits were terrified.

Boom boom boom...

The huge battlefield was destroyed dozens of times by the power of thunder and fire pouring down, the sky was pierced by a huge hole by the divine bird, and the earth was pierced by violent lightning, and there was a scene of the end of the world everywhere.

"My God, it's too scary. If you are a strong person in the Golden Core state, you may die hundreds of times in an instant."

"This is the gap in the's a world of difference!"

Because Long Hao's performance was so against the sky before, many people felt that even those who are strong in the Faxiang Realm are not much stronger.

But it wasn't until the outbreak of this world-shattering war that people suddenly woke up.

From this, they deeply felt the huge gap between manpower and the power of heaven and earth, which could never be bridged casually.

The war is over.

But people's mood can't be calm for a long time.

Looking at the riddled land and the remaining destructive force, people felt chills down their spines.

As for Tang Linfeng and Lei Yin, lying on the broken ground, their blood was almost drained, and they were no longer able to fight.

"It turned out that both sides were hurt."

For this result, people expected, but feel incredible.

After all, it is a miracle to survive under such terrifying destructive power.

In the end, King Huang Ji stood up and announced that the two were tied.

Because they all suffered severe injuries, they lost all combat power, and they could no longer participate in the subsequent martial arts competitions.

"Oh, damn it!"

After Xiao Liu and Fang Tianhua came to the stage to lift Lei Yin down, they looked at the wounded body full of holes, and their faces were extremely serious.

Ling Shu also hurriedly stepped forward, commanding the two of them eagerly: "Hurry up, take the Huxin pill first, and I'll heal her."

(End of this chapter)

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