Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 481 Rejecting the Saint

Chapter 481 Rejecting the Saint
After everyone's timely rescue, Tang Linfeng and Lei Yin were quickly out of danger, but their injuries were serious and they needed to be recuperated for a period of time.

And because both of them had lost their combat power, by the third round, there were only 24 people left.

Everyone is playing against each other in twos, so there is no need to draw lots again.

"The first game of the third round..."

Without the slightest pause, the third round of martial arts began immediately.

But at this moment, a stream of light fell from the sky and automatically fell into Tang Linfeng's hands.

A strange light talisman was wrapped in the flowing light, and it was filled with tyrannical holy power, which must have come from the hands of a saint.

The light talisman was opened, and a majestic and solemn voice was transmitted to the depths of Tang Linfeng's soul: "My Saint Feiyu intends to accept you as a disciple, you may consider it."

"Feiyu? Great Sage Feiyu!" At this moment, even Tang Linfeng was a little dazed.

He did not defeat his opponent, but suffered heavy injuries and lost his fighting power. He never thought that he would be favored by the Great Sage Feiyu.

Because this flying feather saint is not an ordinary saint, he has practiced for thousands of years, his strength is unpredictable, and he is quite a top existence in the Happy Holy Land.

"Brother Feng, what are you still doing in a daze, agree quickly." Liu Yunyan urged from the side.

Tang Linfeng came to his senses, and hurriedly knelt down and bowed respectfully to the sky: "I wish to worship the Great Sage as my teacher!"

The people around all cast envious eyes.

High above the sky, a smile rarely appeared on the majestic face of the Great Sage Feiyu.

At the same time, Lei Yin, who was healing, also received an invitation from the saint.

Moreover, not one, but three light symbols fell down at the same time.

"I'll go, the eldest sister's head is too fierce, and she was spotted by three saints at the same time!" Xiao Liu's small eyes widened, not to mention envious.

"Let's see which three saints they are. Maybe Elder Ziyan also has his eyes on Senior Sister. If he can be seen by the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, then..." Fang Tianhua took a deep breath, and his face was also full of embarrassment. Qi Ji.

Speaking of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, all the Yaoguang disciples present showed expressions of awe and admiration.

This is a peerless fierce man who dares to fight with the emperor. He is definitely the candidate for the master that everyone dreams of. Moreover, the sword master of heaven is also the man who has the most hope of becoming emperor in the Yaoguang Holy Land!

Even Long Hao was looking forward to it.

Although he is not good at swordsmanship, but with such a master covering him, the whole world will not walk horizontally, definitely more horizontal than a crab!
Just look at Lord Yang, he is really daring, there is nothing he dare not do, and he doesn't even shake the face of the Holy Maiden of the Light, this has something to do with the domineering and tyrannical master of the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven.

However, unlike the excited expressions on everyone's faces, there was a trace of embarrassment in Lei Yin's eyes.

But in the end, she opened the light talisman under the urging of everyone.


Great Sage Kongming!

Great Sage of Thousand Tribulations!

Purple Yan Holy King!

"The Great Sage Kongming and the Great Sage Thousand Tribulations are both saints who master the laws of the Thunder Way. They must have taken a fancy to the talent of the senior sister in the Thunder Way, but I didn't expect that the elders of the two Ziyan Taishang also sent invitations."

Among the three great sages, the Ziyan Sage King is the most powerful and handsome, and is the most popular among his disciples.

However, the Great Sage Kongming and the Great Sage Thousand Tribulations, Lei Dao had already reached perfection, and they were of great help to Lei Yin.

Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, no matter which saint is chosen, it is a great fortune.

At this time, above the sky, the three saints were still arguing endlessly.

The Great Sage Kongming is an old man with white beard and white hair, but he has a burly figure, a rough face, and full of energy, like a ferocious dragon, staring at Elder Ziyan with piercing eyes: "Ziyan, when you Didn't you miss Lei Yin when you accepted Lu Yao as your apprentice, why should you fight with us now?"

"That's right, Kong Ming and I both major in Lei Dao, Lei Yin should be our disciple."

The Great Sage of Thousand Tribulations is a middle-aged man in black, with black thunder wrapped around his body, with a deep and domineering aura, like the incarnation of a dark god.

"Hehe..." Ziyan Taishang Elder smiled sweetly, and the holy light suddenly flowed, as if a hundred flowers were blooming.

"At this time and then at that time, there are only remnants of Tiangang's five thunders. She originally thought that the supernatural power level was her limit, but she didn't expect to break through the magic state so quickly. Although I don't know how she did it, the potential is already obvious. Of course the Holy Spirit will fight for it."

Seeing that Elder Ziyan didn't intend to back down, the Great Sage Kongming and the Great Sage Thousand Tribulations snorted coldly.

"In that case, let Lei Yin decide for himself."

At this moment, the light talisman flew back, and the three saints were stunned when they saw it.

To everyone's surprise, Lei Yin politely declined.

Yes, all three saints were rejected by Lei Yin.

"Sister, are you alright?"

Everyone was stunned, and Fang Tianhua hurried forward to check Lei Yin's physical condition.

Unexpectedly, he was scared away by Lei Yin's voice: "You are the only one who is sick, get out!"

Seeing everyone's inexplicable expressions, Lei Yin took a deep breath, and then said: "I already have a master, so naturally it is impossible to apprentice again."

"There is a master? Why don't I know?"

Fang Tianhua was taken aback for a moment, and then thought that he hadn't heard that Lei Yin was promoted to a true disciple recently, otherwise he wouldn't have to take the core disciple assessment like them.

Moreover, this is a saint, who is more powerful than a saint, so that Lei Yin can never turn back?

Long Hao was also very curious. He could tell from Lei Yin's expression that Lei Yin didn't have the slightest regret for rejecting the three saints. This showed that her master was definitely not weaker than the three saints, and might even stronger.

"Except for the Holy Lord and the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven, there seems to be no one stronger than the Purple Face Sage King in the Holy Land?"

The Lord Yaoguang has lived for thousands of years, has been attacking the realm of the emperor, and has no time to teach his disciples, everyone knows this.

Moreover, Long Hao had never heard the news of the Absolute Sword Master accepting disciples from Lord Yang.

"Who could it be?" Long Hao couldn't figure it out.

"In the sixth round of the third round, Yecheng, the Holy Land of Heavenly Sword, will face Long Hao, the Holy Land of Shaking Light!"

After hearing the news that Long Hao was going to appear on the stage, people came back to their senses and turned their attention to the battlefield.

Although Ye Cheng also broke through the Faxiang Realm, his strength was much worse than that of Tang Linfeng and others, let alone Long Hao's opponent, who was defeated with just three punches.

"You defeated Ye Cheng so easily?"

Long Hao's overwhelming power seemed to make people think that the powerful in the Faxiang Realm were no more than that.

In the seventh round, Ling Shanhai came on stage, and his opponent was Jian Lingyun.

This battle can be described as attracting much attention.

Both are genius disciples who have been famous for a long time, and both of them have broken through the realm of Faxiang. In people's eyes, this will be another shocking duel.


But immediately after, a scream came.

As soon as people cast their eyes on the battlefield, they found a shocking sword mark on Ling Shanhai's chest, and his body flew out of the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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