Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 486 A Madman Is A Madman

Chapter 486 A Madman Is A Madman
But to everyone's surprise, despite the unimaginable heavy blows, Fang Tianhua's aura remained undiminished, his fighting spirit was strong, and he kept waving the halberd to attack and kill.

Don't be afraid of death, go forward bravely!

"My God, this is too... crazy!"

"If it were me, I'm afraid I would have died [-] times earlier."

Even those Faxiang Realm disciples who were present did not dare to imagine the terrible consequences after receiving thousands of punches from Long Hao.

But what is even more surprising is that the battle between the two is still escalating.

Around them, the sky collapsed, the dark space was torn apart, and it became a completely dilapidated place, and the chaotic mist was blown out.


Fang Tianhua let out a loud roar, with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers, the starry sky trembled with him, one person rushed forward with one halberd, it was extremely terrifying, like a huge magic star collided.

However, facing such a peerless attack, Long Hao never backed down.

A huge phantom of the ancestral dragon lay horizontally behind him, reaching up to the nine heavens, and descending to frighten the nine secluded worlds, it emerged out of thin air and stood between the heavens and the world.

His black hair is like a waterfall, the sun and the moon rise and fall in his eyes, and the galaxy is disillusioned, like a god descending.

Standing in the void, his black hair was loose, and he was making seals with both hands. Every blow seemed to push the sun, the moon and the stars.

Fang Tianhua retreated violently after being beaten, his blood was almost drained.

But he has always stood firm, and every time he will carry more violent power, and charge back bravely.

"Tsk tsk, that Long Hao is also powerful enough. He is still alive and well, as if his power is endless."

People didn't forget to pay attention to Long Hao, and they were also amazed.

Fang Tianhua was like an undefeated xiaoqiang. After fighting so hard, even if he were a powerful person in the Faxiang Realm who could use the power of heaven and earth for his own use, he would probably be exhausted.

But Long Hao didn't show signs of fatigue at all, and his movements were sharp and quick, just like when the battle started.

"Look, Long Hao is going to use that mysterious inscription pattern."

At this time, people saw the golden light shining brightly on Long Hao's body. The mysterious lines were imprinted on the body like a chain of laws, and the power radiated became more vigorous.

"Hey, it's only used until now. It seems that I want to end the battle quickly."

The divine pattern of power was driven to the extreme, and the terrifying fist prints were filled with infinite destructive power.

Long Hao radiated golden light all over his body, as if he was blessed by ten thousand dragons, a wave of prehistoric force moved with his hands, as if being pushed forward by him, shaking the world to tremble.

Fang Tianhua suffered unimaginably severe injuries, his body was thrown into the ground, and his blood flowed like a fountain.

"It's over, it's over?"

Until now, people subconsciously think that Fang Tianhua is immortal and can consume Long Hao to death.

But at this moment, the ground exploded, and a bloody figure rushed out, with a ferocious beast-like breath rushing towards him.

Fang Tianhua planted the halberd on the ground, tried his best to support his trembling body, still held his head high, his blood red eyes were full of fighting spirit.

People were stunned, they didn't understand what kind of fighting spirit was supporting Fang Tianhua.

Even Long Hao frowned.

However, before he could make a move, Fang Tianhua's body collapsed, and this time he finally failed to stand up again.

"Madman, as expected of a madman!"

"Despite exhaustion, the will to fight is unyielding, and the will to fight will never die!"

At this moment, everyone stood up in awe!

above the sky.

The saints sighed in unison.

"It's a pity that it hasn't evolved into a battle holy body, otherwise the outcome of this battle is unpredictable."

Even so, Fang Tianhua's talent was astonishing, and the saints were all moved by it.

Including the Great Sage Kongming and the Great Sage Nine Tribulations, several saints were scrambling to accept Xia Tian as a disciple, and even quarreled over it.

"Hmph, you don't need to argue, he is my disciple!" The burly man stood up, his fierce eyes swept over every saint.

"The Great Sage of True Martial Arts!"

The eyes of all the sages of Shaking Light changed, and even the elder Ziyan's eyes flashed a trace of fear.


"Hiss, Junior Brother Long must be too ruthless."

After Yaoguang's disciples carried Fang Tianhua back, they all stared.

Right now, Fang Tianhua's body was barely intact, his body was like dry land, it was horrible to look at.

"It won't be... dead?"

Feeling Fang Tianhua's extremely weak aura, with a look of exhaling more and less inhaling, people were very worried.

"Hmph, if I could kill him, my hand wouldn't be swollen like this..."

Long Hao wasn't worried about Fang Tianhua's injury at all, instead he stared at his hands that were swollen like pig's trotters, with a depressed expression on his face: "Why did this pervert have a grudge against me in his previous life?"

Everyone was shocked, the meaning of Long Hao's words was already obvious.

Even he couldn't kill Fang Tianhua, which shows how abnormal Fang Tianhua's physical fitness is.

At this time, Lei Yin came over, and under the astonished eyes of the people, he went up and kicked Fang Tianhua twice, then looked at the bewildered crowd and said, "It's okay, I can't die. "

"Hey, Junior Brother Fang's breath of life has recovered."

Suddenly, Lingshu said in amazement, but then his face changed drastically: "And, it's still climbing rapidly!"

Everyone turned around and saw that it was true, even the dry and cracked flesh seemed to be wriggling and repairing itself quickly.

"I'll go, this is too heaven-defying!" Xiao Liu was dumbfounded.

Lei Yin has long been accustomed to this.

In the past, when Fang Tianhua challenged her, he suffered more trauma than this, but within a few days, he came to challenge her again alive and kicking.

"If the body of Dou Zhan died so easily, the ancient Emperor Dou Zhan would not be able to suppress an era." Long Hao rolled his eyes.

At this time, a light talisman floated over, and everyone looked at it solemnly.

"Quickly open it and see, which saint is it?"

As soon as Lei Yin caught it, he said to everyone, "The Great Sage of True Martial Arts!"


Before everyone could react, they saw Fang Tianhua, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, suddenly sat up and looked at Lei Yin with ecstasy.

"Fuck, did you cheat?"

The other Holy Land disciples who were watching not far away were horrified before they understood the situation.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's basic operation, so don't make a fuss." Lei Yin waved his hand at them and said casually.

The disciples of the major holy places all looked dumbfounded.

The Master of Zhenwu Palace and others beside him all laughed.

"Fang Tianhua is really lucky. After taking advantage of Long Hao's experience, he was actually selected by the Great Sage of True Martial Arts. What a blessing!"

In addition to fighting more and more bravely, the fighting treasure body has another characteristic, that is, every time a fierce battle is fought, the strength of the cultivation base will increase by one point.

The fiercer and longer the battle you experience, the more your cultivation strength will increase.

Long Hao's head is full of black lines, and his feelings have completely become a training partner.

(End of this chapter)

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