Chapter 487
In Yaoguang Holy Land, almost all the disciples of Zhenwu Hall dreamed of worshiping Zhenwu Great Sage as their teacher.

The Great Sage of True Martial Arts represents the pinnacle of true martial arts.

The way of strength, the ultimate in martial arts!
This is Emperor Jiuhua's evaluation of Zhenwu's lineage.

The Great Sage of True Martial Arts above the sky was smiling at the corner of his eyes, as if he was looking at raw jade: "Besides Fang Tianhua, I should value Lei Yin the most, but unfortunately she has already worshiped as a teacher."

"With your ability, you can't teach her." Tianjue Sword Master said calmly.

The always proud Zhenwu Great Sage did not refute, but just smiled lightly and said: "Actually, that kid Long Hao is not bad either, he is bold and careful, with divine power added to him, it suits my taste, ha ha."

Sword Master Tianjue raised his eyes slightly, but no one noticed. His eyes trembled a little, and then returned to normal in an instant: "Him, you can't teach him!"

"Hey..." The Great Sage Zhenwu glanced at the Sword Master Tianjue inexplicably, laughed dryly, and didn't say any more.


It's getting dark.

This martial arts meeting has been going on for most of the day.

This is definitely rare in previous years.

But the people who watched the battle were tense and kept staring at the present, but they didn't look tired at all.

On the contrary, all eyes are bright and energetic.

It is really this year's martial arts competition, there are too many arrogances, and all kinds of wonderful duels, the people watching are so excited that their hearts are still surging.

In the third match of the fourth round, Lu Qianyuan from the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao and Jiang Jianfeng from the Holy Land of the Heavenly Sword fought to the death.

The two of them used their methods together, and they fought until the sky was dark and the sky was dark. The power of the five elements and the powerful sword intent kept colliding, breaking the space.

Blood was poured down like rain, and they ended up losing both sides.

However, their efforts were not in vain, they were all selected by the sage and accepted as true disciples, which made everyone envious.

"The fourth round of martial arts is already over halfway. Li Yuandao and Jian Lingyun will fight in the next two rounds."

"Among the remaining four, only two of them have the ability to compete with Mu Tianyan and Long Hao. I really hope that both of them can advance to the next round. That will be an unprecedented duel!"

Not only the disciples who watched the battle, but even the elders of the Holy Land and even the saints in the sky also valued Li Yuandao and Jian Lingyun.

These are two extremely rare peerless geniuses.

In the martial arts competitions of previous years, it is definitely an existence that can sweep everything.

It is a pity that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes.

"In the fifth round of the fourth round, Lingshu, the Holy Land of Shaking Light, will face Yang Qi, the Holy Land of Extreme Dao!"

As soon as Huang Jiwang's voice fell, the audience was boiling.

"So, isn't Li Yuandao and Jian Lingyun going to have a decisive battle in the next round?"

"It's a pity. It seems that only one of them can enter the top four and challenge Long Hao or Mu Tianyan. Who will it be?"

Everyone's attention was all on the two of them, but little attention was paid to Ling Shu and Yang Qi who were fighting fiercely.

"In fact, this is not bad, at least it can give us a sneak peek."

"That's right, this king is also looking forward to what kind of sparks the two little guys can create."

The Rising Sun Sword King and a leading king of the Jidao Holy Land looked at each other, showing extreme confidence.

"Supernatural powers—Skyfire Furnace!"

In the battlefield, blue, blue, red, and purple four-color divine fires emerged, burning the sky and cooking the earth, and soon formed a huge melting pot, enveloping Yang Qi.

The blazing four-color divine fire was so violent that it could even burn with the power of heaven and earth. Yang Qi finally couldn't resist, and lost the game after his mana was exhausted.

"Hey, I didn't expect Long Hao's little Taoist companion to be so powerful that he could defeat Yang Qi!"

Many people looked surprised. From the very beginning, they didn't think much of Lingshu.

The main reason is that Ling Shu has always followed Long Hao's advice, never revealed his unique skills easily, and has always stimulated his potential in battles, so after each battle, he did not show the powerful means to suppress the Quartet like others.

But people didn't think much about it, and quickly turned their attention to the next game.

"Li Yuandao vs. Jian Lingyun, who is better?"

"Judging from past achievements, Li Yuandao is vaguely stronger. Now that both of them have broken through the Faxiang Realm and their cultivation levels are the same, Li Yuandao is probably stronger."

This is the view of the vast majority of people present.

clang clang...

The strong sound of sword chant resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a surge of sword energy was released, shocking everyone.

"What a strong sword intent!"

Under that extremely strong sword intent, many people couldn't help swallowing, feeling a chill down their backs.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jian Lingyun showed amazing combat power as soon as he appeared on the stage. The domineering sword light swept all directions, carrying a power of destroying heaven and earth.

The intensity of the sword intent seems to be condensed into essence, so that everyone present can clearly sense it.


The huge Heavenly Sword came down with supreme divine power, tearing apart the infinitely mysterious Taiji seal.

Jian Lingyun's eyes are deep, his heroic posture is vigorous, and his aura attracts thousands of swords to return to one. Standing in the void, he looks like a young sword master!
The extremely strong sword intent seems to be immortal, so that the saints above the sky are all amazed by it.

"My God, Jian Lingyun actually won!"

After a great battle ended, people couldn't believe their eyes.

"It's such a pity, it's only a little bit short, Senior Brother Li's Taiji Sealing Technique can be pushed to the extreme, but Jian Lingyun's sword intent is too fierce, otherwise Senior Brother Li may not lose in another fight!"

Many disciples of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao felt extremely sorry.

But the upright Li Yuandao did not make excuses for his failure, but admired Jian Lingyun very much.

"Ten days of sharpening the sword, the intent of the sword is solidified, and even the heart of the sword is almost polished. He has made another big step forward on the road to the sword master. I am not wronged!"

However, Li Yuandao was not discouraged by this, and on the contrary burst out with even more astonishing fighting spirit.

And he also successfully worshiped under a sage king.

After leaving the arena, Li Yuandao also sent a sound transmission to Mu Tianyan and Long Hao, reminding: "Senior Sister Mu, Junior Brother Long, you have to be careful."


Many people took a deep breath, and their surprised eyes kept scanning back and forth on Mu Tianyan and Long Hao.

"The next thing is the final battle. No matter who of the two of them faces Jian Lingyun, it will probably be an epic duel!"

Even many elders of the Holy Land of the older generation sighed: "The times have changed, and the evil spirits are emerging one after another!"

A trace of excitement also appeared on the majestic face of the Master of Zhenwu Palace: "Among the top four, I, Yaoguang Holy Land, occupy the second place, but Lingshu is still relatively immature, so he should not be the opponent of Mu Tianyan and Jian Lingyun. His..."

At this time, everyone in Yaoguang turned their attention to Long Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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