Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 491 The Final Battle

Chapter 491 The Final Battle

It was already late at night, but the surroundings of the battlefield were still brightly lit.

On the battlefield, the graceful woman in Taoist robe stood opposite the tall and straight young man in white robe.

A beauty out of dust, temperament outstanding.

A majestic, powerful person who stands on top of the world, and I am the only one who is the only one!
The four eyes met, and there seemed to be lightning and thunder, sparking fierce sparks.

The onlookers didn't know the truth, but after waiting for a long time, the two remained motionless as a mountain, feeling baffled.

"What about the blind date? Do you want to fight?"

Someone off the court couldn't help urging.

Lu Qianyuan suddenly laughed: "Hey, don't tell me, the two of them look like a man and a woman, and they really seem like a natural couple."

But feeling the countless sword-like gazes from behind, he quickly shut his mouth.

For the disciples of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao, Mu Tianyan is a goddess that must not be desecrated.

However, this battle can be described as highly anticipated.

The originally noisy square gradually became silent, only a series of nervous breathing remained.

Even the saints in the sky opened their eyes in a rare way, and their superb eyes kept shooting back and forth on the two of them.

There is only one exception.

"It's a matter here, God knows, can we fight?"

For Beiming Sword Saint, his purpose of coming here is to investigate Jian Lingyun.

The other ones, no matter how amazingly talented and beautiful they are, will never fall into his eyes.

Throughout the ages, there have been so many evil geniuses, but there are very few who can become saints, and even fewer who can become sword saints.

Even for Long Hao and Mu Tianyan, the Sword Master of Beiming would not take a second look before becoming holy.

Originally, after accepting Jian Lingyun, he wanted to leave immediately. The reason why he didn't leave was naturally for the sake of the Sword Master Tianjue.

Boundless Xuanhuang, there are only four sword masters, and it is not easy to meet each other on weekdays.

The Beiming Sword Master naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity, and wanted to compete with the Tianjue Sword Master to prove their sword skills to each other.

Hearing this, the saints turned their eyes and took them all back.

The Juggernaut duel is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and no one wants to miss it easily.

"I'm not interested in Dharmakaya."

However, Sword Master Tianjue directly refused without even thinking about it.

Although Beiming Sword Master was helpless about this, he also understood, sighed and left directly through the air.

All the saints are quite sorry.

But thanks to the Sword Master of Heaven, the duel between Long Hao and Mu Tianyan did not turn into a one-man show that no one cares about.


On the battlefield, there was silence for a while, but it was Long Hao who broke the calm first.

"Just now I would like to thank you for being lenient and not hurting Senior Sister Lingshu."

Mu Tian's face remained unchanged, but he said coldly: "In this case, I hope you will do your best to fight me."

These words seemed to have a deep meaning, causing Long Hao's eyes to change.

"as you wish."

He didn't talk too much, and formed a series of mysterious magic seals in an instant, causing the sky to vibrate violently.

"Nine Heavens and Clouds, evolve into real thunder, bless my body, destroy all dharmas..."

The wind and the cloud are all moving, thunder and lightning.

At the same time, there was a mysterious and tyrannical force above Jiuxiao, which was aroused and turned into a thunderbolt, which crashed down on Long Hao's body.


"He even summoned the sky thunder to strike him, isn't this buddy crazy?"

Many people who don't know why are dumbfounded.

But soon, they discovered to their horror that after the thunder strike fell, not only did it not hurt Long Hao in the slightest, but it turned into a cassock covered with thunder patterns, and put it on Long Hao's body.

In an instant, Long Hao's aura surged a lot.

Nine Heavens True Thunder Formation, the supreme supernatural power that integrates offense and defense, is one of Long Hao's trump cards, so he rarely uses it, and not many people have seen it.

But facing Mu Tianyan at this moment, Long Hao immediately displayed it as soon as he came up.

"My God, what kind of method is this?" Everyone was a little shocked, not knowing what was going on.

Above the sky, all the saints were shocked.

"It can't be wrong, it must be the Nine Heavens True Thunder Dharma Body!"

As soon as the eyes of the saints turned, they all fell on the body of the great sage Jiuxiao.

"This... he actually..." The Great Sage of Nine Heavens also had a look of astonishment, and a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

Because the supreme supernatural power of the Nine Heavens True Thunder Dharma Body is the famous stunt of the Nine Heavens Great Sage, as you can tell by his title.

"Haha, interesting."

All the saints looked at Nine Heavens Great Sage and Long Hao, and they all showed mysterious smiles.

It is intriguing to think about the reason why a great sage's famous stunt will appear on a junior of the Jindan realm, and there is still a lot of trouble between the two.

"Jiuxiao, what's going on?" Great Sage Xiaotian asked with a cold face.

The Great Sage of Nine Heavens is still a little confused. As his famous stunt and trump card, he certainly won't spread it to the outside world easily. Up to now, he has only taught it to one true disciple.

"By the way..." Suddenly, the Great Sage of Nine Heavens remembered something: "Zhen Yun said that this kid has been to Ten Thousand Mountains, where did he get it from?"

To be precise, the supernatural power of Jiuxiao True Thunder Dharma Body is not the secret of Zixiao Holy Land, let alone created by Jiuxiao Great Sage, but the inheritance he once got from Ten Thousand Mountains.

What kind of inheritance is buried in the treasure land of Ten Thousand Mountains is unknown, but what is known is that even saints are extremely jealous.

And these years, under the behest of the Zixiao Holy Land, the Tianlei Sect has been secretly searching for the whereabouts of Da Leiyinling, in order to thoroughly excavate that treasure land.

"In this way, this kid probably also has a Great Thunder Token!" The eyes of the Nine Heavens became fierce, and he kept thinking: "We must find a way to get it."

However, after glancing at the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven not far away, the Great Sage Nine Heavens could only forcefully suppress his killing intent.


At this time, the tranquility of the battlefield was broken, and under the attention of all the people, the sixth-grade treasure lotus bloomed with rays of light, swallowing out a hundred and eight immortal swords, all bursting with peerless sharpness, and slashed at Long Hao.

"It's the great supernatural power—Baolian Sword Formation!"

Everyone has already seen the power of this great supernatural power. Once trapped in it, it will be difficult for those who are strong in the Dharma Realm to escape and will be trapped to death.

However, the sword array hadn't formed yet, a thunderbolt flashed by, and rushed out instantly, smashing more than a dozen fairy swords head-on with the tyrannical fist.


"His speed and strength have skyrocketed again, and it is difficult for the sword array to imprison him."

People couldn't help but gasped, and they all felt sincerely shocked.


Mu Tianyan in mid-air calmly uttered a word, and suddenly a large amount of power from heaven and earth came together again to complete the shattered fairy sword, and attacked Long Hao again.

Those extremely fierce fairy swords are not real magic weapons, but are condensed by the power of heaven and earth. No matter how much Long Hao breaks, they can be replenished quickly, which can be said to be endless.

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough high-grade swords on me, otherwise I will definitely be stronger than her when I cast the Seven Killing Sword Formation."

(End of this chapter)

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