Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 492 Mysterious Vision

Chapter 492 Mysterious Vision
A middle-grade sword is okay against a strong person in the Golden Core Realm, but it has no effect on a super strong person like Mu Tianyan who is in the Faxiang Realm.

But the top-grade swords are too rare, and they are all treasures that cannot be found, and their value is immeasurable.

"Eh, right, I made a great contribution this time, shouldn't the Holy Land reward me heavily?" Glancing at the Zhenwu Hall Master outside the arena, Long Hao's mouth curled up, revealing a sly smile.

The moonlight falls like water.

A treasure lotus was formed out of thin air, and it actually created circles of ripples in the void.

But the ripples became more and more violent, and soon turned into raging waves, arriving in an instant.

Mu Tian's face was like a goddess, with a halo of divinity surrounding his head, cold and noble, staring at Long Hao with extremely sharp eyes.

In an instant, the way of heaven seemed to manifest, forming a heavy pressure and suppressing it.

Supernatural power - Heavenly Dao Baolian Seal!

Beside him, a Ji Dao disciple, with trembling pupils, said, "Oh my God, it's the first time that Senior Sister Mu has been so solemn in attacking with great supernatural powers and supreme supernatural powers."

The periphery was blocked by one hundred and eight fairy swords, which continuously shot out strangulation power, and a huge lotus flower on the top of the head suppressed it.

The terrifying attack is two-pronged, and the power is overwhelming, and no one can compete with it.

"Long Hao is not an ordinary opponent. Even if Senior Sister Mu wins, I'm afraid she will have to do her best, and even pay some price!" Li Yuandao took a deep breath, with a serious expression on his face.

In this big duel, both sides didn't even have a probing attack, and they were full of terrifying killing moves at the beginning, which made people feel terrified.

In the sky, the sixth-grade treasure lotus rolled and rolled down, and the tyrannical power of heaven and earth poured down like a torrent, which was unstoppable.

But at this moment, a strange thing happened, the sword energy and the torrent of heaven and earth that strangled, all stopped around Long Hao, as if they were blocked.

The domineering power of space swept away and sealed off the world.


"Space supernatural powers are really powerful, with both offense and defense, coupled with his water spirit treasure body, he is invincible. It is not easy for Senior Sister Mu to hurt him."

Just now, everyone saw very clearly that Jian Lingyun broke the blockade of space only when he performed his strongest trick.

Before everyone could speak, the battlefield vibrated violently, and a terrifying punch shot up into the sky like a giant dragon, as if it was about to hit the sky.

Mu Tianyan didn't move, the lotus under his feet spun quickly, and the blossoming lotus leaves magnified and turned into huge light shields, offsetting the powerful fist force heavily.

At the same time, the space blockade was shattered, and the sixth-grade treasure lotus crashed down.

At that moment, the entire battlefield exploded.

Immediately, a high-pitched dragon chant sounded, and the golden mask protected Long Hao within it, blocking the terrifying bombardment of the lotus.

All of this happened in the electric flint, everyone had no time to move their eyes, the two sides had already exchanged dozens of moves.

"It's really unimaginable that someone can attack Senior Sister Mu head-on!"

Many extreme disciples were engrossed in watching and murmured.

In their impression, ever since Mu Tianyan Hengkong was born, he has never lost a single defeat.

Whether it's a talented and talented genius of the same realm, or a veteran powerhouse with profound cultivation, they are all so vulnerable in the face of the tyrannical coercion of heaven.

"His power is so abnormally strong that he can head-to-head with the power of heaven and earth." Lu Qianyuan said.

Li Yuan said: "It's not just strength, the supernatural powers he displayed are extraordinary, and it is estimated that he has concluded the Thousand Grains Golden Pill."

"Thousand pattern golden pill?"

The crowd was stunned.

The elites of the Holy Land present were all extremely talented, but very few of them had formed the Golden Pill of Hundred Patterns.

As for the Thousand Grains Golden Pill, it is estimated that even many holy land elders have not been able to achieve it.

With a bang, the sky trembled.

The sixth-grade treasure lotus did not dissipate. At this moment, the divine light shone brightly, as if the heaven and the earth had split open, opening up a chaotic world.

The turbulent power of heaven and earth is endless, and it seems to be hanging down from the sky.

Long Hao's body was in pain, even the body of the water spirit could hardly support it, the inscription patterns continued to collapse, it felt as if his body was going to be smashed to pieces, and the endless radiance poured down on him, fixing him on the spot, making it difficult to move.

Immediately, waves of endless chaotic breath came down, trying to tear his body apart, shatter his soul, and obliterate his divine sense.

"It is said that when the Xuanhuang Great World was opened, there were twelve precious lotuses born, reflecting the heaven and the earth, and condensing the heaven and the way. They are the incarnation of the way. "

"I never imagined that Mu Tianyan could trigger such a miraculous vision, it's like turning into a heavenly dao."

Chaos first opened, Baolian was born!
Such visions are simply like miracles.

Together with the elders of the Holy Land, they all suffered a cardiac arrest and were sincerely shocked.

"It's terrible, the younger generation is terrifying!"

"If this girl can become a saint, she will definitely be the next Fairy Fuyao, and the world will honor her!"

Above the sky, some saints are full of praise for Mu Tianyan.

The saints of Yaoguang looked at Elder Ziyan very curiously: "I don't know, how is it compared to Lu Yao?"

Elder Ziyan's beautiful eyes moved slightly: "In terms of talent, the two may be on par, but in terms of combat power, Yao'er is even better!"

During the conversation, all the saints could see that Ziyan Taishang's love for her precious apprentice.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lu Yao to be directly promoted to a true disciple when she first broke through to the supernatural power level, thereby breaking the record of the Holy Land of Waking Light.

"The two of them are peerless geniuses, and they are expected to become a new generation of saintesses in the future, invincible at the same level!"

"So, doesn't Long Hao have no chance of winning?"

In fact, the Shaking Light Saints are still very optimistic about Long Hao. After all, he can suppress the Demon Marshal with the cultivation base of the Golden Core Realm. Such talent and strength are no worse than his opponents.

"After all, the cultivation level is a big difference, it's difficult!" The Great Sage of Nine Tribulations also sighed.


"It's over, suppressed by this kind of vision, even the old-fashioned powerhouses in the magic realm can't move. When the Baolian sword formation strangles, Long Hao will definitely lose."

An elder from the Shaking Light Holy Land sighed, facing such a big trend, even he felt irresistible.

And at this moment, Long Hao's divine light erupted from his body, turning into ten thousand dragons, and the sea of ​​air was even more turbulent, intertwined with thunder and lightning, following the rotation of the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, it mobilized the power of all dragon veins, blocking the terrifying The oppression slowly wiped away the chaotic atmosphere inside and outside the body.

Everyone present was shocked, it was too amazing to block such a terrifying vision.

But Long Hao was panting heavily, with lingering fear in his heart.

If it weren't for the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue being able to refine everything and suppress everything, he would have been in danger just now, and even his soul will be wiped out directly.

"The power of heaven, it's really not something human can compete with!"

(End of this chapter)

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