Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 493 Tianjiao Goddess

Chapter 493 Tianjiao Goddess
After breaking free from the shackles, Long Hao unleashed all his firepower and smashed the one hundred and eight immortal swords strangled to pieces.

Mu Tianyan was not surprised by this.

"The way of heaven is impermanent and ever-changing. My Tiandao Baolian can also change nine times. Although my cultivation is limited, I can only use the first six kinds of changes, but how many changes can you resist?"

A halo on Mu Tianyan's head was dazzling, and there were eight other radiances looming, connected together, like a mysterious avenue crown, reflecting her like a fairy king facing the dust.

The Heavenly Dao Sutra is originally derived from the deduction of the heaven and the earth. If you cultivate to the extreme, you can control the heaven and become a fairy, and you will be invincible and invincible in the world.

But now, Mu Tianyan has shown the potential to climb to the top, surpassing her generation!
And such an opponent also made Long Hao's blood boil.

"Let the horses come!"

He laughed loudly, flipped his hands and took out a precious bow, which was the top-grade magic weapon--the Dark Dragon Bow!

"Oh? Even using the magic weapon, it means that Long Hao has also run out of skills."

"That's right, Senior Sister will definitely win this battle."

Many disciples of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao are extremely confident.

Mu Tianyan didn't talk nonsense, and made a mysterious Dao seal with both hands.

The divine light overflowed above the lotus, as if a piece of chaos had been opened, and a majestic black and white air flow came out of it, forming two divine swords, with streaks of auspicious clouds lingering around them, and when they were struck down, they could break the world.

Just the coercion generated by the sword qi made Long Hao's whole body want to burst.

But he gritted his teeth and withstood the tremendous pressure, while opening his bow and arrow.

call out!
A dazzling brilliance burst out of the sky, like a dragon soaring into the sky, piercing through the sky.

The black and white divine sword collided with the golden light divine arrow, blasting a big hole in the sky.

"As expected of a high-grade magic weapon, it more than doubles the power of supernatural powers." Li Yuandao looked envious.

After the Black and White Excalibur, the sun, moon and stars were reflected in the open chaos.


Long Hao pushed the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art to the extreme, resisting the heavy pressure of heaven, and mobilized the power of all dragon veins at the same time, shooting an arrow that pierced the world.


A thousand stars fell, and the galaxy was shattered.

That scene was too spectacular and terrifying, as if the end of the world was coming, it made people shudder.

Long Hao pushed the arrow to the extreme and shot through countless stars, but in the end his power was exhausted and he was blown out by the big star.

And he himself felt like being bitten by lightning, most of the thunder patterns on Fa's body collapsed, and a pool of blood spewed out from his mouth.

"Hehe, Long Hao couldn't resist the third transformation just now, and he's nothing more than that." An extreme disciple laughed.

Yun Rong didn't think so, and said solemnly: "Don't underestimate Long Hao, this is a freak who can create miracles at critical moments."

The fourth change, in the chaos, there are mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and storms, sky and fire come.

"My God, it is the power of Sixiang." The disciples of Sixiang who were present recognized it at a glance, and were extremely shocked.

"Could it be that there is a world contained in the lotus of that day's Tao?"

This is what many people are thinking at the moment, but they think it is too crazy.

"The world was originally formed by the evolution of the Dao of Heaven. This is normal. Although practicing the Heavenly Dao Sutra cannot directly create the world, it can also use the power of the world for one's own use. This is the truly terrifying thing about that miraculous skill."

King Huang Ji sighed.

"Supernatural power——Cold Sun Fire Wheel!"

In the sky, a red and blue steamer rose into the sky and fell forward.

"Long Hao can easily display the power of water and fire."

Before everyone could react, Long Hao's right hand also displayed a mysterious supernatural power - Xuantian Cracking Earth Seal!

At this time, Long Hao, with one hand, pushed the cold sun fire wheel, and with the other hand, he evolved the Xuantian Cracking Seal, and hit the sky with great momentum.

"Earth, fire, water, and wind... actually used it at the same time!"

This time, everyone was shocked.

Especially those disciples of the Four Elephants felt as if they had been greatly humiliated. The power of the Four Elephants used by Long Hao was obviously much more tyrannical than them.

"How many magical powers does this guy have?"

"Moreover, the supernatural powers of various attributes can be used to their full potential in his hands, and there is no sign of conflict."

At this time, people suddenly understood that, as Li Yuandao expected, Long Hao might have really concluded the Thousand Grains Golden Pill.

The sky exploded, and the two forces of the four elephants canceled each other out, pushing out the chaotic mist, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

However, soon, the power of the five elements of the fifth change descended, evolving into a sacred mountain with bright colors, overwhelming the void, imprisoning the world, and carrying an irresistible trend.

The terrifying coercion of heaven became more and more terrifying, and even the mana in Long Hao's body was blocked, making it difficult to mobilize.

"Five elements seal the sky, no matter how many supernatural powers he has mastered now, he will not be able to display them." An extreme disciple said with a smile.

However, unexpectedly, this time, although Long Hao did not use his supernatural powers, he took out a pagoda full of purple energy.

The pagoda was poured like divine gold, engraved with countless mysterious inscription patterns, simple and generous in appearance, full of incomparable power, as soon as it appeared, it shattered the surrounding void.


The pagoda soared into the sky, rising against the wind, like a big purple sun rising into the sky. When the sky shook, a vast and boundless purple thunder burst out, igniting the heaven and the earth, as if to refine the five sacred mountains.

"that is not……"

"How could the treasure of the Great Sage of Nine Heavens be in Long Hao's hands!"

Everyone was stunned.

Not long ago, he had just performed the famous stunt of the Great Sage of the Nine Heavens - the True Lightning Dharma Body of the Nine Heavens, and in the blink of an eye he sacrificed the magic weapon of the Great Sage of the Nine Heavens.

It gave people the feeling that Long Hao was the direct disciple of the Great Sage of Nine Heavens.

At this time, the expression of the Great Sage Nine Heavens above the sky also changed, and anger almost gushed out of his eyes.

"Bai Yutang, this trash, even lost the treasures of this saint!"

Sensing the mockery in the eyes of the other saints, the great sage Jiuxiao was so angry that he wished to revive Bai Yutang and kill him with a single palm to relieve his hatred.

The five sacred mountains and the purple gold pagoda collided fiercely, as if six stars were fighting in the void.

The power of the world in the holy mountain and the trace of holy power contained in the pagoda were extremely violent, instantly triggering an extremely terrifying and destructive force, which continuously turned into shock waves and poured down, wiping out everything.

Long Hao was immediately blown away by a huge force, the True Lightning Dharma Body completely collapsed, even the precious body was split open, and blood flowed horizontally.

Although he blocked the blow, the price he paid was unimaginable.

"Okay, Long Hao has been severely injured, and the senior sister will definitely win this battle!"

Many extreme disciples showed comfortable smiles, and looked at Mu Tianyan with even more awe and admiration.

But suddenly, they found that Mu Tianyan had stopped attacking, and couldn't help shouting.

"Huh? Why did you stop?"

"Senior Sister Mu, this is a good opportunity, we must not give him a chance to breathe."

(End of this chapter)

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