Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 495 Mysterious Zodiac Seed

Chapter 495 Mysterious Zodiac Seed
"It sure is him!"

Although the Sword Master Tianjue had expected it long ago, there was still a turmoil in his heart at this moment.

Especially, when he saw that Long Hao's eyes were gradually covered by a dark yellow energy, as if he had lost his heart and consciousness, there seemed to be a mysterious force in his body that was attracted and wanted to vent it.

"God, you..."

The Great Sage Zhenwu was a little surprised. Since he got to know each other, it was the first time he saw such huge emotional fluctuations in the Sword Master Tianjue.

There was endless and terrifying murderous intent in those sharp eyes, which made his heart tremble.

"The Xuanhuang Dao seed has been planted..."

But Tianjue Sword Master is not an ordinary person after all, he quickly calmed down, pressed his palm on his chest, and suddenly a domineering sword energy rushed into his body, suppressing the restless mysterious power.

In his heart, that mysterious and terrifying figure emerged again: "It's been 3000 years, and you still haven't given up!"

"In that case, I will kill your hope!"

Suddenly, the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven stood up. He was dressed in white, with cold eyes and flying hair, as if he was standing in the pure land of heaven.

But there is a killing intent raging. At this moment, the world is enveloped by the killing intent. The bodies of many practitioners are cracked, the internal organs are injured, the soul is about to be destroyed, and the bones are about to melt.

"God, what are you doing?"

At this moment, all the saints around were also startled.

But seeing the cold murderous intent gleaming in the eye sockets of the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven, everyone felt chills down their backs, as if they were facing a god of death.

The murderous intent is infinite, even the saints are terrified!

"What's going on, it's so terrifying!"

"Is it a saint?"

Everyone looked at the sky in unison, their eyes full of horror.

Especially Ling Shu and other Yaoguang disciples were extremely nervous, because the place locked by that terrifying murderous aura turned out to be the direction of the battlefield!
At this moment, almost everyone, including Mu Tianyan, felt a strong murderous intent and panicked in their hearts.

Only Long Hao, with a deep consciousness, seemed to be a different person, unaware that he was getting closer to death.

After the mysterious power imprinted in his body by that mysterious strongman awakened, it affected his consciousness.

The downfall of his fellow sect, Zong Xiu's betrayal, the cruelty of the demon clan... and the ferocious face of the Great Sage Nine Heavens all flashed in his mind.

"Why am I so weak?"

The hatred magnified infinitely at this moment, making his desire for power become extreme.

"As long as you can suppress the enemy and level the world, so what if you hand over your soul to the devil?"

"I want to become stronger, I want to destroy everything, I want to trample this world under my feet, I am the only one in the world!"

This is Long Hao's only thought at the moment.

So, he acted.

One punch to the sky, like millions of troops attacking at the same time, piercing gold and cracking rocks, rolling the sky, and like a tsunami, endless stars falling together...

The endless black and yellow air, wrapped in golden fists, is like a shining golden dragon, suddenly soaring into the sky, sweeping away the gravity of the sky, and blasting out the six black holes in the sky...

Together with the sixth-grade treasure lotus, which was like the incarnation of heaven, they were all torn apart!


Mu Tianyan's will was contained in Baolian, and after being destroyed, she also suffered an extremely serious backlash, spurting blood wildly.

"Senior Sister Mu was injured, and even Baolian was destroyed!"

"My God, how did Long Hao suddenly become so powerful?"

Just now, they clearly saw that Long Hao was suppressed and could not move, and was about to be smashed to pieces.

But in the blink of an eye, everything reversed.


Mu Tianyan, who was in mid-air, suddenly raised her head, and was horrified to see a terrifying figure covered with divine patterns, which suddenly magnified in her pupils.

That person was Long Hao, but with his ferocious face and cold eyes, he looked like a god of death from hell, becoming extremely terrifying!
At this moment, even Mu Tianyan's heart twitched violently, and he felt the threat of death from the punch that came straight over.

Moreover, in the face of death, she was unable to make any resistance.

"Senior Sister Mu..."

Including Li Yuandao, all the extreme disciples were stunned, feeling so nervous that they even forgot to breathe.


Suddenly, a cold snort came from Gao Tianzhi, like the wrath of a god, and the terrifying murderous intent instantly swept across the world.

All the saints looked at the Sword Saint Tianjue in shock. In front of him, the Tianjue Sword automatically unsheathed, emitting a peerless killing aura, as if it wanted to cut the sky and destroy the earth.

All the saints were stunned, unable to react at all.

Even when he fought against the emperor, the aura of the Sword Master Tianjue was not so terrifying.

On the battlefield, Long Hao, who was covered in black and yellow air, carried a destructive power, and launched a decisive blow towards Mu Tianyan.

People have already seen the power of that golden fist, once it fell on Mu Tianyan, the consequences would be disastrous.

And the unsheathed Tianjue Sword is about to tear through the void.

Mu Tianyan watched the death fist hit, feeling a sense of despair in his heart.

A strong wind blows towards the face, and the death fist is in front of the eyes. At this moment, time and space seem to stand still.

All eyes were fixed on the battlefield.

However, after they waited for a long time, Long Hao kept on punching, but he didn't punch out.

Mu Tianyan opened his eyes, his pupils were full of surprise and shock.

Long Hao, who was so close to her, seemed to have dissipated a little of the misty blackness in his eyes, turning blood red for a while, and whitish for a while, which was extremely strange.

In a daze, she seemed to see two Long Hao, who were fiercely attacking each other, facing each other with life and death.

"Something's wrong, his consciousness has a tendency to split into two."

Gradually, the aura on Long Hao's body also began to change drastically, sometimes it was like a tide sweeping the world, and sometimes it was like the calm of a lake, all in all it was very strange.

"Could it be that he used a forbidden technique and wanted to go crazy?"

This is the first feeling in many people's minds.

But soon, the aura of drastic change disappeared, Long Hao's figure gradually solidified, the mysterious magic seal on his body returned to his body, and the mysterious and yellow aura dissipated immediately.

"At the beginning, even the Burning Demon Emperor couldn't do anything to me, let alone a mere seal?"

"No matter how powerful the power is, it must be under my control!"

Long Hao's consciousness recovered, his whole body seemed to be sublimated, and his demeanor became ethereal, as if he could surpass the sky.

At the same time, the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven, high above the sky, was shocked again.

"Suppressed the Xuanhuangdao species by relying on will?"

Without making a fuss, the Tianjue sword flew back from the sky, returned to its sheath automatically, and the murderous intent in the sky dissipated suddenly.

Only then did the saints breathe a sigh of relief, but the shock in their pupils lasted for a long time.

As for Long Hao, who had come to his senses, he didn't know that just now, he was almost beheaded by the sword master of Tianjue!
(End of this chapter)

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