Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 496 The Forgotten Long Hao

Chapter 496 The Forgotten Long Hao
Until now, the eyes of the saints above the heavens looking at the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven are still full of consternation and fear.

What is ruthless, what is extreme?
Suppressing saints and challenging the emperor are nothing, but when they are truly ruthless, they will not spare even their own people.

The Shaking Light Saints such as Zhenwu Dasheng and Ziyan Shengwang were also very surprised.

They clearly sensed just now that the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven had an extremely strong murderous intent towards Long Hao, and it was even full of anger and hatred.

No one thinks that a disciple of a small Golden Core Realm can provoke a dignified Sword Master.

In particular, the talent shown by Long Hao is rare in ancient times, and may become the pillar of the Holy Land of Waving Light in the future. Such talents are too important for the Holy Land of Waving Light, which is declining.

But the murderous intent came and disappeared quickly, which made people baffled.

They didn't know what the Sword Saint of Heaven was thinking.

Over the years, Sword Master Tianjue has seen and heard many special existences like Long Hao, who were planted with the Mysterious Zodiac Seed.

They all have amazing talents, fearless heart and will, and the potential to become strong.

But it's a pity that in the end, in the process of pursuing power, they lost their heart and self, and turned into an extremely terrifying killing machine.

He himself is a prime example.

If it wasn't for some accidents later, he used the White Head Taixuan Sutra to contain the Xuanhuang Dao Seed, I am afraid that today's Eastern Land would have been a piece of scorched earth.

Therefore, regarding these threats, the Sword Master of Heaven Absolute has always been extremely decisive, and once discovered, he immediately killed them in the cradle.

"As far as I know, the Xuan Zodiac species cannot be suppressed by will. How did he do it?"

Staring at Long Hao, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Sword Master of Heaven.

There were exceptions to Long Hao's things that the countless celestial beings back then, including him, were unable to do.

It was also because of this that the Sword Master Tianjue restrained his murderous intentions temporarily.


On the battlefield, Long Hao, who had come to his senses, looked at the pale Mu Tianyan in front of him, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

If he hadn't been able to control himself just now, Mu Tianyan might have died by now.

"Hehe, Senior Sister Mu is shocked."

To cover up his embarrassment, Long Hao grinned with a sunny smile, and at the same time bowed his hands in apology.

Mu Tianyan was taken aback for a moment, and only after realizing that Long Hao had really returned to normal did he slightly shake his head.

"This battle, you won."

Although Long Hao suspected of borrowing external force, he was able to forcibly reverse the situation by relying on his own will, which is not something ordinary people can do, and she admired it quite a bit.

"She has been a true biography for three years, and she is still stronger than you. Now I am not as good as her."

That 'she' is naturally Lu Yao, the woman Mu Tianyan has always regarded as her old enemy.

After finishing speaking, Mu Tianyan clenched her fists in her sleeves and floated past Long Hao. At the same time, she gave Long Hao a piece of advice: "That power is very strong and dangerous. I advise you to use it less."

Regarding this, Long Hao spread his hands and was quite helpless.

He didn't want to use it either, this power was forcefully given to him by others, once his energy was exhausted, it would explode automatically.

Moreover, after each eruption, his spiritual consciousness will be affected more seriously. If things go on like this, his mind may really be controlled and he will lose himself.

This is a big threat.

"In the final battle, Long Hao won in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and this year's Liumai Martial Arts Competition is officially over..."

Huang Jiwang's voice came leisurely, full of impatience, and he was naturally not very satisfied with the result.

But in front of the public and the saints in the major holy places, he was powerless to change anything.

At the same time, the audience was boiling.

"Long Hao wins, it's unbelievable, Mu Tianyan even displayed the Heavenly Dao Sutra, but he still lost in the end." Jian Lingyun's fierce eyes fixed on Long Hao, feeling the tremendous pressure.

Especially the mysterious power that suddenly erupted from Long Hao's body made him feel so powerless that he was too scared to resist.

Li Yuandao also clenched his fists suddenly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

There are many, many people who regard Long Hao as their greatest enemy and the goal of chasing them all their lives!

From now on, Long Hao will become the benchmark of their generation.

And those Ji Dao disciples, seeing Mu Tianyan's return, looked a little lonely and unwilling, this result was beyond their expectation.

Over the years, their holy land of extreme dao has been in full swing, and they have been the best in the previous core disciple assessments, but today they encountered Waterloo.

Suddenly, they finally understood Yun Rong's previous prophecy.

Long Hao is indeed a person who can create miracles at critical moments!

As the night passed, a fiery red sun slowly rose into the sky from the end of the East China Sea. Through the thick fairy fog, the entire Yuanji Immortal Island illuminated was filled with a sense of holiness.

At this moment, Long Hao, standing in mid-air, enjoying everyone's admiring and awe-inspiring eyes, was extremely excited in his heart.

Looking up to the sky, full of anticipation.

Up to this moment, the Sword Master Tianjue was still observing his every move, his eyes changing like stars.

"Keep him, blessing? Misfortune?"

The same thing was said by the sweeping old man from the Tianxing Palace.

However, the Sword Saint of Heaven is not an indecisive person, and he quickly made a decision in his heart.

He withdrew his gaze, and swept across the bodies of the fluttering saints one by one, full of solemnity and solemnity.

At the same time, the Shaking Light saints received the sound transmission from the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, and their faces changed suddenly, but none of them dared to question anything.


Even the low-key Zhenwu Great Sage, the powerful Purple Face Sage King, including all the saints who admired Long Hao, all took a meaningful look at Long Hao, and finally only sighed.

But at this time, Long Hao, who was looking forward to on the battlefield, gradually calmed down, and suddenly felt a little deep in his heart.

The disciples of Yaoguang who were celebrating enthusiastically just now gradually noticed the abnormality, and looked at Gao Tian with doubts.

"What's going on? The martial arts competition is over, why haven't the saints acted yet?"

From their point of view, a world-shattering genius like Long Hao, no matter who the saint is, would love talents, maybe even the emperor would be tempted.

"Yeah, after such a long time, even if there is a fight between the saints, it's time to make a decision, right?" Qin Jian looked puzzled.

Even he has become a true disciple, there is no reason why Long Hao will be forgotten by the saints.

At this time, a light talisman finally fell under the attention of everyone, but it was for Mu Tianyan.

He is a mighty and powerful saint, not weaker than the Four Great Juggernauts, arousing the envy of everyone.

Soon, the crowd began to disperse. They were all excitedly talking about yesterday's wonderful battle, and those lucky ones who were favored by the saint.

However, Long Hao was like a forgotten person, standing there alone.

(End of this chapter)

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