Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 522 Master Shenxiu

Chapter 522 Master Shenxiu

The monk recited the Buddha's name, clasped his hands together, looked at Xue Ping solemnly with eyes as bright and penetrating as stars, and asked, "Why does Benefactor Xue want to slaughter all living beings?"

The monk's voice is like flowing water, mellow and melodious, and his tone is not slow, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Is it a female monk?" Ji Xingkong looked at Long Hao in surprise.

Long Hao was also a little stunned, the monk was indeed quite handsome, but his chest was flat and he was wearing loose Buddhist robes, so he couldn't tell for a while.

A hint of surprise also flashed in the eyes of the others, and it was obvious that they had gone astray too.

However, facing the melodious voice, the smile on Elder Xue Ping's face froze, and he said in a serious tone: "This old man knows that the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas is merciful and never kills..."

When he said this, one of the blood-robed men couldn't help but snorted coldly, seeming to be extremely disdainful.

Xue Ping was interrupted, but he didn't get angry, and continued: "Master Shenxiu should know that this is a city of sin, and the people here are all vicious and vicious people. Killing them is also for the benefit of all people."

However, Master Shenxiu did not take it seriously: "Amitabha, the ancient sages have said that human nature is good at first, and their evil deeds are only temporarily lost in obsession. They can become Buddhas immediately with a little guidance, not to mention that there are many of them. He is an innocent person, so benefactor Xue should also be merciful, so as not to be entangled in karma."

Hearing this, Elder Xue Ping's face became gloomy, and he said in a cold voice: "The master has said it before, we and other practitioners are going against the sky, and strength is respected. As long as the strength is strong enough, the so-called karma and karma can be counted. what?"

At this time, Ji Xingkong couldn't help but stood up, looked directly at Master Shenxiu and said, "Master's words are wrong. The ancient sages also said that human nature is inherently evil, and no matter what the nature of any living being is, It is selfishness, the so-called survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, is the principle of this powerful world!"

The betrayal of the teacher and the fall of the Taoist companion made Ji Xingkong's heart fall into darkness, and even became extreme.

In his eyes, there is no distinction between good and bad people, only whether they are enemies or not.

"This benefactor is haunted by demons and has an extreme temperament. The poor monk can understand, but the ancient sages taught all living beings and created a great harmony in the world. It can be avoided... the world is paradise!"

Although Master Shenxiu didn't have aura all over his body, his eyesight was astonishing, and he instantly saw the resentment towards this world deep in Ji Xingkong's heart.

"Hmph, what a load of nonsense."

"In such a paradise, everyone is the same, what's the point, and how is it different from a puppet?"

"Life and death, attacking and killing, intrigues, all are reincarnations of heaven... The master is against the sky."

The three blood-robed men all sneered at Master Shenxiu's remarks.

But Master Shenxiu is neither angry nor angry, neither happy nor sad.

The two sides cited their respective scriptures and argued endlessly.

Long Hao looked confused, how could a simple meeting turn into a discussion hall?
However, it was obvious that everyone didn't think much of Master Shenxiu and the compassionate heart of the Virgin Mary, and even spoke sarcastically.

In the end, Elder Xue Ping came out to stop the emotional crowd.

"Don't fight anymore, everyone. Everyone came here for that treasure land. It's not good to hurt the peace here."

"How about this, this sect has arranged a quiet room for you, everyone, please take a rest and set off early tomorrow morning."

As soon as the words fell, the three blood-robed men snorted coldly and walked away.


Master Shenxiu sighed, gave a salute, and walked out somewhat disappointed.

She did not go to the quiet room prepared by Tianleizong, but continued to intersperse in this dead city to save the undead.

Long Hao took a deep look at her and left with Ji Xingkong without saying much.

No one stayed in the quiet room prepared by the strong men of the Tianlei Sect, either because everyone was on high alert, or because no one believed them at all.

Soon, apart from Elder Xue Ping, only the man in purple was left in the main hall.

After casually setting a restriction, the purple-robed man took off his cloak, revealing his original face, it was Yun Hongfeng.

"Did you find anything?" Elder Xue Ping lowered his voice.

Yun Hongfeng shook his head.

Although the two silver-haired old men did not let him act rashly, he still came, wanting to wait for Long Hao to come, and kill him quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Unfortunately, except for Master Shenxiu, everyone else had disguised and concealed their identities. He observed for a long time during the scene, but he couldn't tell which one was Long Hao.

"In this case, we can only do it after entering the secret ground."

Elder Xue Ping's eyes became much colder: "The two elders expected it well. After the news was released, people who had mastered the other pieces of the Great Thunder Sound Token really appeared. This shows that Long Hao and Ji Xingkong Traitors must be among them."

Yun Hongfeng smiled grimly: "Hmph, I knew that no one could resist the temptation of that treasure, but even though the treasure is good, you have to die to get it."

"Be prepared. Once the secret ground is opened, immediately send someone to seal the entrance. I will let them come and go."

Elder Xue Ping said: "Don't worry, everything has been prepared, and there is Baji King sitting in the capital of Yushan Kingdom, no one can escape."

As he said that, Elder Xue Ping remembered something again, and said solemnly: "But the two elders have something to say first, that master Shenxiu must absolutely not be killed, otherwise there will be big trouble."

"Hmph, she's just a girl. If she's sensible, I won't touch her, otherwise... so what about the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Buddhas? I'm not afraid of the Holy Land of Zixiao!"

Yun Hongfeng's tone was extremely arrogant.


All night.

Early the next morning, everyone set off.

Passing through the black mountain, a huge basin that was silent in the sea of ​​thunder appeared in front of him, it was incomparably vast.

The thunder pressure here is even more domineering, and there are white divine thunders everywhere, accompanied by the rumbling sound of heaven, constantly falling down, making people frightened.

Even though he has already been promoted to the Faxiang Realm, this place still makes Long Hao feel extremely scary. In the deepest part of the basin, it seems that there is a terrifying and boundless beast sleeping, exuding a palpitating aura.

Ji Xingkong is not surprised, after all, he has practiced here for many years and is very familiar with the harsh environment here.

"I know a safer road, which can lead directly to the center of the basin. Follow me carefully. Although there is a big thunder in hand, don't be careless."

Ji Xingkong walked in front, Long Hao cut off the rear.

Da Leiyinling was urged to emit a circle of white haze, enveloping the two of them.

That circle of glow is of the same origin as the thunder pressure here, and it can avoid being bombarded by the white divine thunder, but it is not absolute, and no one knows what kind of danger will be in the depths of the basin.

(End of this chapter)

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