Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 523 Secrets and Crisis

Chapter 523 Secrets and Crisis

The two walked half a circle around the edge of the basin, and finally saw a huge canyon.

This canyon is bigger than the one Long Hao encountered last time, like a straight giant dragon, crossing the entire basin, stretching endlessly.


"It's so strong sword energy, could it be that this canyon was created by a strong man with a sword?"

No one knows when the Great Thunder Sound Sect suddenly collapsed.

But no matter how you look for it, it has been hundreds or thousands of years.

But even in such a harsh environment, the remaining sword energy in the canyon is still strong, and Long Hao knows that he has sensed a very strong destructive force from it, that is sword intent!

Although Long Hao doesn't practice the way of the sword, but as the true biography of the sword master, he has three senior sword repair brothers, so he is quite familiar with the sword intent.

Although it has been tempered by time and destroyed by the harsh environment, the remaining sword intent still makes Long Hao feel frightened.

"It's definitely left by the Juggernaut!"

"As expected of the first sect in the ages, a sword master was born!"

Long Hao took a deep breath, looking forward to the secret treasure in the center of the basin even more.

There are hundreds of sects in the Xuanhuang Great World. Although some of the powerful sects have saints, they are far from being comparable to the sword masters.

It is already very good to have one or two great sages in charge.

"As far as I know, there are three holy kings hidden in the Tianlei Sect, and they have been seeking to break through the realm of the Great Emperor, trying to replace your fluttering light and become one of the ten holy places."

Ji Xingkong said suddenly.

"Can they actually cultivate three holy kings?"

Long Hao was also surprised when he heard this.

According to the information of the Holy Land of Shaking Light, the strongest of the Tianlei Sect is nothing more than the five great saints. No one would have thought that there are three holy kings hidden in the snow. This power should not be underestimated.

The Holy King claims to be the strongest under the Great Emperor. A strong man of this level, even if placed in the major holy places, is also qualified to compete for the Holy Lord.

But what surprised Long Hao was that the difficulty of breaking through the Holy King was far more than that of transcending the ordinary and becoming the Holy King. Throughout the ages, apart from the Ten Great Holy Lands and the Six Great Demon Sects, the sects and loose cultivators in the secular world have all the strong Saint Kings. Very few.

Relying on the background of these sects, it is very difficult to cultivate a strong holy king. Even if the Tianlei Sect has the support of the Zixiao Holy Land and its strength ranks at the top of the hundred sects, it will be difficult.

What's more, three people appeared at once.

According to Long Hao's knowledge, there are only five holy kings in Yaoguang Holy Land.

Of course, Sword Master Tianjue is an exception.

"Under normal circumstances, sectarian forces cannot cultivate holy kings. The reason why Tianlei Sect can cultivate three holy kings is because of this, apart from the secret assistance of Zixiao Holy Land."

Ji Xingkong said slowly: "Hundreds of years ago, Tianlei Sect was only a middle-level sect with only one great sage in charge, until one day they discovered this treasure land, so they started a century-long excavation , has obtained countless treasures, and his strength has been rising year after year..."

Only then did Long Hao understand.

It's no wonder that in such a large-scale sect relic, not even a single treasure can be seen, and it turned out that they were all taken by the Tianlei Sect.

To put it bluntly, today's Tianleizong can also be said to be a small Leiyinzong.

From becoming the Great Thunder Sound Sect, I am afraid that the only thing missing is the secret treasure.

This also made Long Hao feel a strong sense of threat.

It is conceivable that once the Tianlei Sect obtains the inheritance of the treasures in the secret land, I am afraid that a great emperor will really be born among the three holy kings.

By then, the entire Fluctlight Holy Land is in danger.

"Why did you tell me these secrets? Besides, these secrets don't seem to be known to an ordinary disciple, right?" Long Hao stared at Ji Xingkong and said solemnly.

Ji Xingkong's eyes and tone remained cold: "I know these secrets, so someone told me of course, and the reason I told you is just because I don't want to see Tianleizong succeed, that's it."

Long Hao glanced at him in surprise, and secretly said: "I didn't expect that there is an expert behind this guy."

It's right to think about it, if there is no expert help, how would Ji Xingkong know these secrets, and how could he survive until now under the strangulation of Tianleizong?
"I'm afraid it's more than that. You also want to use me to help you deal with Tianleizong."

Revealing the strength and conspiracy of Tianleizong, so as to arouse his sense of crisis, so as to do his best to destroy the actions of Tianleizong, Ji Xingkong can benefit from it.

This little calculation can't be hidden from Long Hao's eyes.

However, Ji Xingkong sneered at this: "It doesn't matter whether you use it or not, they want to kill me and then hurry up, and it's the same for you."

"You mean, the Zixiao Holy Land also participated in this operation?"

Apart from the relationship between Zixiao Holy Land, the relationship between Tian Leizong and Long Hao has not yet reached an endless situation.

Ji Xingkong didn't answer, but stopped, staring coldly at the dark canyon ahead.

There, there was a black shadow about Zhang Xu tall, attacking at the speed of lightning, accompanied by a strong evil spirit.

"It's a mountain ghost."

As soon as Long Hao finished speaking, a ferocious face with a unicorn face appeared clearly in sight.


The mountain ghost yelled, and a strong black light burst out from the unicorn, and waves of violent energy gathered together to form a thick beam of thunder.

chi chi chi...

The thick and dim pillar of thunder pierced through the void in an instant, and the speed was so fast that it made people tongue-tied.

"Supernatural power - Dark Lightning Shock and Thunder Kill!"

Ji Xingkong's speed is not slow, a large number of magical inscription patterns light up from between his palms and fingers, triggering a majestic dark thunder and lightning, rushing like a mountain roaring tsunami, blasting a large area of ​​void.

The two violent thunderbolts exploded and canceled each other out, but the thunderstorms that exploded wreaked havoc between the heavens and the earth, and could paralyze people's bodies.

"Be careful, this mountain ghost is quite powerful."

Ji Xingkong yelled, moved his body sideways, and attacked the mountain ghost from the left.

Long Hao was not idle either, the power of the flying dragon in his body recovered, and he made a golden fist mark, like a mountain peak watered by divine gold, and launched an attack from the right side.

The mountain ghost galloped forward quickly, arousing a large thunder curtain, giving people the feeling that a huge thunder mountain rushed towards it with great momentum.

clack clack...

A large piece of lightning exploded, shattering the void.

Both Long Hao and Ji Xingkong were shaken back, which made the mountain ghost stop.

Long Hao narrowed his eyes: "It actually aroused the power of thunder around it, this mountain ghost must be at the level of the Faxiang Realm."

And Ji Xingkong glanced at the changing sky around him, his eyes suddenly changed: "The white divine thunders around are attracted, let's make a quick decision."

Long Hao nodded, stretched out his right hand forward, and a large number of inscription patterns flashed out, arousing an incomparably majestic thunder force, evolving into a primordial thunder dragon, and attacking and killing it.

Under the blessing of the power of thunder all over the sky, the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand has been greatly increased.

The Taikoo Thunder Dragon seemed to have come alive, it shattered a large thunder curtain in an instant, and hit the mountain ghost heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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