Chapter 572
Under the raging violent wind, everyone spurted blood, as if they had been bombarded by heavenly thunder.

"Oh my god, could it be that a saint made a move? It's terrible!"

Seeing her companion fall before her eyes, the remaining woman in silver robe suddenly felt shuddering.


At the same time, the void trembled violently like a tattered picture scroll, and then the mountain on the ground, which was shone with divine power, had turned into a little bit of aura and ceased to exist.

Everyone's face was pale, and they couldn't believe it all. Their chests heaved and they were almost suffocated under the tremendous pressure.

Among the scattered dots of spiritual light, there are vaguely majestic figures standing in the air.

"The Dragon Emperor is immortal in ancient times, hasn't he already attained Taoism and become an immortal?"

"My God, is that an eight-clawed dragon?"


Among those figures, some were powerful figures that existed in the legends, and people were familiar with them, while more were unheard of.

But there is no doubt that every figure that flashed out was a supreme immortal god, containing a trace of divine power, and they all appeared at this moment.

"Where is the sacred place?" Many people asked in their hearts and subconsciously swallowed their saliva.

The void suddenly exploded, and a white auspicious cloud rose from the ground, like a bright moon rising from the sea, magnificent and magnificent, although there was no mighty divine power, it was majestic and majestic, with the mysterious feeling of an immortal emperor.

"Could it be the auspicious cloud of immortality?" Elder Xue Ping's face changed drastically.

However, unexpectedly, the moment the auspicious cloud appeared, it quickly dimmed.

"Extraordinary, dare to disturb my dream, how many heads do you have?"

The voice that suddenly came out from the auspicious clouds was full of violent and boundless domineering, which shocked everyone's souls.

"God, I saw a god!"

The silver-robed woman and another Zixiao Holy Land disciple suddenly fell to their knees as if possessed by an evil spirit, and worshiped, their pupils still filled with endless fanaticism.

Even Elder Yun Hongfeng and Xue Ping froze in place, intimidated by the divine voice, unable to wake up.

In the arena, the only one who was awake was Long Hao.

But at that moment just now, he also saw the manifestation of a majestic god, whose inherent boundless domineering power ravaged the heavens and oppressed the world, making people want to kneel down and worship.

"Human boy, why don't you worship this god after seeing him?"

The domineering divine voice came again, with a somewhat surprised tone: "Hey, there seems to be a fetish on your body, which offsets the coercion of this god."

Hearing this, Long Hao's expression was shocked.

The fetish mentioned by the other party is most likely the Dao Orb.

It is also the existence of the Dao Orb that offsets the terrifying coercion that is like the manifestation of a god.

But in an instant, Long Hao's eyes lit up, because he gradually saw the shadow hidden in the misty auspicious clouds.

It looks like a child, only three feet tall, but naked, only covered by a grass skirt, and there are three bright leaves growing on top of the head.

Although it has a form similar to that of a human, its essence is completely different from that of a human.


Long Hao remembered something and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


"Is it really the immortal medicine?"

At the same time, exclamations sounded from all directions, with unbelievable shock in their tone.

What woke them up was not Long Hao's voice, but the mysterious fragrance of immortality that seemed to have the effect of purifying the soul's spiritual thoughts.

When they saw clearly the shadow in the auspicious clouds, everyone's pupils shrank.

"What a rich fragrance, there really is an elixir!"

Everyone was discussing excitedly, their eyes flickering, impatient.

The legendary elixir of longevity contains a trace of divine power, even if it is taken by a mortal, it can master the power of law and instantly become a saint.

Don't talk about them, if it were a supreme emperor, he would go crazy in the face of a elixir of longevity.

The elixir of longevity is not only a shortcut for the great emperors to become immortals, but also the key to longevity and immortality.

What is the purpose of practicing immortality?
In the final analysis, isn't it for longevity?
In order to live longer, he is as strong as the Burning Demon Emperor, who claims to be the strongest in ten thousand years, but he is not sure, so he has to seek the world's holy medicine and refine the Nine Tribulations Immortal Pill, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless people who have become great emperors, but there are very few who can truly attain the Tao and become immortals.

Not only are there many great emperors who are unwilling to borrow another 500 years from the sky when their lifespan is exhausted!

And a fairy medicine brought them not only a few hundred years of life, but thousands, even tens of thousands of years!

"Haha, what a fortune!"

Suddenly, Yun Hongfeng let out a wild laugh: "This elixir belongs to our Zixiao Holy Land, anyone who dares to snatch it will be killed!"

"It's so majestic."

Long Hao suddenly turned into the sky, standing in front of Yun Hongfeng, with cold eyes and an extremely tough attitude.

Facing a fairy medicine, even the great emperor would go crazy, and Long Hao would naturally give it away.

Seeing Long Hao holding the pagoda in his hands and sacrificing his Dharma face in front of him, Yun Hongfeng's face suddenly turned cold.

"Elder Xue, kill this beast with me, and I will give you a fairy leaf!"

Hearing this, Elder Xue Ping's eyes revealed ecstasy.

Even a strong person in the Faxiang Realm only has a lifespan of two or three hundred years, and now he has more than half his lifespan, and his potential is exhausted. If there is no accident, even if he can break through the Nirvana Realm in the future, he will not be far away from death.

But the elixir in front of him gave him the hope of surviving.

"No, not only to survive..."

The pupils of Elder Xue Ping burst out with an unprecedented brilliance: "Even if it is just a fairy leaf, it can make me rejuvenate, rejuvenate, and even increase my potential greatly. It is not a dream to become a saint in the future!"

The birth of the fairy medicine shocked the whole world.

Even if it is as strong as the Tianlei Sect, it cannot be swallowed by itself, and it is already a great fortune to be able to get a fairy leaf.

Elder Xue Ping agreed without hesitation, his pupils flashing brightly, staring at Long Hao with an astonishing murderous intent.


Ji Xingkong moved over and stood side by side with Long Hao.

It's not that he has a good relationship with Long Hao, it's just that he knows the truth of cold lips and teeth.

Once Long Hao died, he would definitely not be able to survive under the siege of Elder Xue Ping and others.


"Crazy enough, boy."

"Is the god still here?"

Suddenly, the misty auspicious clouds dispersed, and the figure with three fairy leaves appeared in people's sight.

Endless divine splendor rushes out like dense fairy mist. This is the innate aura, which makes everyone's souls vibrate, as if they are about to lift the sky to the sky.

However, under the charming fairy mist, there are even more terrifying murderous intentions.


A strong divine light raged out like a horse training, cutting across the world, with great momentum, appearing like a law.

"Shoot together!"

Elder Xue Ping yelled, his whole body was wrapped in thunder light, and the golden banner in his hand burst out endless thunder of the god of heaven, bombarding it forward.

(End of this chapter)

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