Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 573 The Ignored Immortal Medicine

Chapter 573 The Ignored Immortal Medicine
"The elixir of longevity, has it transformed into a spirit?"

The fairy medicine in front of him not only has a human body, but most importantly, it speaks like a self-righteous old man.

Not only is he a rogue, but he also speaks loudly, calling himself the god of the gods at every turn, and scanning everyone with contemptuous eyes.

"Legends say that rare treasures can only be born in the place where the dragon hides, and immortal medicines can only be born in the place where the gods have fallen!"

"Is it really related to the gods here?"

The legend of Dongji Dragon Palace is too old. Except for some old guys who lived a very long time, ordinary practitioners have no way of knowing it, so they feel surprised.

Neither Tiantian Gate nor this Dragon Palace seem to belong to the mortal world.

And the fairy medicine that can transform spirits is unheard of.

"A few little devils, dare to fight in front of this god, and turned against you." Ever since the birth of the fairy medicine of Hualing, it has been making arrogant noises.

However, for this kind of guy who can only play tricks, everyone didn't take it seriously at all from the beginning.

In the eyes of Yun Hongfeng and others, as long as Long Hao and Ji Xingkong are dealt with, the immortal medicine will naturally be at their fingertips.

The earth split open, and a black stone seal burst out from it, containing an extremely heavy air pressure, and it hit Long Hao's back.

Long Hao rushed out, a stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he was furious.

Someone used an extremely strange supernatural power to attack him secretly, with a force exceeding ten thousand jun!
If it was another strong person in the Faxiang Realm, the blow just now would definitely destroy both body and spirit, not even bones left.

"Supernatural Powers - Earth Vein Wheel Seal"

It was another true biography of Zixiao Holy Land who made the move. His aura was as thick as a mountain, and he seemed to be able to mobilize the power of the earth for his own use. Not to mention his strength, his various methods were even more weird and unpredictable.

Not far away, a black stone seal is ups and downs, like a continent condensed, containing unimaginable pressure.

"This person is practicing Baji Zhentian Kungfu. This place is full of dragon veins and earth energy, and it is his home field. Be careful!" Ji Xingkong reminded Long Hao with a change in his eyes.

Long Hao is very familiar with Baji Zhentian Kungfu, a sacred technique, and Bai Yutang used this technique to hurt him back then.

But the person in front of him used the ultimate skill of the Holy Cultivation Technique with the cultivation base of the peak of the Faxiang Realm. The power is many times more terrifying than that of the original Bai Yutang, and he can use the geographical advantage to appear and disappear, which is hard to guard against.

"Hmph, die!"

A silver-white battle spear, like an aurora piercing through the sky, appeared abruptly, and directly aimed at Long Hao's Tianling Gai, extremely vicious.

Yun Hongfeng seized the opportunity to make a decisive move, and flanked another Zixiao true biography back and forth.

This time, Long Hao was prepared for a long time ago. He used Longyou Wanli to change his position and hid to the side. The silver-white spear was like a silver lightning, blasting out a huge black hole in the void where it was originally, and terror permeated people. .

In the distance, the silver-robed woman was stunned, and was speechless for a while. Two peak powerhouses suddenly attacked. Originally, they thought that if they were killed by one blow, Long Hao would definitely die physically and mentally.

But he never thought that Long Hao's physical body was strong and his reaction was too quick, so he only vomited a mouthful of blood in the end.

"Shui Ling Treasure Body, the defense is really perverted!" Another Zi Xiao Zhenchuan looked a little unwilling, his younger brother Bai Yutang died in the hands of Long Hao, he originally wanted to kill with one blow, revenge, but unfortunately he miscalculated.

"Let's attack together to limit his movement trajectory, I'll use the ultimate move!" Yun Hongfeng gritted her teeth, and took out a dark box from the storage bag, a terrifying and destructive aura rushed over immediately.

"It's too cheap to kill him like this. Take out his spirit, put him in purgatory, burn him for a hundred years, and let him suffer all kinds of torture!" The silver-robed woman also rushed forward, wanting to avenge her senior brother.

The three surrounded them from all directions, and they all displayed their unique skills, or used powerful weapons to attack and kill Long Hao, and everyone showed their murderous intentions.

But Long Hao's ally, Ji Xingkong, was being targeted by Elder Xue Ping at this moment, and was suppressed at a disadvantage, unable to help at all.

Obviously, Yun Hongfeng and the others wanted to defeat each of them.

"Hmph, whimsical."

With a sneer, Long Hao's figure disappeared in an instant, flying across the sky like a dragon, with a terrifying torrent of power rolled up on his arms, smashing the big black seal that was coming towards him on the spot, without any suspense.

This tyrannical supreme supernatural power was as strong as a top-grade magic weapon, and it became a powder in the end.

"Their deaths are all self-inflicted, and you will meet them in Huangquan!" Long Hao was not arrogant when he said this. He was attacked by surprise just now and suffered some minor injuries. at the pinnacle.

Turning around, he directly pulled up a hundred-foot-high mountain wall, causing everyone to be dumbfounded, and their jaws dropped in shock.

"This guy has such supernatural power?"

"Be careful, there is an incomplete killing formation on the mountain wall that is recovering."

Seeing Long Hao raising his hand and throwing the mountain, the silver-robed woman immediately turned pale with shock.

She bit the tip of her tongue, spit blood into a black bullet, and threw it forward.

"Blood Thunder Explosion!"

While the black projectile was still in the air, the silver-robed woman suddenly formed a seal and detonated it.

There was a dull loud noise, like a nuclear bomb exploding, and waves of dark red thunder surged out of it, like a big river, sweeping across the world in an instant, annihilating everything.

"I didn't even use the blood thunder of my life." Elder Xue Ping who was not far away was a little shocked.

The natal blood thunder is the secret forbidden weapon of the Tianlei Sect, which can integrate the power of his long-term practice into it, and detonate it with the power of blood soul at critical moments, which is very powerful.

However, the revival of the incomplete killing array on the mountain wall offset all the power of the blood thunder, and Long Hao remained unscathed.

The three masters jointly strangled Long Hao, but they couldn't help him at all.

"Senior Brother Yun, aren't you alright?" Another true biography of Zi Xiao was thrown back by Long Hao again, with an anxious expression on his face.


Yun Hongfeng carefully opened the black box, and the terrifying and destructive power poured out like mountains and seas, making everyone present feel their scalps go numb.

"It's this power again." Long Hao's eyes narrowed, and he secretly became vigilant.

When Yun Hongfeng was repeatedly wounded by Master Shenxiu, he was prepared to use this terrifying ultimate move out of desperation. The terrifying wave of destruction still makes him linger in fear.

"Little rascal, you dare to ignore this god, you are so angry with me!"

Seeing that everyone was playing lively, the immortal medicine beside him was actually left there. Is this still the treatment of the immortal medicine that can make the emperor go crazy?

However, everyone's ignorance eventually led to terrible consequences.

The eccentric fairy medicine roared with thunder on the spot.

"Little devil, find a fight!"

At the same time, another wave of fierce and boundless power revived, carrying the might of a dragon that crushed the world, like a giant dragon revived, trying to smash the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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