Chapter 601
The negative emotions in the Xuan Zodiac are like evil spirits. As long as there is a chance, they will directly eat Long Hao's spiritual consciousness and occupy his physical body.

Even though it has been sealed by the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven, this kind of potential threat is still everywhere. As long as Long Hao is a little careless, he may be caught.

Fortunately, there is Taixuan Mind Dharma, he has been comprehending this Dharma all year round, his mind is clear and his will is as firm as a rock, so he can resist it.

"What was that just now?" Ji Xingkong was on the side, his face full of bewilderment.

"It should be a struggle of souls. It seems that the method he cultivated has great side effects." Long Si's eyes were deep and his insight was extraordinary: "However, the mind method he used just now is extraordinary, as if it came from the ancient heaven!"


The void shook, the air wave was extinguished, and calm returned.

At this time, Long Hao was full of immortal energy, as if he was wearing a red and blue fairy clothes, with a mysterious and domineering aura exuding from head to toe, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"The double treasure body of water and fire is the foundation of the holy body of yin and yang. Even if he doesn't take the risk of cultivating the five-element treasure body in the future, he is enough to become the top talent in the world!" Ji Xingkong's eyes shook. The strongest method is Taiyin Zhenlei.

Before, he still had the confidence to compete with Long Hao, but facing the double body of water and fire, he suddenly felt a sense of Alexander.

Long Hao didn't pay attention to the discussion and eyes of the two.

For a long time, there has been a mystery entangled with him.

The mysterious strongman who has mastered the Xuanhuang Holy Body, which can make the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven hide it, must be the top strongman in this world.

Why would an existence of this level focus on him, and why would it teach him the cultivation method of the Xuanhuang Saint Physique?
Most importantly, this method has great risks and side effects, so he has to be on guard at all times.

"What's the purpose? Is it to seize the house?"

Cultivate a super genius, forge it into a peerless cauldron, and use it to seize property after growing up. Indeed, many old-fashioned powerhouses like to do this.

It is too difficult to become immortal.

Many people's talent potential, even luck and many other conditions are not enough, so they come up with the means to seize the arrogance of heaven and take their lives from heaven.

But that mysterious strong man gave Long Hao a very special feeling, and it didn't seem like he was just trying to win.

Long Hao couldn't figure it out for a while, so he stopped thinking about it.

When he becomes really strong, he believes that the answers to all these mysteries will be revealed. What he needs to do now is to constantly strengthen himself to cope with all possible crises.

"Right now..."

Suddenly, Long Hao's eyes became sharp, and there seemed to be thousands of divine swords shining with cold luster.

"Yun Hongfeng! It's time for you to pay the price."

If you have a grudge, you must avenge it, and everything must be done!
Long Hao's life creed will never change.

"Let's go, it's time to go out and exercise your muscles."

His eyes swept over Ji Xingkong and Long Si, and Long Hao strode forward, a murderous aura emanated from him, which made people shudder.

Ji Xingkong couldn't wait to avenge the strong man of Tian Leizong, so he didn't talk nonsense at the moment, and finally looked at the dragon corpse with fiery eyes, and then followed.

Since it is a dragon corpse, its value is naturally immeasurable, but unfortunately, with their abilities, let alone occupying it, they can't even approach it.

As everyone knows, Long Si, relying on the body of the immortal root, tightly grasped the two crystal stones, and almost lost his body and spirit.

"I've been delayed for three days, and I don't know what's going on outside." Long Hao's mind suddenly flashed the figure of Master Shenxiu.

The two of them can't be considered friends, and even often argue endlessly, but after all, they have fought side by side, and they still have a friendship.

"Hmph, although there are a lot of them, Xue Ping and Yun Hongfeng are the only ones who are truly capable. I think it's impossible to kill that monk. Even if we do, it's nothing. We'll just avenge her."

Speaking of Xue Pingren, Ji Xingkong's expression became cold again.

"By the way, these guys took Fourth Master's treasure, and they must be handed over!"

Suddenly, Long Si thought of something, and his eyes became gloomy.

In his subconscious mind, everything in the entire Dragon Palace should belong to him. If it wasn't for the evil spirit of Emperor Nian to make trouble before, he would have searched and cleaned it up long ago.

Now that the evil spirit of Di Nian has been executed, who else is his opponent here.


"Hmph, they really didn't leave."

"You are still searching for treasures, you have a big heart!"

Walking out of the dead void, Ji Xingkong and Long Si saw the figure of Xue Ping in the miniature universe through numerous nebulae, and immediately sneered.

"Huh? She's gone?"

And Long Hao searched around, but couldn't find any trace of Master Shenxiu, so his heart suddenly jumped.


This hostile shout made Ji Xingkong and Long Si startled, thinking that Long Hao was eager for revenge, so they followed immediately.

When they traveled through the nebula again and entered the miniature universe, the world here has changed drastically.

The disappearance of magic palaces made this world seem to lose its pillars and become fragile. In the distance, there is still a collapsed sky, like a huge roulette, which is still expanding rapidly.

"A group of humble ants, greedy enough!" Long Si's eyes suddenly became cold and gloomy, as if a piece of flesh had been cut off.

"Shoot quickly, or the world will collapse."

The chain of laws in the miniature universe connects many small worlds together. Once a world collapses, it may cause a chain reaction. At that time, what they will face will be a horror like the Great Destruction of the Universe.

Although the model is small, once it collapses, it will be easy to wipe out the existence of several of them.


On a dark ridge, four figures stood side by side.

In front of their eyes was a magnificent palace full of precious light, in which the holy air circulated and the fairy mist filled the air, which looked extremely extraordinary.

"This palace is bigger than the previous ones, and there must be treasures in it!"

Elder Xue Ping's eyes were full of passion and greed.

Although Ji Xingkong and the white jade seal slipped away from him, the countless treasures in this world are enough to make a big sect flourish forever.

"This palace is extraordinary, but the formation formed outside is also extraordinary. With the strength of the four of us, it may be very difficult to break through." Yun Hongfeng said.

"Then use the holy weapon!"

The eyes of the other two were also full of greed. It was impossible to give up such a big piece of fat in front of them no matter what.


Suddenly, Elder Xue Ping's expression changed, stopped them, turned to look at the vast void behind him and said: "It seems that someone is coming."

"It must be those two fellows from the Blood Prison Devil Sect again?"

"These two guys, relying on escapism and concealment skills, have repeatedly made enemies with us, just like flies."

"Elder, why don't you use the sacred weapon first and kill the two of them. I think they have obtained a lot of treasures during this time."

Everyone was full of evil spirits. In the past few days, the two of them had often turned against each other in order to compete for treasures and opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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