Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 602 ? Evolution of True Dragon Flying Fire Cover

Chapter 602 Evolution of the True Dragon Flying Fire Shield

The vast sea of ​​clouds is boundless.

The boundless mountains, continuous ups and downs.

The empty world was filled with extremely rich aura, which turned into fairy mist and covered the sky.

Elder Xue Ping's eyes shot out streaks of golden thunder, piercing through the thick fairy mist, and he was suddenly stunned.

"No, not two of them, but three!"

"Three?" Yun Hongfeng and the others were a little surprised, and suddenly thought of something, their expressions changed drastically: "Could it be that dead monk and the members of the Blood Prison Demon Sect joined forces?"

"Hmph, if I knew I should have used all my strength in the first place, I would have kept that dead monk behind." Another Zi Xiao true biography, regretted endlessly.

"No." Elder Xue Ping shook his head: "The monk's character is rigid, so how could he join hands with the strong of the Demon Cult?"

"Then who else is there?" Everyone's hearts sank, and they all had a bad premonition.

Soon, their premonition became reality.


A series of four dense golden lights pierced through the thick fairy fog, like the dazzling sun, falling from the sky without warning, and the terrifying power contained in it was enough to shatter mountains and rivers.

"This is... Long Hao's supernatural power."

Yun Hongfeng's face was stunned, seeing that the four golden lights were four extremely sharp arrows, his face suddenly became gloomy: "This guy is not dead yet."

With a cold snort, he strode forward, grabbed the White Cloud Spear and swept it across the sky. The majestic mana burst, like a tiger pouncing on its prey, tore a big hole in the sky.

However, those four divine arrows did not dodge or dodge at all, and the sharp arrows directly pierced through the spear's light, blasting towards them with lightning speed.

"How is it possible?" Yun Hongfeng continued to be in disbelief, feeling a great humiliation.


At the critical moment, Elder Xue Ping shot out a golden lightning claw, as huge as a mountain, and caught the four divine arrows in the air.

The terrifying arrow light caused a big explosion, the void was flattened, and powerful energy tides washed down, making everyone feel like they were being swallowed by lightning.

"Impossible, how could that kid be so powerful?"

"Even Elder Xue's supernatural powers have been blasted by divine arrows!"

The other Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman were both spitting blood from the shock, but the panic in their eyes was even stronger.

"Several, I'm here to claim my life!"

A cold voice came, and then a figure broke through the fairy fog and appeared in front of their eyes, holding a black lacquered thunder sword, full of murderous aura, like a devil.

"Lonely and empty!"

"Traitor, you still dare to show up!"

Elder Xue Ping narrowed his eyes, but his heart was filled with ecstasy. Originally, he thought that the Great Seal of White Jade would fall into the turbulent flow of the starry sky with Ji Xingkong and he would never be able to get it again.

"Hmph, the sky thunder is immortal, and my body is immortal!"

Ji Xingkong's eyes spit fire, and whenever he met someone from the Tianlei Sect, his cold heart would become as violent as a flame.

With a long cry, Ji Xingkong slowly raised the Taiyin True Thunder Sword in his hand, making the atmosphere in the world extremely chilling.


Suddenly, two more figures broke through the clouds and mist, and one of them was Long Hao who stopped Ji Xingkong with his master hand.

"What do you mean?" Ji Xingkong turned his head and looked directly at Long Hao, with gloomy eyes.

"Before they die, I still have a question to ask them." Long Hao said lightly, and his eyes turned to Xue Ping, Yun Hongfeng and others.

"Where is Master Shenxiu?"

The plain voice contained a violent magic power, which exploded in the depths of their souls.

The other Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman both groaned and vomited blood again, staring at Long Hao with horror in their eyes.

They didn't understand why after only three days, Long Hao had become an existence that they could only look up to.

However, the more rebellious Long Hao behaved, the stronger the anger and jealousy in Yun Hongfeng's heart.

"That dead monk died a long time ago!"

He came out with a loud shout, stared at her with gloomy eyes, and said sharply: "And you, you will see her soon, but it's just under the underworld!"

Long Hao's heart sank when he heard this, but he quickly calmed down again: "You guys can't kill her with your abilities."

Regarding the contempt shown by Long Hao's words, Yun Hongfeng was suddenly furious, and once again recalled the shame of being suppressed by Master Shenxiu.

"Then I'll send you to see her!"

At the edge of the sky, a white light and shadow, like a meteor flying from the sky, suddenly hit Long Hao's body.

The void was shattered, and a strong light raged out, like thousands of swords cutting through.

"Supernatural power—light and shadow shattering energy!"

"Isn't this a supernatural power that Senior Brother Yun has just mastered?"

"So quickly, within a flash, ten miles of the sky collapsed!"

Yun Hongfeng's sudden outburst caused everyone to turn pale with shock.

It was so fast that no one even saw how he made the move.

"Then Long Hao, is he dead?"

The silver-robed woman said in a trembling low voice, the blow just now happened so fast that she didn't even see what happened.

"Should be dead."

Another Zixiao Zhenchuan's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Brother Yun will destroy the sky for ten miles with one blow. Unless he can teleport supernatural powers, he will definitely die!"

In the sky above, Ji Xingkong's expression changed drastically, and the large cloud of real thunder that spewed out from his body was completely riddled with holes by the sharp gun light.

Immediately afterwards, he looked in Long Hao's direction, and his violent energy formed a large dead space, strangling everything.

"No way." Ji Xingkong was a little unbelievable. It stands to reason that Long Hao had just improved in strength, so he shouldn't be instantly killed by Yun Hongfeng as soon as he came up.

But when he turned his head to look at the calm Long Si, he breathed a sigh of relief, since Long Si is fine, then Long Hao must not be dead.

The crumbling sky was shattered again, and wisps of red and blue brilliance flashed out, as if the sun and the moon were shining together.

"what happened?"

When the countless light and shadow guns were blown out, people were surprised to see that there were six huge light dragons hovering in the sky, intertwined with each other to form a huge light shield, and there was a tall and straight figure standing in it, white robe Shengxue , Fairy clothes come out of the dust.

"It's not dead!" Yun Hongfeng's pupils shrank.

"The power of water and fire?"

"His defensive supernatural powers have evolved to the level of great supernatural powers."

Elder Xue Ping had excellent eyesight, and felt the terrifying defensive power of the real dragon flying fire cover.

The six light dragons, three water and three fire, are red and blue, but they are perfectly integrated with each other, like six sacred mountains standing in front of Long Hao.

"That's good, that's good, the water and fire double treasure body has been cultivated, and the real dragon flying fire cover has also evolved. This defensive power is comparable to that of the Vigorous King Kong cover!"

In Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, although there are only four supernatural powers, each of them is a natal supernatural power, with a trace of ancestral dragon supernatural power, which is several times stronger than ordinary supernatural powers.

It was also fortunate that the True Dragon Flying Fire Shield had evolved, otherwise Long Hao might not be able to resist Yun Hongfeng's sudden attack.

(End of this chapter)

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