Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 603? The Great War Begins

Chapter 603

On the dark ridge, there are jagged rocks, which look a little hideous in the chilling world.

The fierce energy turned into a storm, constantly splitting the mountains and rivers.

But in the void, everyone faced the strong wind, but their brows were full of solemnity.

Especially Yun Hongfeng, he was so resentful that Long Hao easily dispelled the killer moves he had devoted himself to cultivating.

The majestic and powerful mask reminded him of the fear of being dominated by Master Shenxiu.

"The ignorant ants, think that they can save their lives with the tortoise cover?"

In an instant, fear turned into endless jealousy and anger.

"Watch me smash your turtle cover and refine your soul!"

Yun Hongfeng was tall and tall, with long hair like waterfalls and shining eyes. She had a demonic quality all over her body. Standing on the top of a mountain, she felt a daunting sense of oppression.

hold head high--


The sound of dragons singing and tigers roaring suddenly exploded, causing the sky to tremble and tend to collapse.

"The law of the sky and the earth - the dragon and the tiger leap!"

A war tiger dressed in golden fairy armor and a giant dragon wrapped around a black scale armor appeared, towering like a mountain, smashing a large void with one foot, shaking people's hearts.


Yun Hongfeng charged towards him with a spear, and the black giant dragon struck across the sky, opening its mouth like a black hole, and streams of destructive energy poured out immediately, like the aurora that shattered everything, piercing through nine heavens and ten earths.

The mountain trembled and was imprisoned by an invisible magic power, as if it was about to collapse.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and a feeling of horror passed in an instant, and they didn't understand what happened.

The next moment, the sky cracked and was pierced by an aurora, the speed was so shocking.

Following the violent vibration, people looked around, only to find that a bright white spear, together with the dark aurora, bombarded the real dragon flying flame cover.

The strong energy burst out, shattering the dragon's body, and wiped out a large area of ​​flames, but under the six giant water and fire dragons circling one after another, waves of water and fire followed one after another, constantly counteracting the huge impact, making Yun Hongfeng Always can't make an inch.


"If it weren't for Long Hao's defense methods being strong enough, this guy's extreme speed is really hard to defend against."

Ji Xingkong on the side frowned endlessly, and at the same time he was also very surprised that Yun Hongfeng's cultivation base also failed to be promoted in a short period of time, but his combat power and various methods were much stronger.

"He got the inheritance of the Way of Flowing Light." Long Si on the side smiled and folded his arms.

"The Way of Flowing Light, is it a holy biography?" Ji Xingkong also knows that there are countless opportunities in the Dragon Palace, even the inheritance of immortal gods exists, and the inheritance of saints is even more numerous. It is understandable that Yun Hongfeng is so talented that he can get a holy biography .

Regarding this, Long Si was too lazy to talk nonsense, and obviously disdained the holy biography.

"Hmph! You can't stop it!"

At this time, Yun Hongfeng's gloomy voice sounded again, followed by a rough roar.

The golden waterfall flew down, shattered the void and continued to flow away, and everything in the world came to a random stop.

The True Dragon Flying Flame Cover, which was already riddled with holes, could no longer support it, and burst into pieces.

"What a domineering power, after the blessing of extreme speed, the power of the dragon and tiger dharma has been greatly improved." Ji Xingkong exclaimed.

The golden light waterfall just now was exactly one of Zhan Hu's claws, because it was too fast and violent, it even faintly shook the space power.

"Okay, his defensive supernatural power has been breached, and now he can't escape."

"With Senior Brother Yun's current methods, he will definitely be able to kill him easily."

The other Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman were all in high spirits, especially the silver-robed woman, her eyes were full of pleasure of revenge, as if she had seen Long Hao's tragic death.

Elder Xue Ping on the side didn't speak, but his expression was very relaxed, and in his palms, there was already a powerful force accumulating, and a terrifying and destructive force was about to erupt.


There was a sudden muffled sound, and in an instant, two golden thunder claws appeared behind Ji Xingkong like magic hands, and they scratched a large area of ​​the void, their power was terrifying and unpredictable.

"Different Taoism!" Ji Xingkong's expression changed, knowing that Xue Ping had launched a sneak attack, his eyes turned cold.

He didn't dodge or dodge, but turned around and cut across the past with a sword.


Accompanied by two explosions, the darkest and darkest true thunder power erupted, cutting off the two thunderclaws.


Elder Xue Ping, who was relaxed just now, frowned now.

"His Taiyin True Thunder has just been mastered, when did he possess such power?"

Pointed at by Jian Feng, Thunder Claw shattered at the sound, without even a trace of ability to resist. This is completely different from Ji Xingkong before.

"Shameless old dog, watch me take my dog's life today!"

The irritated Ji Xingkong could no longer suppress the hatred in his heart, just like a torrent breaking a dike, a large piece of real thunder from the sun was aroused, evolved into thousands of thunder swords, and strangled Elder Xue Ping.

Although the sneak attack was unsuccessful, Elder Xue Ping felt a little regretful, but he still confidently believed that he could still crush Ji Xingkong head-on like before.

"Set up the formation, this time we must not let them escape again."

After saying a word, Elder Xue Ping soared into the sky, holding a large golden banner, and gently shaking it, the endless thunder of the Heavenly Gang God poured out, annihilating at the same time as thousands of thunder swords.

"Huh? Tiangang battle flag!"

"This kind of good baby has been reduced to this point, and will be driven by mere mortals?"

Long Si's eyes lit up at once, staring at the big golden flag and couldn't move his eyes any longer. As for the two people standing beside him, he directly ignored them.


Above the sky, the wind and the clouds are moving, black magic flames mixed with light golden cloud mountains, destroying a large area of ​​void.

"Hmph, let's kill you first today, to shock Yaoguang!"

Yun Hongfeng laughed wildly and shot, the way of the streamer, the speed is unparalleled in the world, he turned into a beam of light and charged towards him, the space that Zhan Hufaxiang's golden fist hit was about to collapse, and he made a violent trembling sound.

"Who gave you confidence."

Long Hao was not afraid at all. Although he stood in the void and did not dodge, there were streams of red and blue brilliance flashing in his body. All the dragon veins spewed out mighty power, and finally evolved into a golden fist mark, like the city of God falling, heavy bombardment past.


It was as if a hundred thousand thunders exploded at the same time, shaking the mountain peaks, and the golden and black energy raged violently, surging in all directions like a tide.


Like wind and clouds, like big waves washing sand.

The abrupt and strange rocks on the large ridge were rolled up and shattered in mid-air, turning into powder, and the big river below the mountain was even swept up into the sky and flowed backwards.

The terrifying power fluctuations seem to have reversed Yin and Yang, and reversed heaven and earth.


The screams came suddenly, accompanied by a large amount of blood falling into the void, collapsing a mountain like a cannonball.

In the sky, the young man in white robes fluttered, and the brilliance flowed from his body, like a god descending from the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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