Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 604? Incomplete Hallows

Chapter 604 Incomplete Hallows
This time, the collision was devastating, and there was nothing left on the ridge, only a bare patch, which was almost razed to the ground.

The people around were all shocked. When the gold and black rage swept, they all rushed to the sky and escaped. It was hard to imagine that such a huge destructive power came from the hands of a strong man at the seventh level of the Dharma Aspect Realm.

"Senior brother Yun... was suppressed by a punch?"

"Long Hao, he, his power..."

The two people who had just prepared to set up the formation were stunned when they saw this scene.

At that moment just now, it happened too fast, they didn't see what happened clearly, but the terrifying power poured down, but it gave them a kind of catastrophe, irresistible terror!
This shows that the current Long Hao has the power to kill them instantly.

"That kid, there were obviously two extreme forces colliding in that punch just now, and they merged perfectly, resulting in a great increase in power..."

Elder Xue Ping narrowed his eyes, and then shrank suddenly: "He, did he cultivate the double body of water and fire?"

The water spirit treasure body with a single attribute is already extremely powerful, enough to be called a super genius.

However, the strength of the water and fire twin treasures has grown exponentially. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as crushing the contemporary world and being the best in the world.

In this world, risks and benefits coexist.

Although it is extremely dangerous to cultivate the water and fire double treasure body, once successful, the strength will inevitably grow earth-shakingly.

Not to mention, the existence of the Holy Land of the Extreme Dao, although he is already a king, has become the king of kings. No one in the same level can be his opponent with one punch, single-handedly challenge the kings, challenge the saint... Created many legends.

And the current Long Hao also showed such a peerless demeanor, invincible and heroic!
The fact that Yun Hongfeng, who was extremely talented and powerful in battle, was defeated head-on with just one punch, was enough to explain everything.

"When this kid grows up, he will definitely be a disaster!" Elder Xue Ping's pupils were full of murderous intent.

"Hmph, old dog, take care of yourself first."

The cruel voice was mixed with endless murderous intent, Ji Xingkong came to kill with his sword, and the violent Taiyin Zhenlei raged, smashing Elder Xue Ping's bodyguard and wounding him.

With such an inattentive effort, Ji Xingkong has completely gained the upper hand.

"The rebel is arrogant!"

Elder Xue Ping became enraged with embarrassment, holding a banner in one hand, and unleashing magical powers in the other, he fought fiercely with Ji Xingkong.

He said so, but he also understood the fact that Ji Xingkong now has the ability to attack him head-on, even if he is negligent, it is very likely that he will die in the end.


The surface exploded, and a stream of light rose into the sky.

Yun Hongfeng, who was covered in blood, had blazing eyes, and a ball of demon fire was burning all over his body, which was extremely dazzling, and the evil aura emanating from his body was even more surging. His long hair was loose, his eyes were ferocious, and he looked like a madman!

"Long Hao!"

"If I don't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"

Yun Hongfeng let out a hysterical roar, and the ruthlessness and resentment in his eyes could no longer be added.

"Senior Brother Yun's left arm."

"how can that be?"

Looking at Yun Hongfeng's bloody left arm drooping like a prosthetic limb, people finally understood why he was so angry.

The white bones exposed on the left arm, with minced meat hanging on them, looked shocking, but they were actually scrapped.

Physical incompleteness is absolutely unacceptable to a cultivator, and his practice will never be perfect, and he will be rejected by the Dao of Heaven.

It's hard to imagine the power of Long Hao's punch is so terrifying!

"I got the king's inheritance, many treasures, and even the holy biography. Why am I not as good as an ant at the seventh level of the Dharma Realm?"

Yun Hongfeng howled in his heart.

Long Hao's existence is like a poisonous thorn, every meeting will bring him a huge humiliation, this is absolutely unbearable for the arrogant Yun Hongfeng.

"No, as long as I kill him, I will still be me, and I will still be the pride of heaven. When I fully understand the holy tradition in the future, I will be able to rule the world!"

In an instant, Yun Hongfeng's expression became grim and ferocious again, as if she had gone crazy.

"Set up the formation, I will kill him!"

This shout sounded like it came from the mouth of a devil.

The Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman who were stunned in place were startled, suddenly thought of something, and immediately hid far away, unleashed the formation plate and formation flag, and sealed off the world.

Regarding this, Long Hao was very calm.

Today is different from the past, now he has fully possessed the strength to crush Yun Hongfeng and others head-on, and there is no need to worry about the space blockade at all.

However, soon, he realized that he was wrong, because the holy power came!

A gray brilliance, as if shot from the Nine Nether Hell, is gloomy, flickering, and there is a force of death flowing, like the raging of the underworld.

The void trembled and turned gray and dark, gradually spreading to the surroundings, and the sky and the earth seemed to have completely lost their color and vitality.

"What's that?" Ji Xingkong on the other side also noticed the abnormality, fought back with Elder Xue Ping and looked over in horror.

Yun Hongfeng raised his remaining right hand, and a gray bead of light appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, the wind howled like ten thousand horses galloping.

A thick gray mist dispersed, and the world was submerged, as if the gate of hell had been opened, and a tragic evil spirit filled the sky and covered the earth.

Suddenly, an ocean-like wave of light rushed out, shaking the nine heavens and the ten earths. This was an extremely powerful and terrifying divine thought, like a tsunami reaching the sky.

"The god of death has come?"

This made everyone feel cold all over their bodies, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end, as if they were facing death.

A divine fire lit up on the light bead, rolled up thousands of feet high, as thick as a mountain, extremely terrifying, representing coldness, killing, and death!
"It's such a terrible holy power, is it a magic weapon of the holy way?"

The surface of that light bead was cracked, and even a small piece was missing, but there were endless inscriptions densely covered, the laws were connected, and the breath of heaven appeared, like the descending of the brilliant heavenly power, suppressing people's hearts, making it difficult for people to respite.

"This guy……"

At this moment, even Elder Xue Ping's complexion changed drastically, he no longer cared about attacking Ji Xingkong, and instead rushed out of the formation, the speed was extremely fast.

Seeing that even Elder Xue Ping had slipped away, Long Hao knew he was in serious trouble.

Although the gray light bead is incomplete, it is a genuine holy artifact, and the holy way and Tianwei in it are not fake at all.

"You are proud enough to die under the sacred weapon, hahaha..."

Suddenly, Yun Hongfeng let out a maniacal laugh.

Eager for revenge, he immediately aroused the holy power in the gray light pearl.

In an instant, the boundless killing intent poured out like a galaxy, freezing the sky and the earth, and the biting chill made one's soul tremble.

hum hum—

In the next moment, the gray light beads radiate divine light, which is more dazzling than the sun. Wherever the light passes, the rivers dry up, the mountains and rocks rot, and all vitality is taken away. There is only silence between heaven and earth!
(End of this chapter)

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