Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 605? Dragon 4 makes a move

Chapter 605
The dome of the sky was shaking violently, the terrifying magic weapon of the holy way was revived, and the holy power was surging like a sea, piercing through the world, and everyone felt that their souls and bodies would be broken apart from a long distance away, and they could not bear this kind of power of the holy way .

"These guys can actually master the holy artifact?" Ji Xingkong's eyes widened, and the soul of the dead froze.

The reason why the sacred artifact is called the sacred artifact is because the sacred power in it is endless, and the power of law is like a river of heaven, which cannot be resisted by ordinary power at all.

Although it is incomplete, the power of the holy way in it is genuine, enough to wipe out all mortals.

There are many treasures in this lair of ten thousand dragons, among which there are many legendary sacred objects, such as the East Heaven Gate, the current Dragon Palace, etc...

But none of these gods and sacred objects can be shaken by ordinary power, even his white jade seal, a majestic treasure of the cave, cannot be forcibly absorbed.

Although everyone can barely grasp the holy artifacts, it is a pity that under the catastrophe, all the saints fell, and most of the holy artifacts also collapsed. Yun Hongfeng and others were lucky to get a broken sacred artifact that can still be used up.

"No wonder these guys are so rampant, so there is such a big killer." Ji Xingkong's face was solemn and he was angry.

If there were no holy artifacts, he and Long Hao could have strangled all of these people together, but once the holy artifacts came out, who would fight for the front, the situation was instantly reversed.

The most nervous person at the moment is not Ji Xingkong, but Long Hao.

Yun Hongfeng, who looked ferocious, was full of resentment, and had already locked him in. Most of the energy tides erupted from the holy artifacts were raging towards him, overwhelming and unstoppable.

Moreover, when he saw the incomplete sacred artifact, his heart trembled slightly, and that kind and generous figure appeared again in his mind.

"With the incomplete sacred artifact in hand, Master Shenxiu might really have..."

Long Hao didn't dare to think about it anymore, because the threat of death had enveloped him.

Supernatural power - real dragon flying fire cover!

The fire and water dragon soared into the sky again, forming a thick mask like a six-fold mountain, and it was full of vigor.

However, the gray holy air corrodes everything, no matter mana or the power of heaven and earth, it can't bear it. The defensive mask will penetrate in a moment, and it will be completely corrupted by the holy light.

A terrifying force of extinction also extended along the magic power training, taking away a lot of his vitality.

Not even the strongest defensive method can match, Long Hao's mind suddenly became tense: "Since it is an incomplete sacred weapon, it should be able to contend with it with the Dao Orb!"

The Dao Orb is Long Hao's biggest secret, and also his last trump card.

"Haha, good time, fourth master, I'm very hungry!"

Suddenly, a burst of wild laughter appeared in front of Long Hao accompanied by Liu Guang.

That figure was only half a person tall, wearing a large golden robe, with a wretched face and a mean smile, it was Long Si.

For Long Si who suddenly took action to protect the Lord, Long Hao was quite surprised, but he was still quite moved in his heart.

But he was obviously overthinking, Long Si came here mainly because he was staring at the gray light bead in Yun Hongfeng's hand.

"Ma Liuer, step aside, it's time for fourth master to embarrass me!"

Long Si waved his hands magnificently, as if dismissing his younger brother.

"Where is the brat, he doesn't know how to live or die!"

Seeing the short man standing in front of him with his hands behind his back, with his toes high and his head high, who was even crazier than himself, Yun Hongfeng was furious, and immediately aroused the full power of the Incomplete Holy Artifact.

"Bold, I am your Grandpa Long!"

Long Si's broken mouth seemed to be unable to be closed once it was opened, and shouted: "Come on, grandson, make up for your fourth master!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and sucked in, and endless power of heaven and earth surged in, mixed with densely packed mysterious inscription patterns, intertwined with each other, forming a golden melting furnace in a blink of an eye, piercing the sky and piercing the earth, seeming to be able to refine heavenly.


The corrosive holy light that was raging like a vast ocean gathered together in an instant, like a hundred flowing into the sea, and automatically poured into the furnace.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Swallowing the melting pot!"

Long Hao's eyes also widened. Although he knew that Long Si had mastered the inheritance of the magic dragon, he never thought that he could even use this terrifying supernatural power.

Moreover, the Heaven Swallowing Furnace he unleashed was several times larger than Long Xiaomiao's, as if poured from divine gold, mysterious and extraordinary.

"Impossible, kill me!"

After being stunned for a moment, Yun Hongfeng's face was filled with embarrassment and anger, and once again aroused the full power of the mutilated holy weapon.

However, bursts of divine light flashed, and the corrosive holy light that wiped out everything was once again swallowed by the Heaven Swallowing Furnace.

"Come on, come on, come on, I'm not full yet, your fourth master." As he spoke, Long Si still rubbed his belly decently, with a mean smile on his face.

"As expected of a fairy medicine, even a sacred weapon can compete with it." Ji Xingkong sighed in admiration, and his eyes fixed on the top of Long Si's head again, and he couldn't help but gasped.

Long Hao was also surprised to find that a small piece of rhizome on the top of Long Si's head was actually growing rapidly at this moment, showing signs of sprouting.

"That gray light bead must be a treasure of the Dark Dragon Clan, and it contains the original power of the Dark Dragon Clan."

Only now did Long Hao understand that the reason why Long Si came forward in a hurry was not to protect the Lord at all, but just to win the treasure.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"The magic weapon of the holy way, mobilizes Huanghuang Tianwei to obliterate all mortals, how can he resist?"

After several attacks, Yun Hongfeng's mana was almost exhausted, but Long Si was not only unscathed, but even more energetic, and kept shouting, making him vomit blood with anger.

"Who the hell is that guy?"

"When did Long Hao have such a strong man beside him? When he entered the secret place, he was obviously the only one."

The other Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman were both extremely surprised.

At this moment, Elder Xue Ping's pupils were trembling, and bursts of light suddenly appeared. He couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and said repeatedly: "Immortal medicine, fairy medicine, he is the immortal medicine that transforms spirits!"

Everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time they were extremely jealous.

The legendary elixir of longevity was actually controlled by Long Hao, which made them unacceptable.

"Hmph, brat, it looks like you've come to an end here, so I'll accept the pearl fourth master."

With a sneer, the arrogant Long Si suddenly changed his tactic, and opened the Heaven-Swallowing Furnace wide open, as if it was a divine light, as if it had evolved into the universe, and like the mouth of a prehistoric giant beast, it swallowed it head-on at Yun Hongfeng.

"not good!"

Seeing Yun Hongfeng waiting to die in a daze, Elder Xue Ping exclaimed, and immediately used the air separation method to catch him out.

And that gray light bead lost control and was swallowed by the Heaven Swallowing Furnace.

A divine light soared into the sky, the power of the underworld dragon on Long Si's head was revived, and the fourth fairy leaf re-grew.

(End of this chapter)

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