Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 606 ? Blood Hell Demon Sect Disciple

Chapter 606 Blood Hell Demon Sect Disciple

The strong light between the sky and the earth disappeared, and calm returned.

But people's hearts were like turbulent waves, their scorching eyes fell on Long Si, and they could no longer look away.

Losing the holy artifact, although it made Yun Hongfeng and the others extremely painful, but compared to the immortal medicine in front of them, it was nothing at all.

Although the strength and means of that fairy medicine were weird and powerful, since Long Hao could subdue them, so could they.

It's a pity that they can't take any action, but Long Hao has already rushed over with a murderous look.

"Don't be shy, get rid of them quickly."

Passing by Long Si, Long Hao unceremoniously knocked him on the head.

"Got it!"

The re-growth of the underworld dragon fairy leaf is equivalent to an extra life for Long Si. He was in a good mood, he let out a long roar, and rushed towards him in the form of a stream of light. The golden divine pattern appeared on his hand, and then violently It smashed on the barrier of the big formation.

Like a comet hitting the ground, the loud noise was deafening, the entire formation shook violently, then the inscription patterns collapsed, and the barriers of the formation were completely cracked.

"How is it possible, his power is so terrifying!"

The Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman who presided over the formation felt that they were hit by the sacred mountain, and blood was constantly spitting out from their churning viscera.

"Being able to break through the space blockade with one punch shows that his strength is comparable to that of Nirvana!" Elder Xue Ping's expression froze.

call out--

As a brilliant golden arrow struck, the cracked formation could no longer withstand it and burst into pieces.

Swish swish!
Three figures rushed out of the sky, and the murderous aura that raged out could freeze the world.


The black thunder lightsaber cut open the sky and the earth in an instant, and struck at an unbelievable speed, which contained extremely terrifying and destructive power.

"No, hurry up!"

Elder Xue Ping could no longer be calm, and he exclaimed, urging the Tiangang Divine Thunder in the golden banner to contend with it.

Long Hao and Long Si simultaneously aroused the Divine Runes of Power, and the golden fist seals that they punched seemed to have fallen from the outer universe. The golden fists contained the brilliant power of heaven, which made people horrified, and the sky trembled when they struck.

bang bang bang...

As soon as the two sides came into contact, everyone including Xue Ping and Yun Hongfeng couldn't resist, and they were beaten until they vomited blood.

"Impossible, I don't believe it!" Yun Hongfeng roared angrily, with a hideous expression.

However, the other two were extremely terrified, and looked at Elder Xue Ping tremblingly: "Elder, what should we do now?"

Elder Xue Ping is also full of hair now, Ji Xingkong has gone through the baptism of Tianmen and Hualongchi, and his strength has skyrocketed with the addition of real thunder.

But old slippery is old slippery, at a critical moment, his gaze swept to the void beside him, he gritted his teeth and blasted out a blast of heavenly thunder.

Just when everyone thought Elder Xue Ping was insane and attacked indiscriminately, the void in the distance exploded, and a blood-colored cloud floated out of it, in which two figures vaguely emerged.

"It's the two of them again, they really linger." Ji Xingkong's pupils shrank, and he recognized the two men in blood robes.

The concealment methods of the two of them are quite peculiar, they turned into blood clouds and hid in the void, and they couldn't even detect it with divine sense.

"The two fellow Taoists of the Blood Prison Devil Sect, it's too leisurely to hide behind the scenes. Why don't you join hands with us to capture and kill Long Hao, how about a centimeter of immortal medicine?"

Elder Xue Ping had obviously discovered them a long time ago, but he didn't alarm them in order to swallow the elixir alone. Seeing that the situation was not good at this moment, he thought of joining forces with the two of them.

"The Blood Hell Demon Cult?"

Long Hao glanced at the two blood-robed men differently. This was the first time he had seen a disciple of the Demon Cult. They looked no different from ordinary people, and they were not as monstrous and terrifying as in the legend.

"So that's it. It seems that their concealment method should be—blood flow cloud concealment!"

Although the Demon Emperor Fentian was not born in the Blood Prison Demon Cult, as the leader of the Demon Dao, he still knows a lot about the secrets and unique knowledge of this peerless Great Cult.

Blood Flowing Cloud Concealment is a secret supernatural power of the Blood Hell Devil Sect. It turns into a blood cloud to hide the void, and practitioners of the same realm cannot detect it at all.

The two blood-robed men who appeared at this moment first glanced at Elder Xue Ping in surprise, and then their fiery gazes all turned to Long Si.

A plant of longevity elixir was placed in front of him, and no one was unmoved.

They hid in the void before, and they also saw the method of the dragon's four great powers to devour the incomplete holy artifacts, and they became more greedy.

"You two, are you sure you want to be my enemy?"

Long Hao stood in the void, with the power of water and fire emanating from his body, like yin and yang flowing, his precious appearance was solemn, and there were golden power lines floating between his palms, reflecting him like a young god, with extraordinary momentum.


Ji Xingkong snorted coldly, and evil spirit rose from his body.

Facing Long Hao's gaze that oppressed the void, the faces of the two blood-robed men froze slightly, feeling the tremendous pressure.

"Junior Brother Huo, they are quite powerful, I'm afraid they won't be easy to deal with." The short-haired blood-robed man had deep eyes and said secretly.

"I know, but that blood leaf, I must get it!"

The purple-haired blood-robed man's eyes were like lightning, and he kept staring at the fairy leaf on Long Si's head, never leaving from the beginning to the end, as if he felt the call of the soul.

"Little ghost, what are you looking at, fourth master, am I the one you can covet?" Long Si was annoyed by being stared at, and he scolded coldly with his eyes wide open.


At this time, the eyes of the purple-haired blood-robed man suddenly turned to Long Hao, and said in a threatening tone: "I have no intention of being an enemy with fellow daoist, if fellow daoist is sure to take out that piece of blood-colored fairy leaf, we will leave immediately and swear that we will live together forever." Don't make enemies with fellow daoists..."

"What a big breath!"

Long Hao's face immediately turned cold. He only took a small piece of blood-colored fairy leaf at the critical moment of his breakthrough, and the other party opened his mouth to take a whole piece. Do you really think he is easy to bully?

"Otherwise, die!"

Along the way, Long Hao had many enemies, and he didn't care about having one or two more, but those who dared to threaten him would all end badly.

As soon as these words came out, the gazes of the two blood-robed men suddenly turned cold, and streams of blood-colored light surged over their bodies, blazing like flames, and burned the void.

Elder Xue Ping saw it and sneered in his heart.

"Later, the two of you will hold Ji Xingkong in check. Nephew Yun and I will attack together and kill Long Hao first. In this way, Ji Xingkong will not be able to escape without the means to break the space blockade."

Elder Xue Ping is indeed an old fox who has practiced for many years, and he found the key to the problem at once.

For this arrangement, the other Zixiao True Biography and the silver-robed woman also breathed a sigh of relief, now they have no courage to fight Long Hao anyway, but in their opinion, Ji Xingkong is relatively weak.

But soon they will know that it is just their own opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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