Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 654? Crisis in the Great Yan Kingdom

Chapter 654
After all, Long Hao is a strong man in the Faxiang Realm, and he didn't deliberately restrain his breath at this time, but it suppressed the sky above the capital like a sacred mountain, causing the people in the city to panic.

"It really happened!"

After getting closer, Long Hao discovered that there was a fierce battle outside the capital, and the remaining traces were still very clear.

"Everyone enters the post, activates the Collapsing Mountain Crossbow, and takes aim!"

A large number of well-trained soldiers of the imperial guards acted swiftly and resolutely, and activated the Mountain Collapsing Crossbows, bursting out dazzling auras, aiming at Long Hao in the sky.

The Collapsing Mountain Crossbow is said to be able to shatter mountains with a single arrow. It is extremely powerful and poses a big threat to those who are strong in the Dharma Realm.

"Grandma, you still dare to come, this time I will definitely kill you!"

Suddenly, there was a monstrous roar from the depths of the palace, followed by a fiery wave of fire, like a great sun rising into the sky, with great momentum.

In the boundless red glow, a figure with strong aura rose up in the sky. He was dressed in golden armor and a red robe. He looked heroic, but his face was slightly pale and his aura fluctuated.

"Brother Yanlin!"

Seeing someone coming, Long Hao's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to meet Yan Lin here.

"Junior Brother Long..." After seeing the person who came, Yan Lin was a little astonished.

"Stop it all, that's Master Guoshi, stop it quickly..."

At this time, another female official in the palace rose into the air and gave orders to the imperial guards who were waiting in line.

That female official, womanly appearance, beautiful appearance, is exactly Yan Li, but she is more majestic and heroic than before.


In the palace, Long Hao and Yan Lin sat facing each other, Yan Li respectfully stood aside after dismissing the servants.

"I didn't expect Junior Brother Long to reach the state of Dharma Perfection so quickly. He is truly a genius, and with Junior Brother Long's ability, even a strong man in the Nirvana Realm can handle it?" Yan Lin poured wine for Long Hao. Said with sharp eyes.

After all, Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art is a peerless magic art. As long as there are enough training resources to support it, the speed of practice can be said to be rapid.

During the more than ten days on the road, Long Hao spent a lot of precious pills and spirit stones day and night, and finally evolved a thousand flying dragon veins, reaching the state of great perfection.

"Below the third level of Nirvana, there is definitely no problem. Above the third level, you can only protect yourself." Long Hao said calmly.

Long Hao was not conceited when he said this, he was even a little modest and reserved.

After all, when he was at the sixth level of Faxiang Realm, he had even cut the two major nirvana realms of Zixiao Holy Land, and now his cultivation base has broken through, and his combat power has soared by a large margin.

Hearing this, Yan Lin's eyes lit up, and his brows also relaxed.

"Brother, can you tell me now, what happened here?" Long Hao raised his glass and laughed.

"Originally, I didn't want my brother to go through this muddy water, but now that my brother's cultivation base has improved greatly, my brother is not polite. Just a few days ago, I just came back and caught up with a group of strong men besieging the capital. I fought fiercely with them for three years. Day, I just repelled them, but I was also severely injured..."

According to Yan Lin, the quality of those powerhouses is extremely high, headed by the three Nirvana realms, and there are nearly a hundred Dharma phase realm powerhouses.

Hearing this, Long Hao was also a little surprised. Yan Lin seemed to have just broken through the Nirvana state not long ago, but he was able to repel many powerful enemies alone, which is really rare.

"Three Great Nirvana Realms, why come to attack a secular country?" Long Hao frowned, and suddenly asked: "Could it be someone from Tianlei Sect or Zixiao Holy Land?"

"No." Yan Lin shook his head directly: "The strength of the three major nirvana realms is average, and they are definitely not strong people cultivated by holy places or sects, and should also be secular forces."

"That is most likely someone from the Xu family."

At this time, Yan Li who had been standing aside suddenly spoke, his eyes were full of worry.

"How could the Xu clan attack the capital, Yanque and Huanli?" Long Hao asked.

Yan Li said: "The lord took His Highness Huanli to the Holy Imperial City."

Strictly speaking, the Holy Imperial City is not a city, but a ruins.

According to legend, it was established by the Human Emperor in ancient times, suppressed on the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein, but the sea has changed, and the current Holy Emperor City has long since lost its former glory. The city is dilapidated and the Dragon Vein is cut off.

But the Holy Imperial City still has an irreplaceable meaning in the secular world. It is a symbol and a belief, so no one has rebuilt it after many years.

However, many kings will go to worship after ascending to the throne or creating great achievements.

According to what Yan Li said, the clan of the Xu family has already started a war with the Dayan Kingdom, but the battle situation is not going well, and whenever the battle situation is tense, the country leader Yanque will go to the Holy Imperial City to worship and pray, but this time something happened. A bit of a surprise.

"Not long ago, there was news that the lord and His Highness lost their traces in the Holy Imperial City, and those strong men attacked the capital immediately... So the concubine wants to come, those people are probably the strong men from the Xu clan, I want to take this opportunity to go straight to Huanglong and destroy our Great Yan Kingdom."

"In this way, the disappearance of Yanque and Huanli must have something to do with the Xu clan."

Hearing this, Long Hao's heart also tugged, no matter Yanque or Huanli, they both had an inseparable friendship with him.

At this time, Yan Lin took over the voice and continued: "After I received Yan Li's summons, I rushed over immediately. I wanted to go directly to the Holy Emperor City, but I didn't expect to meet those guys. Although I repelled them, I was also seriously injured."

"Then why don't you ask for help from the Holy Land?"

Yan Lin sighed, and then said: "Junior Brother Long, have you forgotten that the status of my ten holy lands is detached, and I will never allow meddling in disputes in the secular world?"

Although the top ten holy lands are strong and represent the peak power of the Xuanhuang Realm, if they want to pass them on through the ages, they must rely on the huge population base of the secular world to cultivate reserve talents.

If the Ten Great Sacred Lands interfered rashly in the secular world, once the war broke out, people would definitely suffer.

Back then, Du Tian became revenge on Yanlin, or secretly drove Yeyue Kingdom to attack Dayan Kingdom.

Although the Tianlei Sect is ambitious, they are also secretly wooing various forces in the secular world, and they absolutely dare not make it clear.

However, Long Hao and Yan Lin's identities are relatively special. One is the teacher of the country, and the other is the brother of the king. Will manage.

After drinking the wine in his glass, Long Hao got up abruptly, and said sharply, "In this case, let's set off now and go to the Holy Emperor City to find out."

However, Yan Lin stepped forward to stop him and said, "Junior Brother Long, I will go to the Holy Imperial City myself, and you will guard the capital, so I don't have any worries, and I don't want the foundation that Que'er has built to be ruined in one fell swoop." .”

Going to the Holy Imperial City, the crisis is unpredictable, and Yan Lin doesn't want Long Hao to be in danger.

Long Hao also understood this.

"Senior brother, you don't have to say that, as a national teacher, I naturally can't stay out of it, and you don't have to worry about the affairs of the capital. I let Long Si guard here, and I will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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