Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 655 ? The Mountain of History

Chapter 655 The Mountain of History
Although Longsi is currently at the level of the Faxiang Realm, he has mastered many powerful inheritance methods, and has the blessing of powerful divine patterns, which is enough to deal with ordinary Nirvana Realm powerhouses.

Even for some powerful veteran Nirvana Realm, Long Si can protect himself by relying on the body of the immortal root.

Although Yan Lin didn't know about Long Si's details, he still had a lot of trust in Long Hao.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to delay, let's set off immediately!"


The holy imperial city was built by the ancient human emperor to suppress luck.

It is located in the west of Dayan Kingdom, hundreds of thousands of miles away. It used to be the center of Xuanhuang Realm and the birthplace of human sages.

In order to hurry, Long Hao and Yan Lin both flew through the sky at extreme speed.

Crossing a human kingdom, the front gradually enters a primitive wasteland.

The wilderness is vast and boundless. Although the vegetation is sparse and the rivers are narrow... it is not difficult to see that this place was once a paradise.

On the wasteland, there are dry and thick tree roots left behind, which look like hills, and the almost dry river channels form deep canyons. Occasionally, some dilapidated strips of stones and even broken foundations can be seen...

All of this shows the prosperity and strength of the past.

They are witnesses to history.

"Here we are, Qianmian is Guyuan Mountain!"

On the vast wasteland, there are very few steep and tall mountains, and most of them are flat lands. Only Guyuan Mountain, like a prehistoric monster that overwhelms the world, has been standing firm after hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes.

"This mountain..." Long Hao stopped in mid-air, looking ahead, with strange colors flashing across his pupils.

Guyuan Mountain is not towering into the clouds, nor is it precipitous and steep. It looks like an oval mountain, but it is extremely huge. The mountain stretches for hundreds of miles from west to east, like a big dragon crouching here, looking east !

And in the sky above Guyuan Mountain, there is an invisible airflow slowly rotating, like a huge vortex, constantly expanding towards the surroundings.

Although invisible, there is a general trend of suppressing the world, which makes people feel a strong sense of awe.

"It's indeed where the dragon's veins are, and it's very powerful. It's a pity that it was cut off, otherwise it could give birth to a dragon!"

Even though the dragon's veins were chopped off and the earth's energy dissipated, Long Hao could still clearly feel that the extraordinaryness of this place shone in his eyes, piercing through emptiness like a divine chain of order.

The world in front of him suddenly changed.

On that day, the sky collapsed, and a huge dragon descended from the sky, roaring loudly and shaking the heavens.

Daoist divine light spewed out from the mouth of the dragon, and evolved into a sky full of light and rain, and the air of the earth veins rose for a while, forming a majestic figure.

He wears a flat sky crown and a robe of sun, moon and stars, towering above the nine heavens, overlooking the mountains and rivers, grasping the heavens and the earth, and even the laws of heaven revolve around him.
"The Immortal King is coming to the Nine Heavens!"

"A map of mountains and rivers?"

Although the image in front of him was like a flash in the pan, those miraculous visions were deeply imprinted in Long Hao's mind, making him feel an unprecedented shock.

However, the next moment a sudden change occurred.

Invisible rays of light, like the divine chain of order, suddenly pierced his eyes, and the terrifying burning sensation made Long Hao scream, his head almost exploded.

"Junior Brother Long, you..." Yan Lin turned pale with shock, and hurried forward to support the crumbling Long Hao.

It took quite a while before Long Hao gradually calmed down, but he still twitched from time to time.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Long Hao just opened his eyes, and there were two pale golden bloodstains flowing down them, and the burning pain calmed down.

"Junior Brother, how are you?" Yan Lin asked with concern.

Long Hao waved his hands, looked at Guyuan Mountain in front of him, and sighed: "This place is worthy of the rise of the Human Emperor, and there are still miraculous phenomena. It's lamentable and respectable!"

"Junior Brother Long, what are you talking about, this place is barren, there is nothing?" Yan Lin scratched his head, somewhat puzzled.

"Is it just me who saw..."

Long Hao was startled, and suddenly heard that his eyes seemed to have undergone subtle changes when he ascended the gate of heaven, and occasionally he could see the laws of heaven and earth in operation, and the miraculous visions that appeared just now did not blind him. On the contrary, some special things were imprinted on the eyes.

What it is, Long Hao can't say clearly, but he has a feeling somewhere.

"Junior brother might as well adjust his breathing here to recover, I'll go in and check first." Seeing that something was wrong with Long Hao's condition, Yan Lin said with concern.

Long Hao came to his senses, shook his head and said, "No need, I'm fine, let's go in together."

The eruption of the vision just now was a bit weird, but Long Hao was worried about Yanque and Huanli, so he didn't have time to investigate it carefully.

After confirming that Long Hao was safe, Yan Lin nodded and then climbed up Guyuan Mountain.

Different from the surrounding wasteland, Guyuan Mountain is lush and full of trees.

The species of these forest trees are extremely valuable, they are the spiritual species of heaven and earth, some of them have long-term roots, deep leaves, strong aura, and signs of becoming fine, but most of the trees have not yet fully grown.

Moreover, a stone tablet was erected next to each tree, with various ancient characters carved on it.

"Xuan Huang Li, thirty-six thousand one hundred and three years, Li Dingfang of the Dali Kingdom ascended the throne and worshiped the Holy Emperor!"

"Xuanhuang calendar, in the 300 and [-] years, Yu Shuntian of the Great Chu Dynasty swept away the four kingdoms of the Northern Plains and worshiped the Holy Emperor!"

"Xuanhuang calendar, 900, [-] years, Song Gongming, the leader of the Song family, pray for the protection of the emperor!"


"These are all left by various dynasties and aristocratic families, worshiping and praying for blessings!"

Looking at the mountains and trees, Long Hao was shocked, how many people must come here to worship?

And so many spiritual species of heaven and earth, if they are all fully grown, they can naturally build an incomparably huge spiritual array, and re-evolve this mountain and river into a blessed land of cave heaven. May continue the dragon vein.

"Every time Que'er comes to worship and pray, he will also plant a spiritual tree, which can be regarded as a kind of sustenance." Yan Lin said with deep eyes.

"That's right, among all things in the world, the seemingly fragile vegetation elves actually have the longest life span, which is the imprint of their life." Long Hao sighed, and after finishing his business, he also planted a plant.

It is quite meaningful to leave a trace in this world to prove that he once fought here.

"Xuanhuang calendar, ninety-nine thousand and four hundred years, Tianfeng Kingdom Feng Ling'an ascended the throne, worshiping the Holy Emperor!"

"It has been nearly 10 years since the ancient times. It's not easy, it's not easy!"

There are historical gaps in the ancient and ancient times of the Xuanhuang Realm, which are difficult to verify. Therefore, the current calendar of the Xuanhuang Realm all starts from the ancient times, and the inheritance is not so long.

And this ancient source mountain is a holy mountain that has witnessed history, and it is a common holy place in the hearts of all human beings in the Xuanhuang Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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