Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 666? Fluctuating Light——Long Hao

Chapter 666 Fluctuating Light - Long Hao

"Overestimate one's strength, let's go together and kill him!"

The man in black armor was anxious to the extreme, he didn't want to delay any longer, his eyes turned wide, and he was ready to gather his hands to attack and kill Yan Lin quickly.


However, suddenly a strong shock wave swept across all corners of the world, with a terrifying power of divine punishment in its ferocious vigor, and scattered the powerful members of the Xu clan.

When they stabilized their figures and turned their heads to look at them, their faces suddenly turned pale.

After only a stalemate for a while, the bronze war spear exploded and split into starlight all over the sky. Every starlight contained the coldest murderous aura, as if it wanted to cut this world into countless pieces.

The sword light finally fell smoothly, splitting the world into two, and the terrifying force of heavenly punishment permeated the golden armored war spirit with thousands of heavy blows, before finally bursting into pieces.

The golden armored giant completely collapsed, and was disillusioned like a star under Long Hao's strong attack and suppression.

The God's Punishment Sword is, after all, a peerless artifact controlled by the ancient Heavenly Emperor. It possesses endless divine power. Although Long Hao barely uses the power of Heaven's Punishment to activate it, the divine power that erupts can still suppress the sky and destroy the earth. It is so terrifying that even the ancient war spirits None can resist.

Where God punishes, everything will perish!

At the same time, Long Hao has dug out the dragon marrow of the earth's veins, and is striding forward with his sword. The strong murderous intent permeates the sky and the earth, freezing the void, it is even more murderous than the god of death.

"He... actually suppressed that killing god?"

There was a lot of turmoil in front of the sky, and the god of death was pressing behind, and the strong members of the Xu family were desperate.

"Before we hid so deeply, did you look down on us?" The black-armored man's eyes were bloodshot, and he regretted that if he left during the fierce battle between the two sides, he might still be able to escape.

Several other Nirvana Realm powerhouses were also angry and terrified. They were also famous town powerhouses in the secular world, but at this time they were humiliated and shrouded in the shadow of Death.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?"

Holding the God's Punishment Sword in his hand, Long Hao strode forward, and the seven flying swords revolved around him, wreaking havoc with a peerless murderous aura.

"But you managed to piss me off!"

Long Hao is not a descendant of the Emperor of Heaven, and it is very tiring to forcefully activate the God's Punishment Sword. Moreover, this is his big hole card, and he will definitely not use it until the critical moment.

But once the divine sword is unsheathed, the blood will be splashed for thousands of miles!
The hurricane roared in, and the sky and the earth suddenly dimmed, leaving only a bright sword light and a cold killing intent.


The red-robed old man, whose liver and gallbladder had already been torn apart, just turned around and was about to run away, but was caught up by Long Hao in one step. He raised his sword and dropped it, and his head fell to the ground. He didn't even have the ability or courage to resist.

"Ghost, devil, he's a devil!"

"I want to go home, escape!"

Looking at Long Hao, whose white robe was stained with blood, and whose expression was as cold as a murderous god descending, the hearts of those Xu's children completely collapsed, and they ran away screaming one by one.

"Hmph, leave them all behind!"

There was a loud shout, and billowing divine flames swept across the sky.

Yan Lin seemed to be transformed into a divine bird, rolling billowing divine flames and attacking from the front. Those disciples of the Xu family who were in the Dharma Realm had no time to scream, and turned into flying ash under the billowing divine flames.


The divine sword slashed down the sky again, smashing a treasure bell, and two corpses fell into the void.

The Nirvana-level powerhouse defended with all his strength, but he couldn't resist the power of Long Hao's sword.

The sword is in hand, I have it in the world!
The reason why Long Hao was able to destroy the dead and destroy the ancient war spirit just now is the God's Punishment Sword.

Of course, now that he has attained great consummation, possesses a tyrannical treasure body, and wields the power of divine punishment, he can suppress even the elite Nirvana state cultivators cultivated in the Holy Land, not to mention these secular second-rate strongmen who are seriously injured and frightened. By?
"If you want me to die, I will never let you live!"

Under the tremendous pressure, the strong man from the Xu family in the yellow robe suddenly burst into a hysterical roar. He ignited his mana, his aura surged, and he rushed towards Long Hao with a frantic expression. Zhou Tian's power frantically gathered, becoming The fury reached the extreme.

Obviously, he wanted to explode his golden core and die with Long Hao.

Long Hao's gaze was very cold, he ignored the other party's madness, and when he slapped his big hand, a domineering space power exploded, covering him instantly.

Supernatural powers - space ban!
At the same time, a gleaming silver flying sword came from the sky, piercing directly between his eyebrows.

In the blink of an eye, Long Hao killed three Nirvana-level powerhouses, and only the man in black armor was left on the scene.

He was also severely injured by the ancient war spirit before, and now he was also frightened out of his wits, unable to contend with Long Hao at all.

"You... you killed us, even if you are with our family members of the Xu clan, no matter where the world is, the ancestors of our family will never let you go, and you will definitely die!"

The fear in the man's heart spread like a tide, he pointed at Long Hao's hand, trembling violently, and roared with a ferocious expression.

"The Xu clan?"

Long Hao sneered, without slowing down his pace, looking down at the man in black armor, like a high god, his eyes were full of contempt: "This kind of second-rate power in the secular world can be wiped out with a wave, and dare to threaten me?"

Feeling Long Hao's confident and domineering voice, the man in black armor was shocked again. He felt that what he was facing was not a disciple of the Holy Land junior, but a terrifying and monstrous prehistoric beast.

"You, who are you?" The voice of the black-armored man with despairing eyes trembled. He couldn't figure out why a strong man in the realm of magic had such incredible fighting power, forcing him into the world step by step. deadly.

And Long Hao didn't pretend, and decided to let him be a fool, so he said in a cold voice: "Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Long Hao!"

"Long Hao?"

The man in black armor shrank his pupils, and his expression became even more terrified: "You, you are the disciple of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven, the Long Hao who is wanted by Tianlei Sect and Zixiao Holy Land?"

At this moment, the man in black armor finally understood why the opponent was so powerful and confident.

Even if Long Hao dared to confront the hegemons of Tianlei Sect and Zixiao Holy Land, why should he be afraid of their family members of the Xu family?

"Okay, what a Long Hao!"

After taking a deep breath, the black-armored man suddenly burst into a ferocious laugh: "The choice of the ancestor is right, if you don't fight hard, you will be crushed to death by your so-called holy places sooner or later, come on, do it!" Well, after my death, the ancestors will not let you go, you and the entire people in the Shaking Light Holy Land will also have to be buried with me, haha..."

After the black-armored man said some inexplicable words, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. He was no longer afraid of death, and even threatened to have the entire Yaoguang Holy Land buried with him. He didn't know where he got his confidence.

But Long Hao wouldn't talk too much nonsense with this crazy person, he took a step forward, and the God's Punishment Sword swept past him, completely finishing him off.

At the same time, all the descendants of the Xu family who fled were beheaded by Yan Lin.

At this point, the Xu family's strong army was wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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