Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 667 The arrival of Xu's ancestor

Chapter 667
The murderous aura in Yan Lin's eyes slowly dissipated after finishing off those strong men from the Xu clan. After he cleaned up the battlefield, he found that Long Hao was standing motionless in place with his brows furrowed. He couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"What does it mean that you want me to be buried with the Holy Land? Are you really crazy, or do you have other plans?"

The head of the man in black armor was cut off, but his pupils were still wide open, with resentment in his ferociousness.

"Hmph, don't say that he is a family member of the Xu family. Even if the combined forces of thousands of families are combined, he is not my opponent in Shaking Light Holy Land..." Yan Lin shook his head and smiled, not paying attention at all: "In the face of death, some people always I will curse indiscriminately, don't worry about it."

Yan Lin said that Long Hao knew everything, but he was always a little uneasy.

"Forget it, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the ancestor of the Xu family leads a large number of strong people to come here again, there will be troubles in life."

Shaking his head, Long Hao looted all the treasures and golden cores from the black-armored man and the others, and burned the corpses directly.

"Huanli, the threat has been eliminated, and the phantom array can be untied."

Before Long Hao finished speaking, the ancient ruins below were suddenly distorted, and the original large ruins disappeared, replaced by temples standing in a piece of yellow sand.

The temple is not very big, but its shape is simple and magnificent. Although the roof collapsed and the walls were cracked, it is still well preserved.

On the open space with thousands of faces, there are corpses on display, wrapped in white cloth.

These are the guards recruited by Yanque, all of them are in the Faxiang Realm, but it is difficult to resist the attack of the man in black armor and others. If Long Hao and Yan Lin did not arrive in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

And in front of the temple gate, there stood a little girl in black on the left and on the right, with two ponytails. She looked pure and lovely, like a pair of twins.

"Why... there are two magic glass?"

While Yan Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he was quite surprised.

The two little girls in front of them have the same body and appearance, but their temperament is slightly different.

"I didn't expect to succeed in cultivation so quickly, and even sacrificed an incarnation. It is said that the aptitude of the Illusory Demon family is extremely high, and it is true!"

Long Hao once passed on to Huanli an ancient magic scripture of the Six Paths, which is extremely powerful and mysterious, even Emperor Fentian likes it quite a bit, but unfortunately it is only a fragment.

The Sutra of the Six Paths of Ancient Demons is said to be able to sacrifice the incarnations of the six ancient demons, possess the magical power to reverse the world and reopen the six paths of reincarnation. Huanli has already consecrated an incarnation, and it is obvious that he has already started.


After dispelling the phantom array, the magic seal in Huanli's hand changed, another Huanli with an indifferent expression suddenly became illusory, and finally merged with Huanli's real body.

"What a wonderful technique, powerful, powerful!"

Yan Lin couldn't help nodding his head in admiration, if it wasn't for Long Hao's reminder, it would be really difficult for him to distinguish the incarnation from the real body.

"Brother Hao!"

The little girl ran over cheerfully and hugged Long Hao enthusiastically, her pink face was full of kind smiles.

Her ethnic group was destroyed, and she was wandering all over the world alone, and she had long regarded Long Hao as her relative.

"By the way, why didn't Xiao Miao come?"

In Long Hao's eyes, Huanli was just like his own sister, he patted his head dotingly, and said with a smile: "I asked him to stay and look after the house."

A hint of disappointment flashed across Huanli's eyes, but he soon showed a sly smile and said, "I haven't seen you for a few years, Xiao Miao must have gained weight again, I really want to hug him again."

"That guy eats and sleeps all day long. It's no wonder he's not fat, but don't worry, we'll see you soon."


Yanlin on the side curled his lips sourly. Although he didn't want to disturb the joy of the reunion of the brothers and sisters, he was also worried about his sister, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Where is Que'er, how is she doing now?"

"Brother Lin, don't worry, my sister is safe in the underground palace in the temple..." As she spoke, she leaned forward and said to Yan Lin mysteriously: "And let me tell you, my sister has made a fortune this time." , just now I felt that her aura has strengthened a lot..."

The Holy Imperial City is favored by heaven, and it is full of mystery and extraordinary. If Yanque can get the inheritance left by the ancient strong man, it will indeed be a great fortune.

"Forget it, I'll go in and have a look."

After waiting for quite a while, he didn't see Flame Sparrow coming out, so it was inevitable to be worried.

However, just as he approached the temple gate, a golden light curtain appeared and bounced him back.

"How could this be?"

Yan Lin was caught off guard, and was directly knocked to the ground, his eyes were filled with surprise, even with his strength, it was hard to parry.

"Huh?" At this time, Long Hao's eyes once again had a miraculous mist, and he was surprised to find that there were countless mysterious inscriptions on the light curtain, like flowers, birds, fish and insects, mountains and rivers, outlining a picture. Mysterious image.

In particular, it is filled with a profound, majestic and noble royal aura, which cannot be shaken.

"It seems that this temple is very extraordinary, and the inheritance obtained by the Flame Sparrow must be of no small importance."

And just when Long Hao was admiring and wanted to investigate carefully, Huanli suddenly tugged at the corner of his clothes, and said with worried eyes: "Brother Hao, someone is here again, and... very strong!"

Following the direction of Huanli's finger, Long Hao also sensed a powerful and incomparable aura that was approaching extremely quickly.

What shocked him was that the general situation of the surrounding world had completely changed, crushing it like an overwhelming mountain, bringing him tremendous pressure.

"The king's momentum!"

Yan Lin suddenly jumped up from the ground, looked at Yuan Kong, his face extremely serious.

"Could it be the ancestor of the Xu family?"

Looking at the bright green lights shining in the distant sky, covering the void like magic lines, Long Hao was also quite surprised: "It came so fast?"

Being blocked by a king, with their cultivation strength, it is impossible to leave even now.

At this moment, lightning flashed in the void, destroying a large void in front of it, and a billowing green aurora spread, exuding a gloomy and evil aura.

The next moment, a thin old man in a black robe suddenly appeared and walked out of the shattered void, causing the void to tremble slightly.

"Unexpectedly, there is a king-level master hidden among the Xu clan. Now we are in big trouble."

Yan Lin took a deep breath, a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

He had also investigated the family of the Xu family before, and thought that only the strong in the nirvana state were in charge, and there was no existence of the king state at all.

But at this moment, the old man who appeared in sight controlled the will of the world and was incomparably coercive. Standing there, he had an invincible aura as if the world was under his feet.

This is a real King Realm powerhouse!
(End of this chapter)

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