Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 673? Slaying the King

Chapter 673 Killing the King

"It's not dead yet!"

Long Hao was a little surprised, the power suppressed by the Tianbei just now was definitely at the level of a king, unparalleled.

"Huan Li is right. The demon body of the Demon Yaksha family is indeed solid and solid, and only the soul is the weak point."

This time, if it wasn't for Yanque's attack, it would have been really difficult for Long Hao to break through the defense of Xu's ancestor's demon body.

But now, Xu's ancestor's soul was severely wounded, his demon body collapsed, and his shriveled body was almost like rotten wood, which was already exhausted.

"The junior is so brave, let's wait and see!"

The ancestor of the Xu family, who had been severely injured, also felt the shadow of death approaching, and did not dare to stay any longer. After leaving a harsh word, he fled away into the air.

It has to be said that there is no easy-going generation among the strong men in the King Realm, and the speed is as fast as lightning, tearing through the void, making Long Hao unable to react.

But at the same time, the ground ahead suddenly cracked.


Brilliant beams of light rose from the ground one by one, combined with the sky, and reflected the earth, forming a huge magic circle, which caused the dragon veins to surge up, and a majestic figure appeared in front of the ancestor Xu.


The cold wind howled, and an unparalleled sharp edge cut open the sky and the earth, almost cutting the panic-stricken Patriarch Xu in half.

The ancestor of the Xu family narrowly escaped the vital point, but still broke an arm, and his eyes became terrified.

In front of him, a giant wearing golden armor and holding a spear stood like a door god, exuding a general trend of suppressing the universe, completely blocking his way.

The fierce murderous aura blowing towards his face made Xu's ancestor's soul tremble, as if he was facing a killing god.

"The golden armored war spirit?"

Long Hao, who came after him, was extremely surprised.

The golden-armored war spirit who had been suppressed by him with all his strength just now has condensed again, and it is even stronger than before, and its power is comparable to that of a king.

"It seems that the Flame Sparrow really got the inheritance of the Emperor, and can even drive the war spirits guarding the dragon's veins."

At this time, the ancestor of the Xu family was even more shocked. He witnessed what happened just now, and he never imagined that the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein, which had been cut off for endless years, would actually recover. This would be a revolution for the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

Unfortunately, he could not see that day coming.

"Since you found out, I will absolutely keep you!"

Long Hao, who came in the form of a swimming dragon, had murderous intent in his eyes, and activated the mighty power of the God's Punishment Sword, directly piercing the back of Xu's ancestor's head.

"Do not--"

Xu's ancestor roared in horror.

But it's a pity that he, who has been severely injured one after another, can't even use the power of the magic phase, so how can he stop Long Hao's peerless killing.

With a turn of the sword light, the violent power of heaven's punishment burst out, blasting the ancestor of the Xu family into flying ash, destroying both body and spirit.

In order to keep this secret, Long Hao made a ruthless move, completely cutting off the other party's chance of being reincarnated.

After accepting the golden pill and the storage bag from the ancestor of the Xu family, Long Hao found that the golden-armored battle spirit standing in front of him had no intention of attacking him, and was now under control.

Thinking about it now, although Long Hao tried his best to kill him just now, he didn't regroup immediately, obviously because of Yanque's relationship.

"Junior Brother Long, don't bother cleaning the battlefield, how about saving your senior brother first?"

A weak voice came, with a trace of complaint in its tone.

Looking back, Long Hao couldn't help showing a smile.

Yan Lin took the initiative to ask Ying to block the king's blow, which is indeed a way to save his life, but at the moment he is lying in the collapsed ground, dripping with blood, and he has no strength to move, so he is in a mess.

But anyway, he managed to save his life.

After carrying it out, Long Hao smiled and said, "How is it?"

"Ahem, I can't die..." Leaning against the low wall, Yan Lin couldn't help laughing wryly: "The King Realm is really terrifying, even if I use the secret method forcibly, I still can't bear it."

Long Hao took out a few treasure pills and fed them to him, while pouring in mana to help him refine them, he found that although Yan Lin's injuries were serious, but did not hurt the foundation, he was relieved.

However, the value of Yan Lin's desperate blow is undoubtedly huge.

Not only helped Long Hao and Yanque kill the ancestor of the Xu family, but also saved Long Hao a sword pill.

A sword pill containing [-]% of the power of a sword saint can kill a saint. It would be too wasteful to use it on a king.

At this time, Huanli also came over, the panic on her little face had disappeared, and a trace of revenge flashed in the depths of her eyes.

"What is the origin of this Demon Yaksha clan?"

Long Hao was very curious, what drove this innocent little girl to such an extent.

"The Demon Yaksha family was originally a subsidiary of my Illusory Demon family, because their souls are inherently weak, and they were restrained by my Illusory Demon family. However, this family has great ambitions and has always hoped to make up for the weakness of the soul and get rid of my family's control. , and finally rebelled under the instigation of other ethnic groups..."

Speaking of this, Huanli looked extremely lonely.

The demon world where the abyssal demons are located has been expanding outwards and fighting year after year. As one of the highest races in the demon world, the phantom demons naturally have to contribute.

However, the reproduction speed of the Illusory Demon Clan is extremely slow, the clan members are scarce, and many people died in the battle. This makes the Illusory Heart Demon Clan's inheritance almost cut off, so they withdrew from the war and prepared to recuperate.

It was also because of this that some groups that were hostile to it were slandered and attacked, and eventually destroyed, leaving only Huanli wandering around the world.

This is the first time Huanli confides his heart, and Long Hao and Yan Lin are silent for a while.

"It's really ruthless. If you don't want to fight, you will be wiped out. You are really a demon, and you won't even let your own people go." Yan Lin was indignant.

The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit!

The nature of any creature or a group of people is selfish. The only difference is that some people or groups will restrain themselves, while others will only get worse.

Speaking of it, the Xuanhuang Realm also often expands outwards, competing for resources and territory, and internal struggles are also intensifying. However, compared with the strict iron-blooded law of the Demon Realm, it is much more peaceful. At least there are principles and bottom lines.

This is the orthodox inheritance of Emperor Xuanhuang and countless ancient sages.

Long Hao didn't sigh, he was already bearish on these things.

All he has to do is to protect himself and his relatives and friends in this world of the jungle.

"By the way, why hasn't Que'er left the customs yet?"

After being silent for a while, Yan Lin looked at the dilapidated Shenghuang Temple in the distance, feeling a little worried.

"She forcibly mobilized the power of the dragon vein just now, and suffered a soul attack. It is inevitable that she needs to adjust her breath to recover."

Patting Yan Lin's shoulder, Long Hao said calmly: "It's just right, we should also take a rest."

After getting the dragon marrow of the earth veins, Long Hao couldn't wait to break through the nirvana state.

(End of this chapter)

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